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Your daily 'thing to be afraid of'

Thucydides said:
Keaton always said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him."

Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze.

One of the best movies I've ever seen.

Colin P said:
When I was doing some geophysics with my brother in Venezuela, I wore a condom for that very reason as we were wading through water quite a bit.

You know I wore a condom in a lot in Venezuela too, but for an entirely different reason.  8)
Maybe I can speak for some of me fellow recruits and say that most of us are afraid of failure. 

Colin P said:
One of the major exports of the country is;


Which reminds me of another good 'Daily Thing to be Afraid of':  ;D

Men with broken condoms: who and why?

Crosby RA, Yarber WL, Sanders SA, Graham CA, McBride K, Milhausen RR, Arno JN.


College of Public Health, University of Kentucky, 121 Washington Avenue, Room 111C, Lexington, KY 40506-0003, USA. crosby@uky.edu



To identify (1) the prevalence of condom breakage, and demographic and sexuality-related differences among young men who have sex with women reporting and not reporting this event; (2) condom-specific behaviours associated with breakage.


Young men (n = 278) attending a clinic for treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) responded to an anonymous questionnaire aided by a CD recording of the questions. The samples were screened to include only men who had used a condom during penile-vaginal sex at least three times in the past 3 months. Condom-specific behaviours (including breakage) were assessed using these last three acts of condom use as the recall period. Correlates achieving bivariate significance were subjected to multivariate analysis.


Nearly one third (31.3%) of the men reported recent breakage. The breakage rate was 15%. Three correlates significantly distinguished between men who did and did not report breakage. Men who had past STIs were more likely to report breakage (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 2.08), as were men who also reported condom slippage (AOR 2.72). Less self-efficacy for correct condom use was also significantly associated with breakage (AOR 1.07). Further, three condom-specific behaviours were significantly associated with breakage: allowing condoms to contact sharp objects (AOR 2.6), experiencing problems with the "fit or feel" of condoms (AOR 2.3) and not squeezing air from the receptacle tip (AOR 2.0).


Breakage may be common and may occur in a larger context of difficulties with condoms. STI clinics could potentially benefit some men by providing instructions on the correct use of condoms.

I suffered a breakage with a cute Chinese girl, who's parents would not approve of her mingling with a white boy. thankfully my family doctor whom we called at an odd hour gave us some useful advice to help minimize any unplanned future events.  8)
A real "fatberg" ... :blotto:


15-ton ball of fat removed from London sewer

LONDON (AFP) – A 15-ton ball of congealed fat -- dubbed Britain's biggest ever "fatberg" -- was removed from a London sewer after a 10-day operation following complaints from local residents that their toilets would not flush.

The monstrous lump of festering food fat mixed with wet wipes -- the size of a bus -- formed in drains under a major road in Kingston, southwest London, utility firm Thames Water said Tuesday.

Had it not been removed, the deposit could have led to sewage flooding homes, streets and businesses in the leafy London suburb
, Thames Water said.

"While we've removed greater volumes of fat from under central London in the past, we've never seen a single, congealed lump of lard this big clogging our sewers before," Gordon Hailwood, waste contracts supervisor for the company, said in a statement.

"Given we've got the biggest sewers and this is the biggest 'fatberg' we've encountered, we reckon it has to be the biggest such berg in British history."

(Read more at Fox News)
Fear this:


Giant.  Flesh melting.  Killer Wasps.

Google the image for Japanese wasp as well and feel the horror.
Crantor said:
Fear this:


Giant.  Flesh melting.  Killer Wasps.

Google the image for Japanese wasp as well and feel the horror.

MOTHER FU........

I googled. I scared.
Crantor said:
Fear this:


Giant.  Flesh melting.  Killer Wasps.

You mean like Sarah Palin?  ;D
Enter the food chain....

Winnipeg man thwarts polar bear attack with cell phone

Garett Kolsun is grateful to be alive today after his encounter with a polar bear in Churchill Saturday. The Winnipeg man went to Churchill two weeks ago for his job. It was his first time in the northern town.

Kolsun was walking to where he was staying at around 1:30 Saturday morning, when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

"As I looked over, I could see a polar bear charging me. It was running full tilt torwards me," he said Monday, his voice still raspy from yelling. "So I turned to try to run to find someplace safe to go. But where I was there was no place to really go."

Kolsun said it was an industrial area, with mainly businesses, and no homes.

"So I turned on the bear and it just kept charging. It came up closer and I started yelling and screaming and trying to raise my arms up to keep the bear away from me as best I could," he said. "I kept running in circles and backwards and yelling, hollering for help and everything else."

He ran up to a bakery, and tried kicking open the front door.

"At that point the bear was basically right on top of me," he said. "I was yelling and screaming, trying to keep it away from me. Throughout all this it had swatted at me a few times and it had bit me."

Kolsun said he was desperate.

"So I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket, turned it on and the screen lit up," he said. "I turned it towards the bear, put it in his face and it stepped back."

It turned the tide.

"When it stepped back, luckliy it knocked over a planter. It startled the bear and it turned its head. So when it did, I just ran."

He finally found a house with some lights on outside, and someone home.

He said he doesn't even know who they were. "I was just happy to see some people," he said.

Kolsun called a cab and got checked out at the local hospital.

He said he has two puncture wounds on his hip where the bear's teeth went through his jacket and pants. And it tore his shirt.

"It pawed at me," he said. "It ripped my shirt a few times... I have scratches on my chest, some going down and a couple going sideways."

Kolsun said he's doing fine, a remarkable feat after coming eye to eye with the animal, which he guesses weighed 150 kg.

He downplays the accomplishment, though.

"I'm just a lucky guy who got away from a bear," he said.

His advice on handling polar bear encounters?

"When you're in Churchill, take a cab," he laughed. "Or drive. Don't walk after dark."

Manitoba Conservation said Monday the bear was caught on Saturday and is being assessed.

A government spokesperson seconded Kolsun's advice.

The bears are more active at this time of year, before the ice freezes, she said.

Among the precautions people should take - avoiding walking alone and drive or walk with a group of people.

And do not go out after dark, when polar bears are out.

Giant hornets kill 42 in China

Swarms of giant hornets have killed 42 people and injured 1,640 in China's northwestern province of Shaanxi in recent weeks, the official Xinhua news agency said on Thursday.

Authorities are destroying nests, putting up warning signs and raising public awareness via television, radio and the Internet, it said. Residents have been told to wear long sleeves when they go out, and not to try to drive away the swarms.

More at link

Go out?  Go out?  There's giant hornets out there!!!  :o

Maybe if we release them in Churchill, they will drive away the Polar Bears?      >:D
Exploding Toilets??  :blotto:

Yahoo News

Exploding toilet injures New York man

By Lindsay Jolivet | Daily Buzz – Sun, 13 Oct, 2013.

A New York City man is still treating visits to the restroom like advances into a battlefield after his toilet exploded, injuring him severely.

Agence France-Presse reported Michel Pierre's face, arms and legs were sliced by porcelain shrapnel when he flushed the toilet two weeks ago and it blew up. Maintenance workers had turned off the water in Pierre's 50-year-old Brooklyn apartment building for repair work on Oct. 2, according to AFP. When Pierre pulled the flusher on his toilet to test for water pressure, a forceful explosion launched him backward, knocking him unconscious.

ABC News reported Pierre plans to sue the building's management and the co-op board for negligence with representation from Sanford Rubenstein, a personal injury attorney.

"In my 40-year career, this is the first time I've ever represented a victim with injuries sustained from a toilet bowl," Rubenstein told ABC News.

Since the incident, Pierre has tied a rope to his toilet and he hides behind the bathroom door each time he flushes the toilet because he's afraid, according to Sky News.
Another way to combine 'fear' and toilet

A San Antonio man visiting a Starbucks got more than just coffee when he went to its bathroom and discovered a snake in the toilet. Bruce Ahlswede came across the critter and alerted a store employee. “We went back in, watched it as it slithered back and around, down underneath the rim of the bowl and right inside.”

He got a picture of the snake before it disappeared and displayed it on the web, which unhinged many who saw it. Experts told CNN it is most likely a non-poisonous Texas rat snake, which has been known to find its way into plumbing systems.

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/09/06/watch-snake-found-in-starbucks-toilet/#ixzz2hlISU6kV