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  1. AFireinside13

    Just wondering if anyone knows when BMQ for QOR Reserves is.....

    hey thanks. I talked to them today, they said they are unsure at this exact second.
  2. AFireinside13

    weight loss in BMQ

    I really just hope to lose body fat at BMQ. I will not get the full experience as i will be attending BMQ during the fall for the reserves, so it is not a continuous thing; I get to go home after a hard weekend and work out again. However, i will use it as a chance to better my physical...
  3. AFireinside13

    Just wondering if anyone knows when BMQ for QOR Reserves is.....

    pretty much what the title says... Ciao
  4. AFireinside13

    Working In an Embassey, and everything else!

    I just want to clarify that if i enjoy being a MP, i will stay as a MP. I hear a lot of good things about the position and hope that the opportunities available are the right ones for me; the only way to know for sure is to see how i do as a MP. I love the fact that i will be part of the CF as...
  5. AFireinside13

    Working In an Embassey, and everything else!

    Just an addon to my last post, I would just like to hear a little about the travel aspect, what opportunies are available, and what it is like working in am embassy.
  6. AFireinside13

    Working In an Embassey, and everything else!

    FastEddy, I didn't mean for it to sound like i wanted to join the CF for a short period of time and waste their resources. If i was given the opportunities im looking for, i most certainly would stay as long as i am enjoying it. However, i do think one day i will want to become a civilian police...
  7. AFireinside13

    OP Apollo Video with Sting's music, I can't find it!!

    this is just frustrating, i just formatted my computer and i want that Op Apollo video one of the CF guys shot and used sting's music in it. I cant find the link for it, and i tried searching it, but i can't find it  :'(  ..... please help me!!!
  8. AFireinside13

    Working In an Embassey, and everything else!

    Im sorry CFL, I am not sure if I am understanding you. If you mean you may need prior CF experience, I have not come across that information in my studies of this trade. From what I read and what I am told by recruiters, you only need a Police Foundations diploma to be considered ( I say...
  9. AFireinside13

    Working In an Embassey, and everything else!

    Hello everyone,  :warstory: I am finishing up my last year in Police Foundations and am HIGHLY interested in becoming a Military Police officer. I mean, one day, I want to join a civ. force, but that's down the road. One of the things that draws me towards MP is the opportunity to travel and...
  10. AFireinside13

    Transferring from reserve MP to Reg MP

    I hope this is the right forum. Anyways, i just finished my first year of Police Foundations and i also just finished my PT and CFAT. Now i get to choose my trade. I want to take reserve MP this summer. If i choose res. MP can i transfer over to a reg force MP when i graduate without doing BMQ...
  11. AFireinside13

    So I am handing my application to the QOR regiment tomorrow

    Holy crap, I forgot the last part, I guess that's what teh preview is for. So anyways, I was just wondering how long it usually takes for the application to be processed to the point where I go in to do the fitness test. Also, how much advance notice do they give you? thanks guys, sorry for...
  12. AFireinside13

    So I am handing my application to the QOR regiment tomorrow

    And I am super nervous.  It would be a privilege to serve in the QOR, even if it is only the reserves  :salute: :cdn: and even more so in the CF. Plus I want to jump out of a plane when I am eventually qualified to.    Cheers!
  13. AFireinside13

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    Thanks MILPO  :D hehe. You as well. I have not decided what I would like to do with my life and my diploma. I am 19 and joining the reserves this summer, thats what i do know, oh and I want to travel  ;D
  14. AFireinside13

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    I agree with what you are saying ( I'll write this in non-internet for those who care). I was considering MP because it CAN give you the opportunity to travel all over the world and still be a police officer. I was told by the CF recruiter you will spend the beginning of your career in a base in...
  15. AFireinside13

    Comparing the Combat Arms (Inf vs. Engr vs. Armd vs. Arty)

    Joining reserves this summer... Just wondering which to choose; Infantry or Armoured Soldier? Any input would be great  :D
  16. AFireinside13

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    Aw c'mon. Its an internet forum, i dont have to care about how i write. P.S. You are correct in saying what i wrote may be correct or false as it is only word of mouth. However, the life experiences you gain as MP is a large advantage when applying for a civ. force. I wasn't trying to say they...
  17. AFireinside13

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    Ok, i talked to a recruiter about this issue. I am currently taking a Police Foundation diploma course, the recruiter said that right after school i can apply to be a MP. He said theres something liek 60 spots avail. everytime they go through hiring process ( which can be a few times a year)...
  18. AFireinside13

    its the weekend, I have a question, and no recruiter

    Actually, i was wondering the same too :)
  19. AFireinside13

    its the weekend, I have a question, and no recruiter

    Unfortunately its the weekend and i cant call the recruiter, and my army friend is away this weekend. i am going to join reserves this summer and i want to join the infantry. I went to my local recruiter ( In Oshawa, Ontario regiment) and was told they are an armoured division. I know i have to...