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Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?


Army.ca Veteran
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For those of you who have read Advancing with a purpose. The outline for the army of 2025 and beyond, you may have noticed a project mentioned in the implementation section called the "Canadian modular assault rifle" project. My own research via the DWAN and internet hasn't turned up anything. Anyone know about this project?
I was involved in tests back in the 1960's :cool:

I was thinking after seeing it seems like every Ukrainian soldier or militia man carrying around a NLAW, AT-4, RPG, or something. Will that change some of the thinking what an infantryman carries? Yes there will be a place for the rifle but will that be the prime weapon? Just thinking out loud. Is the tank dead? Are we going to go full Starship Trooper? ;)

I think there will be a ton rethinking what the modern battlefield will be going forward. Is this the wave change like WW1 that ended the mass infantry lines to the tank? Now from the tank back to the individual infantry? (I know that is very generalized)
I would settle for incremental advancement instead of these bleeding edge prototype projects.
  • free float MLOCK vs hand guards and tri mount
  • LPVO vs elcan
  • 14.5 inch barrels vs 20
  • 1500 lumen WML Vs nothing or old M3X insights
  • MAWL vs PEQ2/PAQ4

Oh well
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Gift Ukraine a whack of C7s of all ages, build X number of new build Colt Canada products per year to keep the plant open and busy.

Effectively free weapons to Ukraine, Belgium and many others have done it. Publicity win for gov't, CAF gets a C8A4, industry gets some scratch, JOBS.
Before we give away any more weapons, can we buy new pistols first?
You know you can do all at the same time right? We are just cheap. My plan requires us to buy things that we dun wanna buy in the first place, so ya, my way is focused more on convincing a PM that doesn't care for any of this.

Tout it as a wholesale "remodernization" or something silly like that. Buy a wide range of modern AT/AA, everything. Build and fund a Canadian Munitions program. Small industries we can keep open and at arms length without forking over an arm and a leg or buying overseas. A NSS but for munitions and small arms, and hopefully AFVs. Just buy new equipment to replace the old and gift the old to Ukraine for diplomatic 'points'. Not like anyone is tracking the package. Send UKR all of them over time, more new ones for the CAF and UKR might wanna keep them for their NATO standardization/post-war rebuild (knock on wood it happens).
You know you can do all at the same time right?
No, we can't. We can't even manage to buy just pistols. We're on our third attempt to do so and this one may fail as well.
Tout it as a wholesale "remodernization" or something silly like that. Buy a wide range of modern AT/AA, everything.
How do we sell that to the Canadian public? Canada is back in the peacekeeping and convening business, says our PM and MND.
Build and fund a Canadian Munitions program. Small industries we can keep open and at arms length without forking over an arm and a leg or buying overseas.
The Liberals are going to great lengths to kill the firearms industry in Canada. Ask the owners of Wolverine Supplies and Alberta Tactical Rifle how supportive the Liberal government is to their business.
A NSS but for munitions and small arms, and hopefully AFVs.
We already build AFVs in London, ON. In the past few years we have exported more than we've bought for the CAF.
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I know, and agree^. It's still just my idea for what we should do, very unlikely unfortunately.

Sell it to the public would be easy, its not like there aren't everyday examples throughout the CAF inventory. Or you could just say "just ask that cousin who was in the Army to explain what fiscal limitations the CAF has".

Maybe even a whistleblower on the state of the CAF, if one existed I can think of.
I know, and agree^. It's still just my idea for what we should do, very unlikely unfortunately.

Sell it to the public would be easy, its not like there aren't everyday examples throughout the CAF inventory. Or you could just say "just ask that cousin who was in the Army to explain what fiscal limitations the CAF has".

Maybe even a whistleblower on the state of the CAF, if one existed I can think of.
Folks have been blowing fog horns and air-raid sirens on the state of the CAF for years. The whistles get lost in the din.
Out of all the kit we need as a military a rifle is pretty low priority. We have good rifles, they are solid reliable pieces of kit. We lack in many more important things, supply vehicles, AA, Ships, Planes, AT, etc.

We could still be using the original C7s and I would still say there is much more important things to invest in. Just wasting money buying a new rifle because its shiny at the moment.