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Your daily 'thing to be afraid of'

daftandbarmy said:
Grandfather burned alive, trapped in industrial oven

Future son-in-law accidentally trapped Alan Catterall in industrial oven used to manufacture kayaks, switching it on to 280C and burning grandfather alive

"Accidentally".....sure....  :whistle:

But what a horrible way to die. 
NFLD Sapper said:
And boys and girls that is why you use the Lockout-tagout .......


Looks like a chastity belt mechanism of some kind
Nuclear weapons? Haven't killed nearly as many as the mosquito...

Tuna louse? Ewwww....

Mystery tuna creature is tongue-eating parasite, says expert

The Natural History Museum says that the head probably belongs to a Cymothoa exigua, or tongue-eating louse

The tiny creature discovered in a tin of tuna by a Nottingham mother is a tongue-eating louse, scientists believe.

Zoe Butler was amazed to find a pair of eyes staring up at her when she opened the can of Princes tuna chunks.

The tiny tuna monster has set Twitter abuzz with explanations. The search for answers has been dubbed #tunagate.

The Tarantula Hawk Wasp!!!  :blotto:

Yahoo Video

Absurd Creatures | Tarantula Hawk
by Wired 1:42 mins
In the world of horrifyingly painful stinging creatures, the tarantula hawk ranks so high that the actual scientific advice if you're stung is to lie down and scream. Dandy if you're a human, but if you are a tarantula, the wasp's prey, it's even worse.

As menacing as it looks, this spider isn't lethal in its bite:

Yahoo Daily Buzz


Thanks Australia: Massive spider with hundreds of babies cover electricity meter
By Karina Nowysz | Daily Buzz – Tue, 18 Aug, 2015

It’s clear based on this terrifying photo that Australia may be home to some of the creepiest crawlers ever.

A homeowner was shocked when they found the massive spider with hundreds of its babies covering their electricity meter outside their home in Queensland.

The photo of the spider has since gone viral after being posted on Reddit over the weekend, accompanied with the caption: “Energy Australia was unable to read your meter …”

According to the Daily Mail, the creature was confirmed by Rentokil Pest Control to be a wolf spider, which is venomous but not lethal.
Agreed.  As far as 8-legged things go in Oz, the small ones are the ones you should be afraid of - they don't know how to control the amount of venom per bite. 
2015 Shark attack bites Tracking Map

Unfortunately some media outlets sensationalize some shark interactions as full blown killer sharks on the loose. However, as you see in the map below shark bites and attacks are not that common. If you notice the most shark bites are clustered on the Eastern coast of Florida. This is due to rough surf which creates limited visibility for the sharks.

Of course with surf comes surfers. More people in the water leads to the possibility of more interactions. Do not let this alarm you. Once you click on an article, it will give you the details of the incident, which is normally a small ankle bite or small laceration on a hand.

The map actually has categories (bites, fatal and interactions) on the left hand side. If you cannot see these in your browser, click on the top right button at the top of the map to open in full screen. The map is intended to show how rare shark interactions are. There are millions of people in the waters every day, if sharks were crazy killers, the map would be filled to the brim, but it’s not. Did you know Bill Gates says you should be more worried about pesky mosquitoes than sharks? So be safe and enjoy the waters.

Well there's some good facts that make me feel somewhat better about the ocean. Vending machines kill more people each year than sharks do so beware of the vending machine.  >:D
Teager said:
Vending machines kill more people each year than sharks do so beware of the vending machine.  >:D

We were just talking about that yesterday.  If I were a first responder where someone was stuck under a vending machine, I'd be laughing too hard to render assistance....  ;D
PMedMoe said:
We were just talking about that yesterday.  If I were a first responder where someone was stuck under a vending machine, I'd be laughing too hard to render assistance....  ;D

Being stuck in an elevator with Paris Hilton...


US weekly magazine

Paris Hilton Gets Stuck in Elevator While In China, Totally Freaks Out

Scary! Paris Hilton took to Snapchat on Thursday, Oct. 15, to document her time being stuck in a crowded elevator while in Beijing, China.
“I can’t believe I’m stuck in the elevator right now,” Hilton said as cell phones ring from other passengers stuck with her. “This sucks. Oh my God. We’re still stuck. Please get us out of here!”


EDIT: (Link to Shanghaiist website removed for article below because the video at the source contained profanity and violates site guidelines)

Paris Hilton freaks out after getting trapped in an elevator in Beijing

After touching down in China, Paris Hilton was quick to experience the country's somewhat lax safety standards, filming the commotion after she found herself stuck in an elevator.

TMZ reports that the socialite spent almost an hour in a crowded lift after security and mechanics fail to open the doors. While relatively calm at the beginning, Paris gets gradually more and more panicked as the group remain trapped. "I can't believe I'm stuck in the elevator right now" the blonde heiress says as cellphone ringtones can be heard going off around her.

As things progress and mechanics fail to rescue the group, Paris and the other occupants start to swear.

One man eventually managed to risk life and limb to pry the door open and then threw up afterwards according to other passengers at the scene.

S.M.A. said:
Being stuck in an elevator with Paris Hilton...


US weekly magazine

EDIT: (Link to Shanghaiist website removed for article below because the video at the source contained profanity and violates site guidelines)

Explains why the guy barfed...
El Niño Brings Extremely Venomous Sea Snakes To California

The snakes have made themselves at home in the abnormally warm water off the California coast.

There's no guarantee El Niño will bring rain to a drought-stricken California, but it has brought venomous sea snakes.

People in the southern California city of Oxnard stumbled across a highly venomous yellow-bellied sea snake on the beach last week.

"I didn't want some young kid not knowing what it was ... pick it up and possibly get injured," Bob Forbes, who found the snake, told ABC News. Forbes said he put the two-foot-long animal in a bucket with water and brought it home to ensure "people were safe from it." He called the authorities, but the snake soon died, according to ABC. (Other beachgoers who reported seeing a snake the previous day likely encountered the same one Forbes did.)

21 Phobias You May Never Have Heard Of

Just what were the rats being fed to get to this size???  :o

Yahoo News

Giant Mutant Rat Scares The Living Daylights Out Of Med Students
Yahoo NewsYahoo News – Wed, 2 Dec, 2015

Rats scurrying around are never much fun but when you see one the size of a CAT, you know something is up.

The students at Wenzhou Medical University in China thought they had seen the results of a genetic experiment when they saw the giant rodent running around the campus.

Fearing a mutant rat was on the loose, a plan was formed to catch it using fishing nets because if its monster size.

Actually, it looks like a Coypu to me, the nose (little flatter) would be the main give away.

But larger rats, the size of cats, have been appearing everywhere they get fed better and (likely) human food laced with growth hormones.

Here's a British article from April 2014: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2595871/Jack-Russell-Max-catches-huge-rat-Tunbridge-Wells-residents-warn-invasion.html
My grandfather used to talk about working nights in Old Montreal near the Port many years ago and they'd often take their meal break in the alley out back of the building where he worked.  He says the sewer rats there where HUGE and one time saw a particularly large rat take down a cat.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Actually, it looks like a Coypu to me, the nose (little flatter) would be the main give away.

But larger rats, the size of cats, have been appearing everywhere they get fed better and (likely) human food laced with growth hormones.

Here's a British article from April 2014: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2595871/Jack-Russell-Max-catches-huge-rat-Tunbridge-Wells-residents-warn-invasion.html

The rat in the article doesn't look any bigger than the Norwegian browns that I've seen all my life.