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York U: Flower Power, Pray for Peace!

Well, I sure hope a moral and righteous corporation like KBR/Halliburton, Exxon or Colt gets the CF spot at the Career fair...  ::)

Hopefully that will appease the president of the Student Union "Omari"  ;)

Fifth columnist subversion anyone?
Piss in the waterfall anyways. Not going to make a difference but it still feels good ;)
Any of you flower power guys want a coloured snowcone? My friend Tom helped me make it.....
It is unfortunate that these people are in a place of higher learning and cannot understand the concept that each has a right to exist and co-exist.  Even if the basic political beliefs are different.  I would not hesitate to guess that the leaders of these student groups are here in Canada on a student visa, and at the end of their studies they will "skip" as it were and become lost in a system, that we defend and they take advantage of. :cdn:
"Any of you flower power guys want a coloured snowcone? My friend Tom helped me make it....."

- Not Me! My hands were in my pockets the whole time! I was ten feet away!

"... on a student visa, and at the end of their studies they will "skip" as it were and become lost in a system, that we defend and they take advantage of."

- Which they then want to change to mirror the country they left in the first place.  God help us.

One thing which should be pointed out is the fact that the University and the students are rtecipients of abundent amounts of Federal money. DND is simply another arm of the Federal government, so perhaps we should take a "One for all and all for one attitude": If they don't want one representative of the Federal Government on campus, then "ALL" federal representation (including the money) goes as well.

Since these "Flower Children" get their educations subsidized to something like 60% from tax dollars, they can have their opinions if they are willing to pay for them in cold cash. I am willing to bet a very great deal you won't find many takers. They will talk the talk, but will they walk the walk?
Of course, we could absolve the feds of any funding for that university with very little problem at all!

Simply tell them that the money that supports their school is derived from the clear cutting of BC forests to build ski hills, and filthy, stinking petroleum revenue from Alberta.

They would cut themselves off the federal money in a fit of moral outrage, and their traitorous insititution would raise tuition to cover it. It would then wither and die as they succumbed to market forces and went elsewhere!  :)

More York University comments:

How I learned to stop worrying and love the YFS       
Written by Francois Villeneuve - Technology Editor   
Wednesday, 16 November 2005 

Many people have weighted in recently about the students who chased the Canadian military off campus. There have been a few demagogic sleight of hands that I want to comment about, and then I want to say why I changed my opinion on the whole matter.

One of the arguments that one person used was, roughly: How dare they criticize the people that defended democracy during WWII? Past performance of an organization, of course, is the only barometer of their current performance. Just like the Republican Party of America under Abraham Lincoln, that led the United States into civil war against slavery in the south; today, you would think that the Republican Party would be the party most friendly to African-Americans, right? Thought so.

Another argument brought forward is that the YFS councillors represent all York students, and therefore should be "apolitical", and not show any "bias". I am always amazed by these conservative politicians who ask other politicians not to engage in politics. YFS councillors and executives ran in a political election against other candidates and won. Of course they don't represent the opinion of every single student on campus. That's a fact of democracy. You can show your disagreement with them, but you should not attack them for exercising their right to free speech, whether they represent their elected constituency or not, Mr. Hummel.

While I do not agree with these criticisms, I agreed with these writers: I did not think that the Canadian Military should be chased off campus by students. The military is, after all, only doing what politicians are telling it to do. The people we should protest against really are the Liberals sitting in the House of Commons. Furthermore, the Canadian Forces are mostly involved in UN-sponsored "Blue Helmet" do-good missions, right?

Oh, could I not have been more wrong.

I was just reading the CCPA Monitor, an Ottawa-based publication, in which I found startling numbers. In 1992-93, participation in UN missions accounted for 92.7 per cent of Canadian Military spending. So far, so good. But by 2004-05, before the Liberal/NDP budget, the percentage of our military spending towards Blue Helmet missions went down to 0.3 per cent.

Holy shit. What happened to my Canada, the very creator of the concept of Blue Helmet missions?

Our "peaceful" and beloved country, from Brian Mulroney to Paul Martin, has increasingly moved our military to integrate with the United States. Sure, Ti-Jean did not send us into Iraq, but he sent the largest contingent of soldiers to Afghanistan, thus freeing U.S. soldiers to go fight that other war while we were mopping up after the U.S.'s "Bomb first, ask about reconstruction later" policy.

Since then, our federal government has ushered in the largest increase in military spending since WWII. According to the Monitor, we will be spending more money on our military than at any time during the Cold War. That was a global conflict in which the maximum threat was a total thermonuclear meltdown, the End of Life On Earth As We Know It.

Terrorism is not good, but for God's sake (get it?), this is a much smaller problem. Let's spend that budget increase on social programs instead of broken submarines, and please, kick the military off my campus.

Friends don't let friends fight on behalf of the United States.


The CCPA Monitor he quotes is the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives...hardly an unbiased viewpoint.

the Canadian Forces are mostly involved in UN-sponsored "Blue Helmet" do-good missions, right?

Apparently, higher education today does not involve watching the news...

After making one good point (the point about the military not deciding its missions), he goes on to shoot himself in the foot...

Then again, I tend not to pay much attention to the Starbucks junior revolutionary set.   :boring:
"Then again, I tend not to pay much attention to the Starbucks junior revolutionary set." -TR

Yup.  I am fitting more and more into the electric wheelchair to Timmies to read the Edmonton Sun.

Throat-punch, throat-punch, throat-punch, throat-punch, throat-pu...

Evidently one doesn't really learn anything usefull at university after all...Seems like an awful lot of money to spend on being force-fed socialist crap from a bunch of 60 year old bearded hippies who pine for the old days.

...And then there's the student union...
What an idiot - as someone pointed out he quite effectively shot himself in the proverbial foot. As it is, the squeaky wheel gets the oil and such idiots are not, in my experience, the majority at university. My membership in the Canadian Forces has always evoked curiousity, more than anything else, from fellow students and I'm at Concordia, so I would imagine such sentiments are more common at less political universities.

Let the stereotypical "screw the system" hippie idiots keep spewing their tripe. Just comfort yourselves in the knowledge that they, too, will die one day.

Evidently one doesn't really learn anything usefull at university after all...Seems like an awful lot of money to spend on being force-fed socialist crap from a bunch of 60 year old bearded hippies who pine for the old days.

I wouldn't take this as a measure of university's utility or primary function. We shouldn't be throwing out the baby with the bathwater, so to speak. There will always be idiots in all areas of society but that shouldn't be taken as the sole measure of the area's quality, utility, or composition.
In defence of anti-imperialist action       
Written by Saeed Osman - Contributor   
Wednesday, 16 November 2005 

It has come to my attention that Mr. Ahmad Habib and the name of the York Federation of Students (YFS) has come under scrutiny for its role in forcing the Canadian military off campus.

I would first like to address the reasons why students, such as Mr. Habib, would want the military off our campus.

First, this is the same military which is taking part in training Haitian police in the occupation in Haiti. This is the same military that trains soldiers here in Canada and even in America, which lead them to the dehumanizing of humans in places like Abu Ghraib. These are also the same Canadian soldiers that are helping in the occupation of Afghanistan.

Noting the above, I was in dismay when reading last week's opinions section of Excalibur, in regards to the Canadian military being forced off campus.

Mr. Daniel Randles's opinions piece, "YFS will never be my mother", states that, "a summer job in the army reserves can cover school expenses for a whole year." Are we saying that being a part of occupation and killing innocent people in Afghanistan, Iraq and Haiti is worth $6,000? I ask you to forget the monetary value in the army reserves but to remember the humanitarian ones that it dismisses.

The second opinion that caught my attention was Noah Zatzman's article, "Shame on union". Mr. Zatzman makes the point that, "the men and women [of the Canadian armed forces] . . . put their lives on the line to protect our rights and freedoms." Did Mr. Zatzman forget about the rights of the people being occupied? Are they not just as equal as we are? Or do they not have a say, since they are the occupied rather than the occupier?

However, it was Mr. Adam Hummel's piece titled, "The role of an elected leader" which made me write this opinion piece.

Mr. Hummel, I would like to clarify that Mr. Habib never held a sign that said "Israel out of York University". It was a sign reading, "Israel out of Gaza, Jerusalem and the West Bank". As to the issue of Mr. Habib upsetting and offending members of the student body, were it not these same people yelling and screaming at Mr. Habib while his speech went on? Were it not these same people making gestures to one of the speakers in the "four years of U.S. occupation of Afghanistan rally"?

I ask you to ignore the propaganda being opposed by others and join students in forcing the military off campus, for the sake of the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti and all the other occupied countries in the world.

Another one.  I missed it during the first go around.
oh, well. I will still continue to do everything in my power to train for, fight for, and die for, dumbasses like this to continue to spew their canine excrement any time they so choose.
And bask in the warm glow that my smugness gives me for doing it.  ;)
I win. ;D
I ask you to ignore the propaganda being opposed by others and join students in forcing the military off campus, for the sake of the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti and all the other occupied countries in the world

No doubt the Taliban just love this guy...If they're not already bankrolling the POS.
Glorified Ape said:
As it is, the squeaky wheel gets the oil and such idiots are not, in my experience, the majority at university. My membership in the Canadian Forces has always evoked curiousity, more than anything else, from fellow students

Myself as well, and I go to U of T.  :-[

It is, however, quite amusing to sit through political science tutorials and listen to people speechify about things they know little about. Case in point: the other day we were discussing how the world has changed after 9/11, and someone eloquently mentioned how the United States has increased security, but Canada hasn't had to, because we are peaceful and would never fight anyone. Took a while for me to stop giggling to myself.