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  1. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    Her name is Velma and a co-worker, she had her interview the 1s week of May I believe with a 2nd Lt BXXXXX at CRFC Halifax and she's going driver. :P I may add that Im watching South Park and have had 4hrs of sleep since i got off work last night.  ;D
  2. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    The problem is that not all the people I know that are waiting are going the same trade I am, or even Air Force for that matter. If my Career manager would call me back it'd almost be a miracle and would resolve alot of the anticipation and questions...but he hasnt responded in the past 2 weeks...
  3. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    Paperwork is only good for 2-3 years then it's tossed if the applicant has not successfully enrolled is what I've been told unless they were stringing it out. Took 5 years to get enrolled...yeah...for some reason Im finding that rather hard to swallow. I really don't see that happening to be...
  4. RTaylor

    AF DEU's out of date?

    We allowed wearing the beret with teh DEU or is it only the Burger King hat?
  5. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    I talked to someone who just completed their interview, etc. She told me that she was told that they are planning for a mass swear in / recruiting for the end of July period. This is for CFRC Halifax though. Going to spend my next few days off harass...errr calling them up to get a definitive...
  6. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    I am going AVS, not AVN...is that also OSL?
  7. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    Im actually going AVS...is that "OSL"? (and what is OSL? lol) I actually live 3hrs away from my CFRC, think a call would get through to the commander?
  8. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    CFR, the reason I made that statement is because someone already had left a file of mine (My VFS request) sitting on their desk for 3 weeks without doing anything about it. I was told this, to my face, during my re-interview. I was told over/around a month ago that I have been merit listed, and...
  9. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    Nope, med docs came in and everything has supposedly been sent off. I verified the med docs with the medical department directly so now I know it's all together, just wondering if it was really sent off or if someone has their stank ass sitting on it, or if the AF trades aren't being recruited...
  10. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    These are people that completed BMQ with my brother in law in February, so I know they aren't OT's or remusters. I've had him checking into things for me. My cousin (who went to 'Stan 4 days ago) also told me the same thing, that the courses are starting up in the early fall. Hopefully I'll get...
  11. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    Already thought of that, but Ive been told by my brother in law who (who waited 4 months for his arty course to start) has 2 friends awaiting AVS & POET that the next courses spark up in September some time.
  12. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    No, I feel that they are giving me answers to placate me.
  13. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    It's been just a little bit over the 1 year mark now since my application. They screwed around, lost parts of my application, sent things to the wrong people and left stuff on desks, game by-passes for medical then made me do it some time after they told me I was merit listed, then told me I had...
  14. RTaylor

    Marine Atlantic to offer free fare to vets, Forces members

    Totally awesome to hear..my dad works on those ferries as an engineer hehe, so I'd have the full tour and ride for free (when my recruitment goes through)
  15. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    I can almost see me being retired by the time I get a frigging call  :crybaby:
  16. RTaylor


    fuckit, going for the plastic bag treatment. Those over my tootsies plus some antigerm powder 4tw...and cheaper too ;)
  17. RTaylor


    I personally have never worn them as most of the people in my area that wear them are women and the more femine men...it's created sort of a sterotype...and they don't look like tough guy footwear. I myself will buy and wear a pair, for the simple fact they are anti-septic and antibacterial...
  18. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    I keep getting told by the CFRC when I call that AVS tech is a red trade and that they are really looking for people in that trade as well as AVN, and as I mentioned I know several people going for red AF trades that haven't gotten their call and have been waiting some time...and then I know of...
  19. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    Hey all, Myself and a few of my friends are going Air Force and have been waiting some time for our calls. After reviewing the boards and the people getting their calls it doesn't appear that anyone going the AF route has been getting calls for their offer, etc. In my area alone there's 4...