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Your own equipment

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How does the Army feel about you bringing your own equipment to places like Afghatistan? Like your own GPS handheld, nightvision scope, pistols? I'm a gun owner and an avid outdoorsman, so I have alot of this type of stuff anyway. It would make sense to bring it along. Unless theres issues with being traced from the gps signal or something?
The Army will issue you teh equipment you need to do your job.

You could bring your own GPS, but DO NOT expect the Army to replace it if you break it on operations.

There IS NO opportunity to bring personally owned firearms.
There have been alot of soldiers wearing custom CADPAT-AR vests in Afghanistan (they bought them, and won't be reimbursed (sp?) if they're damaged).
And no, the Army won't always give you what you need, they'll give you a tac-vest. There are some who require a different platform for all their gear.
Yup thats another reason why I want to bring my own stuff. The Brits have been having the same problem no vests ect... There was a big thing over there where the guy had to lend his vest to someone in another unit, and when he went out he got shot and killed. It was a really big story in the news and got pushes for more vests. Like say I was to be a sniper and all I was issued was my sniper rifle. It would be good to be able to have my own pistol in that situation.  Oh well. :(
Why don't you worry about joining the Army first, before you worry about posting ill-informed musings as to what specifc kit you should take.
Well the Canadian Forces went into Afghatistan in Green combats. How is that ill informed. Plus we dont really spend much on our millitary. We have equipment from the 60's.
To the best of my knowledge ALL the CF members over seas (exception possably JTF2 and foreign exchange troops) have the new tac-vest in eather TW or AR, it may not be the right one for were they are but they have one.

baseballinahat said:
Yup thats another reason why I want to bring my own stuff. The Brits have been having the same problem no vests ect... There was a big thing over there where the guy had to lend his vest to someone in another unit, and when he went out he got shot and killed. It was a really big story in the news and got pushes for more vests.  :(

Are you referring to the British or are you making something up?
1. Becoming a sniper ain't as easy as 1-2-3
2. Snipers have a #2, who carries an assault rifle (C7 if I'm not mistaken, but maybe someone who actually knows could correct me)
3. I'm pretty sure snipers DO get issued a pistol (again, correct me if I'm wrong)
4. Our equipment is NOT from the 60s. Other than the 64 pattern ruck, our kit is a combination of stuff from the 80s and new stuff they're coming out with now.
Lerch said:
There have been alot of soldiers wearing custom CADPAT-AR vests in Afghanistan

Really? Who? I'm in theater and I've only seen one idiot clerk (who has never left the confines of the wire BTW) wearing something he bought from Black Ops at the PX in Kandahar. I've been to the PRT compund a few times as well...all issued kit from what I saw, mind you with a few add ons that everyone puts on.

Care to explain?

There are some who require a different platform for all their gear.

Like who? Don't start with the JTF either....

For someone who is an 18 year old cadet......you're straying way out of your lane.

baseballinahat said:
Well the Canadian Forces went into Afghatistan in Green combats. How is that ill informed. Plus we dont really spend much on our millitary. We have equipment from the 60's.

I think it would be beneficial if you closed your mouth and set your brain to receive for a while.  Give your keyboard a rest and read the information that is available on this forum.  This will prevent any further ill-informed and, frankly, stupid comments from escaping out of the cavity inside your skull.  If you are that put out about not choosing all your kit and using your own weapons, try becoming a mercenary...i hear they have a kickass retirement plan.
baseballinahat said:
Well the Canadian Forces went into Afghatistan in Green combats. How is that ill informed. Plus we dont really spend much on our millitary. We have equipment from the 60's.

Well this is me in Kabul ontop of TV Tower hill about 3 months ago.....and I'm now in Kandahar (currently home for a bit of leave)


I don't see any kit that I have on that is any older than 2 years....with exception to my rifle (87)

Someone has misinformed you.

Sorry I shouldnt of said equipment. I meant they have veichles from the 60's. Big old trucks. Maybe not now, but I saw Canadian soldiers when we first went in wearing green combats.
aesop081 said:
I think it would be beneficial if you closed your mouth and set your brain to receive for a while.  Give your keyboard a rest and read the information that is available on this forum.  This will prevent any further ill-informed and, frankly, stupid comments from escaping out of the cavity inside your skull.  If you are that put out about not choosing all your kit and using your own weapons, try becoming a mercenary...i hear they have a kickass retirement plan.

ummmm how does that have anything to do with wanting to bring some of my own equipment into battle to help keep me alive? Of course Im not thinking of asking the army to provide me with a different weapon ect.., Im wanting to bring certain things I own with me.
baseballinahat said:
Sorry I shouldnt of said equipment. I meant they have veichles from the 60's. Big old trucks. Maybe not now, but I saw Canadian soldiers when we first went in wearing green combats.

Which vehicles would those be that are from the 1960s?
baseballinahat said:
Sorry I shouldnt of said equipment. I meant they have veichles from the 60's. Big old trucks. Maybe not now, but I saw Canadian soldiers when we first went in wearing green combats.

MLVW = 1980-ish
HLVW = 1990-ish
LSVW = 1992-ish
Coyote = 1998-ish
LAV-3 = 2000-ish
G-Wagon = 2003-ish

I dont have exact dates but i'm sure there isnt any 1960's in there......
I've seen them driving around vancouver I think they are from the Jericho base. They just look like their from the 60's I geuss 80's would be correct.
Most of our vehicles are under 10 years old.....actually under 7.

There are new vehicles going into theater as we speak...and new ones being procurred:


Backgrounder: Army equipment for Operation ARCHER

BG–05.036 - November 29, 2005

The nature of Canada's role in bringing stability to Afghanistan and other failed and failing states is rapidly changing. The realistic threat of terrorism, suicide bombers, riots, explosive devices and well-armed militia is altering the operational environment for Canadian Forces. The Canadian Forces will increase its presence in Afghanistan in February 2006 by deploying approximately 2,000 personnel to the volatile and dangerous region of Kandahar.

Canadian soldiers face a complex and demanding mission in diverse landscapes ranging from mountainous, isolated and remote regions to busy urban centres with large populations. Gone are the days of heavy armoured formations. Today's Army needs to be mobile, responsive and flexible, and today's soldier needs the right equipment to meet the challenges of the new security environment.

The Canadian Army is quickly transforming into a knowledge-based, medium weight force using technology, information dominance and armoured wheeled-fleets as key weapons on the battlefield.

The Department of National Defence is purchasing $234 million of equipment required to carry out Canada's mission in the complex and demanding landscapes of Afghanistan.

This acquisition includes equipment designed to enhance the protection of our troops, precision munitions, vehicles, support equipment and technologically advanced surveillance, security and communications systems. More specifically this includes:

    * Armoured patrol vehicles
    * Multi-mission radios with satellite on-the-move capability
    * Lightweight towed howitzers with precision munitions and digitized fire control systems
    * Tactical uninhabited aerial vehicles
    * Miniature uninhabited aerial vehicles
    * Iridium hand-held satellite telephone systems
    * Colour camera system for Coyote reconnaissance vehicle
    * Diesel all-terrain vehicles
    * Multi-purpose container system

Armoured patrol vehicles
The armoured patrol vehicle (APV) provides a high level of protection for troops while they conduct patrols, as well as command, liaison and reconnaissance tasks in mountainous terrain and complex urban centres. The APV incorporates enhanced mine blast resistance as well as protection against both improvised explosive devices and ballistic threats.

The APV will incorporate a remote weapon station, equipped with a day and night sighting system, permitting the operator to fire the weapon from within the vehicle while remaining protected.

Estimated project value : $120 million, including spares, logistics support, and project and contingency costs.
Quantity required : 50 APVs with an unfunded option for up to 25 additional vehicles.
Procurement : A competitive bid process was undertaken with three bidders having been identified through a "price and availability" check conducted through the Government Electronic Tendering System (MERX) in September 2005. A $60.3 million contract has been awarded to General Dynamics Land Systems – Canada to provide 50 armoured patrol vehicles. The vehicles will be a version of the RG-31 Nyala, produced by BAE Land Systems OMC in the Republic of South Africa.
Delivery: Deliveries of the vehicles are expected to begin in February 2006; they will begin to arrive in theatre by March 2006.

Multi-mission radios and satellite communication on-the-move capability
The multi-band, multi-mission radio will be the communications backbone for the Army by allowing commanders to effectively share and disseminate information on the battlefield. The Army will be purchasing the Falcon II AN/PRC-117F(C) radio that is currently in use by other NATO Forces in Afghanistan.

Produced by Harris Corporation, the Falcon II radio covers a full range of band frequency and uses advanced software-defined radio technology. The radio provides embedded communications security, satellite communications and electronic counter-countermeasure capabilities. As this radio is in use by all NATO Forces in theatre it is required for interoperability with our allies.

The satellite communications on-the-move capability is provided by a foldable antenna system for the radio that allows patrols to maintain communications. The Army will purchase the antenna system from TRIVEC-AVANT, the original equipment manufacturer and the only company producing a system that allows for satellite communications while on the move.

Estimated project value up to : $9 million
Quantity required : 100 radios and 100 on-the-move antennas.
Procurement : In order to meet interoperability requirements with other NATO allies in Afghanistan, contracts will be sole-sourced to Harris Corporation for the radios and TRIVEC-AVANT for the antennas.
Delivery : Delivery is expected by February 2006.

Lightweight towed howitzer / Precision munitions / digitized fire control system

Lightweight towed howitzer
The 155-mm, M777 lightweight towed howitzer is the most suitable and capable system available to meet the Army's operational requirement and is available for deployment to Afghanistan in early 2006. It will enhance the Army's operational capability to provide indirect firepower at any time of day or night, under severe weather conditions. The M777, developed by BAE Systems, is the lightest 155-mm howitzer available, weighing in at 4,175 kg.

The high-tech M777 gun is capable of firing a 155-mm shell at a rate of two to five rounds per minute while achieving high levels of accuracy with targets up to 30 km away. It is designed to be flexible and is capable of rapid re-deployment by helicopter or ground vehicles.

Precision munitions
In addition to acquiring the M777 lightweight towed howitzer, the Canadian Army will purchase Excalibur precision 155-mm munitions through the United States military. The Excalibur is a precision-guided munition that extends the range to 40 km while significantly increasing accuracy.

Once fired, the precision-guided munitions use location data from global positioning system (GPS) satellites to steer precisely to the target. Increased accuracy will lead to less collateral damage, which is important when operating in high-density civilian populations.

Digitized fire control system
The digitized fire control system digitally integrates the fire control computer system with gun communications devices and sensors to increase the precision of the howitzers.

Lightweight 155 mm towed howitzer
Precision munitions
Digitized fire control system

Estimated project value: $70 million, including training and two years of supply support.

Quantity required: Six M777 guns with precision munitions and a digitized fire control system

Lightweight 155 mm towed howitzer: Foreign Military Sales
(U.S. Department of Defense)
Delivery: By Dec '05

Precision munitions:  Foreign Military Sales (U.S. Department of Defense)
Delivery: By May '06

Digitized fire control system: Sole-sourced to BAE Systems Land Systems, the original equipment manufacturer of the M777
Delivery:  By Feb '06

Tactical uninhabited aerial vehicle
Tactical uninhabited aerial vehicles (TUAVs) are remotely piloted aircraft that provide the military commander with real-time imagery at any time of the day and under any weather conditions. This allows the commander to obtain greater situational awareness of the area of operations and to facilitate timely and accurate decisions to reduce risk to the troops on the ground. Canada procured SPERWER TUAVs in 2003 to meet requirements for Operation ATHENA, Canada's contribution to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. These additional TUAVs will augment the current inventory to match increased demand and account for repair turn-around time.

Estimated project value up to : $15 million
Quantity required : Five
Procurement : The contract will be sole-sourced to Oerlikon-Contraves Canada, as the Canadian prime contractor for France's SAGEM, the original equipment manufacturer of the SPERWER TUAV.
Delivery: First deliveries are expected early in 2006.

Miniature uninhabited aerial vehicles
Similar to the tactical uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV), the miniature UAV functions as a means of aerial reconnaissance and surveillance, but it is smaller in size and operates in shorter ranges and lower altitudes. It is designed to provide real-time feedback to tactical commanders at the unit and sub-unit level.

Estimated project value up to : $10 million
Quantity required : 10 systems
Procurement : A competitive bid process is being undertaken.
Delivery: Delivery will commence in April 2006. The Army must create and train a mini-UAV troop to operate these UAVs. The unit will be ready to commence duty in Afghanistan in late summer of 2006.

Iridium hand-held satellite telephones
There are limited capabilities when communicating with normal radios and handsets in the mountainous terrainof terrain of Afghanistan. Our soldiers need devices that can function in these difficult circumstances. The Iridium hand-held satellite telephones are secure, low-cost communications devices that have no range limitations and work in the complex terrain conditions found throughout the area of operations. The Iridium telephone is currently in use in Afghanistan.

Estimated project value up to : $750,000, including cases, manuals, ancillary equipment and spares.
Quantity required : 80
Procurement : Foreign Military Sales . The Iridium telephone will be purchased through the United States Department of Defence in order for security features, only available from the National Security Agency, to be integrated.
Delivery: Delivery will be complete by February 2006.

Colour camera system for Coyote reconnaissance vehicle
The colour camera system will provide the Coyote reconnaissance vehicle with the ability to discriminate between different coloured targets in a complex environment. Coyote surveillance operators will have access to colour images for improved target identification. Currently the Coyote is equipped with a black and white camera.

Estimated project value up to : $4 million, including spares.
Quantity required : 20
Procurement : The cameras will be purchased from General Dynamics Canada, as this contractor is the original equipment manufacturer for the Coyote surveillance system and owns the intellectual property rights for the surveillance system components.
Delivery : Integration into the sensor suite is expected to be complete by June 2006.

Diesel all-terrain vehicle
The diesel powered all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) offer a lightweight capability to haul small loads over the rough terrain of Afghanistan. The Army is purchasing the 6x4 M-GATOR manufactured by John Deere Ltd., the only diesel-fuelled utility ATV in production.

Estimated project value up to : $2.1 million
Quantity required : 48
Procurement : The contract will be sole-sourced to John Deere Ltd. The only type of fuel available to Canadian Forces deployed in Afghanistan is diesel; consequently, the M-GATOR is the only vehicle that meets the Army's requirements.
Delivery : Delivery will be complete by January 2006.

Multi-purpose container system
The standard sea containers that are used by the Canadian Forces for transporting and storing equipment, tools and supplies are too large for dispersed operations such as Operation ARCHER . Multi-purpose containers that can break down into smaller component containers will be procured for easier use in dispersed locations.

Estimated project value up to : $3 million
Quantity required : 288
Procurement : In order to maintain equipment standardization within the Canadian Forces and to gain interoperability advantages with NATO allies, the contract will be sole-sourced to the original equipment manufacturer, Charleston Marine Containers Inc. (CMCI).
Delivery: Fielding is expected to be complete by spring 2006.

That's pretty good for a modern army.

Most of the kit in theater is either new or refurbished (to a point) as well.

As for the AR combats not being ready....it takes time to get the stuff. Mind you the gov't could have bought off the shelf as a stop gap measure.

Do a Google search and get informed before firing off from the hip.

Again....welcome to Army.ca.

baseballinahat, lerch,

I'm locking this to give you both to to look around the site and do some research, before you dig yourselves in any deeper.

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