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Your Favorite Military Video Game

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I have a crappy computer, but my favourite right now is Battlefield Vietnam because I collect Vietnam gear. The good: helicopters, booby traps, use of sights when using mortars and arty, great terrain, fast paced action. The bad: AI isn't too great, on my computer I can only handle 8 guys on a map and it sometimes lags. Can't wait when I get a new computer.

All time favourite was Jane's Fighter Anthology. It was US Navy Fighter '97 and a few other Jane's flight sims. The good: fly over 100 allied and enemy aircraft, hundreds of single missions, about 6 campaigns, accurate air action from using gun sights, locking onto a target 100 miles away, jammers, friend or foe indicator, just a great sim. The bad: graphics are horrible to today's standards, stealth technology doesn't work for stealth aircraft (fun dogfighting in an F-117 stealth fighter and only armed with 2 LGB's). I'd love it if they reissued it with today's graphics though.
A little off topic but it seems the game equivelant to Americas Army for Canada, made the news today. I couldnt find the article on the Telegraph-Journal website but it was in the paper. Its called Canadian Forces: Direct Action. Its based on S.W.A.T. 4 but is a mod. S.W.A.T. 4, as the article also read, is used by many more law enforcement agencies who mod the game to teach and train tactics and MOUT style combat. Found a link about the game here:


Weird... being Canadian Forces, shouldn't there be at least 1 SOLDIER character in this whole game? It seems as if there isn't any, and that they're all civilians!
I actually found the link for the article in the Telegraph-Journal. In the picture it shows mainly law enforcement and SWAT type characters with what looks like only only two soliders. Really the article more or less talks about how this is just the start and they want to make a joint forces simulator that can combine all the forces such as airforce CF-18's and Navy gunfire. They even incorperated a operable LAV III. Drawback? 10 dollars a copy for the mod. SWAT 4 is extra.

Honestly? Sounds like reinventing the wheel to me! Why not do an add on to a more popular game i.e. BF. If you look at other really great add ons such as project reality for BF 2 it really captures the element of war fighting. Build an expansion pack for the current BF2142 you can have actual section/squad level tactics being employed. Heck I mean even the Desert Storm expansion pack for the original BF had functional M1A1s Abrhams and other weaponry, fighters, choppers so on and so forth. Creating an add on doesn't really make this anywhere comprable to AA.
I remember that old game Desert Combat and all the mods that went with it. The only problem with that game is while it could teach a combined force to work together, its primarily capture the flag...with guns and tanks. Secondly the way it sounds like the Army wants to do it is make simulators for the weapon systems that will in fact work with the game. Instead of a mouse and WADS being all you need to control a tank. Aside from some of the mods for '42 and the less popular Battlefield Vietnam being buggy and some mods requiring more from a system than the orignal game required, I spent many a nights after work playing the modern warfare mods. There was even an English one called DCX. Only Canadian type map I ever found was for Forgotten Hope, a World War 2 map called Liberation of Caen. Had a small armor assortment with a few Sextons in the beginning, and more checkpoints produced more vehicles. My tactic was always ignore the small German spawn points and go right to the big ones where the Sherman 105mm would spawn in place of the German Panther (a bug as Canadians I dont think were supposed to get that tank in the level) and clean up any remaining German armour (believe it or not its all uphill after taking that as the AI gives up on anything else and tries to get its main spawn back). Theres even a paratrooper spawn point (you dont jump from the plane you spawn mid drop).   
Me personally I liked the whole Ghost Recon Series including the recent Advanced War Fighter 2. I play usually with a bunch of American Marines form michigan and deleware etc. How ever Battlefield 2 was interesting. many nights spent playing that. How ever No time for games now :P
Im really liking the new CoD4, its down fall is the infantry only game play. I want to drive the vehicles. My Mod team would have gone to it instead of Crysis if the vehicles and 3ds max were supported.
Company of Heroes and its expansion. (There are Canucks in the expansion!)

COD2 - Outstanding.

Full Spectrum Warrior. Really enjoy the squad based control parameters and sight control. Haven't played the sequel too it yet.  If only they made a Canadian version of it....
Full Spectrum was ok the first two or three levels, then it was way too repetitive.

I really liked Soldiers:Heroes of WWII. Hard as hell RTS, but fun.
My Top5:
1st: Full Spectrum Warrior (XBOX, PS2, PC) [Gameplay simply ruled.]
2nd: SOCOM II (PS2) [All-around goodness.]
3rd: Battlefield 2 (PC, XBOX, PS2) [Amazing multiplayer mode.]
4th: Delta Force: Black Hawk Down (XBOX, PS2, PC) [Gives a good feeling of what war in Africa and Middle-East might look like.]
5th: Delta Force II (PC) [My first military FPS experience.]

Non-military FPS: Half Life, Half Life 2, Return To Castle Wolfenstein.
Full-Spectrum Warrior.

Nothing else comes close.

I also like:

TacOps (definite realism issues, but is amazingly flexible, and has a huge on-line community)
Ghost Recon
Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank (SPMBT) a FREE DOWNLOAD from the publisher
Steel Panthers WWII (also free download)
Close Combat I-V (they still rock out hard)
FoverF said:
Full-Spectrum Warrior.

Nothing else comes close.

I also like:

TacOps (definite realism issues, but is amazingly flexible, and has a huge on-line community)
Ghost Recon
Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank (SPMBT) a FREE DOWNLOAD from the publisher
Steel Panthers WWII (also free download)
Close Combat I-V (they still rock out hard)


You ever play the "Ten Hammers" sequel of "Full Spectrum Warrior"? I have both games, though I haven't finished the second one yet.

I agree with you about FSW being a good game when it comes to ground combat, though I am not qualified to judge how realistic it is, though I've read that the US Army and the USMC both use fire-teams at the squad level of infantry. You can also command a Bradley in the second game, in addition to a third fire team which is sometimes replaced by a British section/fire team on some missions.

For all the turn-based military strategy games you mentioned above, including the "Steel Panthers" series, I'm surprised that you never played the "Panzer General" series (1-3).

I'm not 100% certain which one I played, but you definitely commanded a Bradley section for some missions. Also had some missions where you play as British Army mech inf. So it was probably the sequel.

Had it on a modded x-box, but was too addicted and had to delete it. Will definitely rent and re-install it when the school semester is done.
        Well here is my list for fav military games

      1/  Call of Duty series
      2/ Medal of Honour series
      3/  P.T.O for the Sega Genesis
      4/ America's Army ( I think that is the name )
      5/ Blazing Angles (the first one only ) The Battle of Britian scenes where amazing
karl28 said:
          3/  P.T.O for the Sega Genesis

You're talking about "Pacific Theater of Operations" (the first one), right? If so, you're probably only the second person I've heard of who played the game other than myself when I was younger; I played the SNES version though. The graphics were found to be wanting, but it was good in my book for a Pacific War-era strategy game. Sigh...the memories.  ;D
Favourite current game, Insurgency, a mod for Half Life 2 that ressembles America's Army in it's style and such, but has better graphics, gameplay and teamwork, anyone who has HL2 download it and add me on steams friends list so we can whoop butt together

Favourite classic game, Total Annihilation, sure it came out a dozen years ago, but it was the only game ive ever had where the entire point of hte game is to create a crapload of robots and all send them out to go boom boom

Favourite overall game, Battlefiedl 1942, very original, very balanced and fun game, could play it for years, very often and never have the same experience twice, not to mention with patch 1.6 they added a new map with something called the Canadian army in it, always fun to run around shooting nazis, getting shot in the foot with your guy yelling "ARGH your mother was a beaver!" and "let's go eh!"

Favourite strategy game, sure it might count more as a "political strategy game" but I still definitely have to give it to Europa Universalis 3, basically RISK but 25 times more complicated:)

Yeah man that is the one it's an old game . Like you stated the graphics weren't all that great but you had a lot of control in that game and ships in it where all actual names on both sides . I think the original one was one of the first games that you can have an alternate ending you could of win the war with the Japs nothing was written in stone . I must spent many hours playing it LOL
In the second game, "PTO II", the Pacific War map in the game also extends as far as the US Atlantic Coast and all of India, and as far South as Australia and New Zealand. The commanders you can choose to lead Fleets/Marine units/base AF units are also real historical commanders like Adm. Nimitz, Spruance and Nagumo, etc., with real strengths and weaknesses as opposed to the first game where random names were picked for the commanders.

The second game is also more detailed when it comes to the plane types and even has tank types, as opposed to the first game where you had generic Allied and Japanese planes and other unit types aside from the warships.

The conference feature they have in the second game is also more complicated, since as the Chief of Naval Operations, you have to compete with the Army Chief, the US President/Japanese Prime Minister, Finance Minister, Sec. of State/Foreign Minister for limited resources; your options are laid down to you like a card game. LOL.

One feature I didn't like about this second game, however, was that warships in port could not fire back at all when attacked from the air or by warships bombarding the fleet in port. In the first game, ships in port could at least fire back, regardless of what attack it was (except if the attacker used long-range bombers). LOL!

Oh well...if you miss the first game that much you can always download an SNES emulator and download the game itself. Sigh...if only I had time to do that myself. ;D

Metal Gear Solid for sure.  Its completley un-realistic, but itso fun.  Snake is awsome.