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Search results

  1. FascistLibertarian

    Canada, U.S. ARCADE WARS

    What % of Canadians live in America?
  2. FascistLibertarian

    Prince Harry Deploys to Afghanistan

    One its leaked its leaked
  3. FascistLibertarian

    The 3 Trillion $ War

    Isnt the cost to train and equip 1 soldier today equal to something like what it cost to train and equip an infantry company in ww2 accounting for inflation? I read something ages ago which looked at the cost per us infantry soldier for ww1, ww1, vietnam, and Iraq and even vietnam was like...
  4. FascistLibertarian

    Lawmaker: Underage Soldiers Should Be Able To Drink

    The us drinking age is not going to change. Its stupid but its here to stay. Basically when the ages varied by state teens would go to a different state to get wasted and drive back hammered and crash. So they choose to make the drinking age the same in all states. And those states which set 21...
  5. FascistLibertarian

    DEU Blames "WW2 Hangover" for Lack of Support for AFG Fight

    I feel that a cemetery should be a place of somber reflection and mourning. It was very emotional for me to go to Bény-sur-Mer and Bretteville-sur-Laize. To see thousands of Canadians who had come far from their homes to die in a foreign country. The American cemetery is like a celebration. Its...
  6. FascistLibertarian

    DEU Blames "WW2 Hangover" for Lack of Support for AFG Fight

    After ww2 Germans generally took the view that war was wrong in general. If you ever get the chance go to a German ww2 cemetery. I went to one in France. It was all about how bad and awful war was. If you didnt know that the Nazi scum started the war of agression when you went in, well you...
  7. FascistLibertarian

    France stepping to the plate in Afghanistan?

    People are sometimes too hard of the French. They have a lot more international commitments than Canada does. We have everything we can send in A-Stan, France doesnt. That being said, I hope they send more troops, after all since they are French troops, they would get along great with the...
  8. FascistLibertarian

    The Latest (disgusting) "News" Article by Eric Margolis- 10 Feb/ 2008

    Biased news sells. No one wants to print an article "well, were doing alright in A-Stan, there are good and bad things" Thats what we call fair and balanced, it doesnt sell You either need a "this is the right mission" or "this is the wrong mission" The media doesnt wanna debate an issue like...
  9. FascistLibertarian

    The 2008 Canadian Election- Merged Thread

    as a side issue the people who will be going on the next rotation are training already for it I think (could be wrong here) so it seems to me (and I so could be wrong here please correct me) that the sooner they know what type of mission they will be on the better suited their specific training...
  10. FascistLibertarian

    CF night @ the leafs sens game

    The first time most people at the game heard about the CF night was at the game. If this had been made pubic before I think more tickets would have been given up (I dunno if security was a reason) Trenton! They should put on a leafs game for the CF there, that would be a real CF night!
  11. FascistLibertarian

    President George W Bush's place in history

    Well its mark steyn I disagree with his points, but why should I counter it with words or logic? its not like that how things get done in our country! Seeing as this is canada, I think I will try and have his speech considered to cause hate and contrempt towards those who dislike Bush! 8)
  12. FascistLibertarian

    "10 best Canadian military memorial sites"

    The only theatre of ww2 commanded by a Canadian was due to our Navy! :salute: So often we focus on what the army did (for good reason). What the Canadian navy and airforce did should never be forgotten!
  13. FascistLibertarian

    CF night @ the leafs sens game

    Well I won 30$ betting on the Leafs  ;D
  14. FascistLibertarian

    CF night @ the leafs sens game

    Sorry if there is already a topic about this here (i looked briefly). I was at the game last night, I thought it was a great show of support and was really moved by how the people at the game really got behind the troops. Anyways, I just wanted to say I thought it was a really good thing, my...
  15. FascistLibertarian

    Killing Canadians 'best way': student

    This guy is a terrorist like white bois in the burbs who wear baggy clothing and listen to rap are bloods. He is a terrorist like people who say "we should nuke the middle east" are right wing. This guys a poser, we have given him too much attention already. Im sure the real terrorists see him...
  16. FascistLibertarian

    Killing Canadians 'best way': student

    This guy sounds like a total wackjob. Reading what he wrote, its crazy that a person could see the world like that. Im not sure if I should hate him or pity him. He is probably some skinny loser wannabe poser with acne who has no friends and sits up at night typing bs on an online fourm. Based...
  17. FascistLibertarian

    Should I eat before or after my morning swim?

    Hey I have started swimming and or treading water fairly often. I generally wake up and go to the pool then come home and have breakfast. Does this matter? ie would it be better to eat first then swim, or does it not matter, or am i doing it right? I know its a kinda silly question, but thanks...
  18. FascistLibertarian

    "10 best Canadian military memorial sites"

    The HKVCA is fundrasing to make a memorial in honour of the men and women of 'C' Force who were at Hong Kong. When its finished it should be on that list. :)
  19. FascistLibertarian

    Former soldiers from CFB Shilo get 18 months for child pornography

    Castration would, I think, be a cheap and effective method, and a bigger deterrent than a few years in jail. And Im sure there are tons of people who have brains wired differently who dont look at child porn.
  20. FascistLibertarian

    London teen dedicated to peace

    There are stupid people in every group :P