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Your Favorite Military Video Game

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Alright, I jumped into the 'nerd herd' a little while ago and bought a PS3 (I now have army.ca on the tee vee in high def) and my favorite game just for the sheer fact of it's origins is Battlefield: Bad Company. 
To sum the game up... it is a modern, video game version of one of the best movies ever made: Kelly's Heroes.
It comes complete with a version of the one and only Oddball (albeit more redneckified).

For those of you who don't know, Oddball would be the bearded tank driving hippie in my avatar. And shame on you for not knowing who Oddball is.

'Woof woof woof . That's my dog immitation.' 

"Don't hit me with those negative waves early in the morning"

Ah, the good people here are thankfully aware of who the only good hippie is.  It would appear that there is some hope for humanity afterall. 

MedTech said:
My favourite is Splinter Cell...which one? ALL OF THEM  ;D

Fault: You cant do what YOU want to do to accomplish the mission you have to do it THEIR way...sounds like being on a course eh? Also some missions are too similar in nature and can get extremely repetetive...

PROS: Game play and graphics are neat, realistic and overall great.

The Splinter Cell games are the only 'realistic' shooter games I plan, since I can't stand how in other games you get shot all the time AND DON'T DIE!

Splinter Cell is different since bullets actually kill you (what a thought!), so you have to keep re-trying areas until you can clear them perfectly.

I have low expectations for the next game tho' since they're changing the gameplay completely.
stewacide said:
The Splinter Cell games are the only 'realistic' shooter games I plan, since I can't stand how in other games you get shot all the time AND DON'T DIE!

Splinter Cell is different since bullets actually kill you (what a thought!), so you have to keep re-trying areas until you can clear them perfectly.

I have low expectations for the next game tho' since they're changing the gameplay completely.

Yeah, they are pretty well done, but a little too much in the shadows.

Now, I think you'll like this .


stewacide said:
The Splinter Cell games are the only 'realistic' shooter games I plan, since I can't stand how in other games you get shot all the time AND DON'T DIE!

Splinter Cell is different since bullets actually kill you (what a thought!), so you have to keep re-trying areas until you can clear them perfectly.

I have low expectations for the next game tho' since they're changing the gameplay completely.

If you think you die quickly in Splinter Cell, try playing Rainbow Six.  I'd say it's even more realistic in that respect, especially on the higher difficulty levels.

As for the next Splinter Cell, I have to disagree and say I have high expectations.  They were initially planning a game with a focus on crowds (like Assassin's Creed) however apparently they recently scrapped that idea and went back to the drawing board.  They were releasing SC games almost yearly for a while, and the fact that they're taking their time for this one is probably a good sign - hopefully they're trying to make it the best game possible.
Good to hear they scrapped the crowds idea! Assassin's Creed was pretty terrible once you got past the graphics and animation (Ubi Montreal redeemed themselves with the new PoP however).
I have been playing Farcry2. Basically you are a mercenary in a small southern African country in the middle of a civil war. The eyecandy and effects in this game are wonderful. The fire effect is great and a useful tool helped by the fuel drums, gascans and propane tank lying around.

The storyline is not bad, but the game does get repetitive. The guns do overheat and will obscure the sight picture. The accuracy of the sniper rifles is to good, if you can see it, you can kill it with one shot, no effect due to range/wind. The damage modeling of some guns is annoying the Mac 10 is overdone, while I doubt the average joe will take a burst from a PKM or SAW at 10 feet and still be standing. The weapon loadout for yourself is higher than realistic, but not incrediably silly. Basically one knife and 3 guns, I find the SVD sniper rifle, M79grenade launcher and SAW the most useful group to carry.

I also dislike that once you take out a checkpoint it will reset within 5 minutes and you may need to take them out again, very annoying. While working for one faction, you can’t pass through their checkpoints without a fight. There is a lot of highground that is inaccessible, but it looks like you might be able to get up there, so you waste a lot of time trying to find a way up. I would like to see the ability to bribe your way through stuff, buy stuff from the locals, etc. 
How can you call Rainbow 6 even remotely realistic?  If I'm commanding a team of fully trained blackopsniperninjasurfers, I wouldn't expect to be having to tell them how to wipe their own arses, to the point where I lose track of what I'm doing.
Most realistic army game you'll play is Operation Flashpoint.  (Now pretty old, you'd have to find a used copy.)

Hands down one of the most comprehensive and realistic military games ever made.  With the add-ons and special editions, it NEVER really gets old.  I'll have my copy for a lifetime, and I replay the campaigns every couple of years - FANTASTIC GAME.  5/5
Crysis. I am planning to buy the expansion (it's a parallel story, it follows what happened to a missing soldier while we were playing Newman in the main story), and you can bet I'll buy the 2 other games of the planned trilogy.

First, the graphics and the physics and awesome, Call of Duty 4 looks grainy and old compared to it.
Then, there's the location, an island in the western part of the Pacific ocean with a huge prominent mountain in the middle. The open scenery is simply breathtaking.
And the gameplay is near perfect, not too simple, not overdone. You are wearing a "Nano Suit" inspired by the US' Future Warrior program (The game takes place during the summer of 2020). The suit has 4 modes, with a limited reserve of energy (that replenishes fast enough for gameplay purposes): armor, strength, speed and camouflage. The modes are easily accessible through a radial menu with the middle mouse button by default.
The world is open-ish, and let's you play anyway you want, as a rampaging assault trooper or a more discrete assassin or a brutal sob that throws soldiers or heavy things on other soldiers.
As for the weapons, they "feel" good, and you can add accessories as you find them on enemies.
The general plot is kind of cliché by now but the story and the game itself are strong enough to make you play through the entire thing and greatly enjoy it. You play through various setting, mostly alone (by "accident") but in almost constant contact with your spec ops teams, but also as part of an assault forces on a naval base midway through the game. The frantic helicopter flight and the visit of a US aircraft carrier with full crew were a nice treat too.

Definitely my favourite "military" game for now, until maybe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising.
Battlefield 2, CoD4 and RB6: Vegas are all close favourites too.
Kat Stevens said:
How can you call Rainbow 6 even remotely realistic?  If I'm commanding a team of fully trained blackopsniperninjasurfers, I wouldn't expect to be having to tell them how to wipe their own arses, to the point where I lose track of what I'm doing.

I was referring to the injury system i.e. you actually die if you get shot once in the head.

You don't really have to give that many commands, no more than I would expect from the team leader in that type of situation.  Of course, both you and I have no idea what it would really be like.  I've only played the newest games (Vegas, Vegas 2), but I believe/have heard the team member AI improved significantly so that you don't have to give them as many instructions as before.
My favorite has to be America's Army. With version 3 on its way it should prove to be just as great as the first and second versions, plus it's free :)
I still find myself going back to "Close Combat - A Bridge Too Far" when ever i get tired of the new shooters. While it frustrates me that any time an Allied tank gets anywhere near a German section it gets brewed up, the game is brilliant in that you can fight as a combined arms team, Armour, infantry, supporting machine guns and mortars, all pushing forward together or holding a position together. The game is realistic in that diggers get injured and slow down, when they see enemy every man and his dog starts unloading on them and weapons will do realistic damage. I love that old game.

Flashpoint was brilliant too, i loved the SLR and how you did realistic damage to people. You hit someone with a three round burst and they definately went down. One in the head and they're dead. Two to the chest and they're dead. You dont get that in many games these days.
I'm a Sucker for the Socom series, call of duty 4, and the rainbow 6 series. However, Vegas seems a bit 'arcadey', it's hard for me to explain it's just not the same feel, Rainbow 6 ravenshield on multi-player was fucking tits though.
I've already gone on record for saying that Bad Company was damn amazing for resembling the film "Kelly's Heroes," so I was happy when I found out there is a sequel coming out soon. I don't know who is making these games, but they have one hell of a taste in movies.

I found a video with gameplay of the sequel, and discovered something that many here, including myself will call 'godly.'  Part of the video shows the player using a gun in a helicopter. I had to go back two or three times to make sure I actually did hear what I thought, and sure enough... Flight of the Valkyries was playing.

The original F-18 Hornet was just golden when I was growing up.

It wasn't all that pretty, but dogfighting was fun stuff.