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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

That buffoon was elected by 77 million Americans and several tens of millions also didn't vote. Government for the people by the people means its their fault when they elect a pseudo-fascist. Booing is pretty tame considering the government they elected is hellbent on destroying and absorbing us.
I think you said it better in just three sentences than I have in many paragraphs.
Well it had to come to this eventually - it’s obviously been done the ‘polite’ way by the US, UK, France and the Secretary General of NATO for the better part of decade and virtually NOTHING has been done. Word salad, lip service, thoughts and prayers that’s the best that we’ve managed in that time frame.
The big Orange Man has dropped the gloves and it calling our bluff. What are we now going to do about it? Whine and bitch in true Canadian style?

I've said the same here. We have a choice.

We have all the potential in the world, and we've been squandering it.
What are we now going to do about it? Whine and bitch in true Canadian style?

I heard there will be a bunch of boomers flying the flag on Saturday in a show of patriotism and sovereignty, ironic because Canada has no ability to defend it. Canadians haven’t taken national defence seriously while bragging about its social programs under the blanket of US military protection. Chickens are coming home to roost.
No one is forcing the Americans to spend 3.65% GDP on Defence. The defence budget is allowed to be cut. Ultimately it's priorities, your government doesn't care about the Poors, simple as.
Do you want to speak Russian or Chinese?

Because the way you treat national defense, you really seem to want to.

That buffoon was elected by 77 million Americans and several tens of millions also didn't vote. Government for the people by the people means it’s their fault when they elect a pseudo-fascist. Booing is pretty tame considering the government they elected is hellbent on destroying and absorbing us.
As I said on election night, no matter the result, the American people lost.

Two spectacularly shitty candidates, and the most obnoxious one won. Mainly because Americans are sick of being blamed for everything. Either we are a bully nation, or we take it in the junk when we don’t act.

Well right, wrong or indifferent, now the rest of the world needs to act as America just abdicated any adult activity.
I heard there will be a bunch of boomers flying the flag on Saturday in a show of patriotism and sovereignty, ironic because Canada has no ability to defend it. Canadians haven’t taken national defence seriously while bragging about its social programs under the blanket of US military protection. Chickens are coming home to roost.
Same folks that love our Health Care system and crow how its better than the American.

Here's a question - which will be 'fixed' first - the CAF or our Health Care system - Answer, neither.

Yes, I completely understand that HC is a Provincial matter and the issues facing the CAF are Federal - but over the last 30+yrs we have watched BOTH of these institutions slowly rot away with NO concerted effort to address correctly either one of them.

Not a single Province has been able to right their sinking HC ship during this time period - all this despite massive, massive Provincial debt being incurred (hint, Ontario is the LARGEST non-sovereign indebted political entity in the world, let that sink in), large external population increases through immigration (which by the way was sold to us as 'adding much younger taxpaying individuals' into the system to help offset our retired, aging population). But what do we do to completely offset those gains? Allowing family 'reunification' to occur where the aging parents/grandparents of said immigrants are allowed to live in Canada and get Provincially covered HC, even though they have not paid a penny into our system - wtf.

So if 10 Provinces, all with their own abilities, revenues, political leanings all cannot 'fix' their own individual HC problems, why the hell should we be surprised that our Federal Government isn't more competent?

I am NOT hopeful for our future. I do not see things changing by our own means or abilities. The ONLY chance for the CAF to improve is if someone (hint: the US), starts to bang us on our head and threaten us, repeatedly, for multiple years, will it occur.
Do you want to speak Russian or Chinese?

Because the way you treat national defense, you really seem to want to.
You have to be kidding me Kevin, that's just plain ridiculous and delusional. You could cut that 1 trillion dollar budget by 20% and still spend more than the next five combined. Your government is obviously stepping away from the world police role, perhaps you don't need to keep rolling unwanted MBTs off the line right to storage to keep some important senatorial district happy and employed.
We should spend more
We should be capable of more, the two are not the same
Europe should do the same.
Europes biggest gaps are in munitions and will. They should and in my opinion will be able to support Ukraine without the US. They have to overcome German inhibitions, and the slackards in France, Italy and Spain and even the UK. Bit of a problem when the main 5 members of NATO dont walk the talk
The US spends huge amounts on defence because it wants to exert influence and reduce the ability of others to exert theirs. Having learned the lessons of WW1 and WW2 that allowing geopolitical adversaries to grow unrestrained it is harder to restrain them after the fact. I think the present administration is not concerned with that and does not consider Russia and even China in that light
Perhaps the nuclear deterrent or even just demographics precludes this from being the issue that it has for all of history?
You have to be kidding me Kevin, that's just plain ridiculous and delusional. You could cut that 1 trillion dollar budget by 20% and still spend more than the next five combined.
The fact that we spend doesn't mean that Canada doesn't have too, yet Canada acts that way. It is one of the major issues we have with you, and one of the few legitimate issues.

Your government is obviously stepping away from the world police role, perhaps you don't need to keep rolling unwanted MBTs off the line right to storage to keep some important senatorial district happy and employed.
Abrams have been at low rate production for awhile - because Congress knew that the strategic implications of letting a capability evaporate were not palatable. You should be glad that we did.
Correct me if I’m wrong but one of the primary reasons for building the CPR was to thwart American economic dominance over trade in and out of the west. So, I can see transportation investment is economic defence spending with a side order of railroad military fries.

OMG 😱 I’m thinking about defence like a Liberal.
Infrastructure is defence. That's not thinking like a liberal. The national railway was also a Conservative initiative.

The Trent-Severn waterway system (Rideau Canal et al) was a military infrastrucure project to connect upper and lower Canada. The fact it facilitated trade and movement of goods is how it got paid for but its original purpose was for military usage.

The Sault St. Marie Canal is another military project, that came about because we couldn't move our troops west to deal with the NW Rebelion. So Canada created a permanent canal on our side despite the US have a perfect good functional one on their side. They wouldn't let us use it to move troops and weapons.

All that being said putting your finger on the scales and saying an infrastructure project that is clearly single use civilian is not defence spending. Dual use at a minimum should be the starting point for these discussions.

And of course you can have all the infrastructure you want but without the point kinetic bits all that does is help the enemy move in your territory faster.
Abrams have been at low rate production for awhile - because Congress knew that the strategic implications of letting a capability evaporate were not palatable. You should be glad that we did.
That's not why. Porkbarrelling it why the Abrams line is still going. Could have built completely different set of tanks (like they do with aircraft) multiple times over the years but kept the Abrams plant going because "votes".
That's not why. Porkbarrelling it why the Abrams line is still going. Could have built completely different set of tanks (like they do with aircraft) multiple times over the years but kept the Abrams plant going because "votes".
We still sell a lot of Abram’s to allies. The plant isn’t pork barreling, the turbine engine is…

Lima is a GOCO facility, so GDLS builds Abram’s there as that is the tank we have. It builds several different versions, and hopefully in short order the M1A3 will be finalized.
the reality is that porkbarrelling and defence capacity often go together. Witness our own GDLS and the NSS. Buying everything offshore doesnt contribute to self reliance
We still sell a lot of Abram’s to allies.
Sure, from the piles of spare ones sitting in the desert. US army has stated many times it doesn't need more tanks and wanted to redirect budget priorities elsewhere. But they were not allowed to. USN had similar problems(their new carriers for example).
The fact that we spend doesn't mean that Canada doesn't have too, yet Canada acts that way. It is one of the major issues we have with you, and one of the few legitimate issues.

Abrams have been at low rate production for awhile - because Congress knew that the strategic implications of letting a capability evaporate were not palatable. You should be glad that we did.
I think that some of that is the nature of the relationship and the participants. America is an imperialistic power, we are not. America is large and powerful, we are not. America remains the greatest and only real threat to our existence in the minds of many. If that is an unwinnable battle as many attest to then why waste money on it?
Sure, from the piles of spare ones sitting in the desert. US army has stated many times it doesn't need more tanks and wanted to redirect budget priorities elsewhere. But they were not allowed to. USN had similar problems(their new carriers for example).
Just like the RCAF said they only needed 65 fighter jets? Im not sure what to make of these pronouncements or whether they can withstand any scrutiny
No one is forcing the Americans to spend 3.65% GDP on Defence. The defence budget is allowed to be cut. Ultimately it's priorities, your government doesn't care about the Poors, simple as.
Events, dear boy, events.
That's not why. Porkbarrelling it why the Abrams line is still going. Could have built completely different set of tanks (like they do with aircraft) multiple times over the years but kept the Abrams plant going because "votes".
Every defence project in a democratic society has an element of pork barrelling to it; that doesn't mean it can't be a strategic project.

Canada thinks tactically. We need to replace 2,000 logistics vehicles; we give a contract to do that to some foreign country and a small maintenance side contract and we're done. We leave the IP and capability to manufacture elsewhere. Twenty years later we do it again - usually to a different foreigner. That's thinking tactically.

The US thinks strategically. They need an armoured fighting vehicle capability indefinitely; they build a system of plants capable of building AFVs, build a force of tanks and keep the plants going for ongoing factory level maintenance, product improvement, foreign military sales, combat and training loss replacement and a factory level capability to ramp up production in the event of a need for force expansion. That's thinking strategically.

Keeping Lima, and other facilities like it, open is one of the smarter things Congress has done. It's not just a scale of production thing. It's a mindset that favours short-term bean counting over a long-term industrial capability development strategy.

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