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  1. Chummy

    Reservists Job Protection Superthread

    Just an addendum to my post. The page has been moved (my guess is that they had mislabelled it the first time and fixed it, given the numbering). It is now here: http://www2.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?DocId=2331613&Language=e&Mode=1&File=202 For convenient reference, here is...
  2. Chummy

    Accommodations on U.S. bases

    Thanks, your responses and the other thread are most helpful. I guess the CF must enjoy a slightly different status than "international military" generally, as I would not have guessed that degree of access based on the Navy Lodge website. I'm definitely encouraged to follow up and use this.
  3. Chummy

    Accommodations on U.S. bases

    Apologies if there is already a thread... I searched, but didn't find it. My question is: anecdotally, I understand that CF members, and particularly some Naval Reservists, have been able to use U.S. military facilities such as Navy Lodge when on leave, in various choice locales. Other reg...
  4. Chummy

    Reservists Job Protection Superthread

    This bill was passed and became law. Annoyingly, the text of the passed legislation on the government website just reads "amended" for each of the sections. I tried finding the sections referenced in this legislative summary of the bill (s. 285.03 to 285.13, which I had assumed are the sections...
  5. Chummy

    Reservists Job Protection Superthread

    Whiskey601, while my knee jerk reaction was to agree with you re "screw the tax breaks", the problem is that this will do nothing to encourage them to hire reservists, or discourage them from avoiding hiring reservists. Sure, you could make it illegal to discriminate against a person for being...
  6. Chummy

    Reservists Job Protection Superthread

    While I think employment law can be a provincial area (probably it falls under s.92(13) of the Constitution - property and civil rights), it also could be federal under the regulation of commerce (s.91 (2)), or maybe the catch all Peace Order and Good Government of s. 91 generally. The feds have...
  7. Chummy

    The Best Steak

    My favourite is to do a tenderloin using only Montreal Steak Spice as a dry rub. Like others here, I really like the combination of stuff they put in the steak spice. This can be just shaken on a few minutes before throwing it on the barbie, if you're using a good steak. The steak melts in your...
  8. Chummy


    at the risk of seeming cold and un-PC... I am relieved I will no longer have to hear incessant news stories about this animal...it was frankly getting nauseating... if someone wanted to spend non-public money to reunite this whale with its pod, great, go for it. When this didn't work out, and...
  9. Chummy

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    The Cuban Missile Crisis is probably the most important example of the UN being instrumental in the process that resulted in the situation being diffused with the parties saving face. It was by no means the whole story, but played a key role. It is, of course, always harder to prove a negative...
  10. Chummy

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    I think my post is about "what is", but I also agree with you that countries cloak their self-interested actions in the UN. Of course countries act in self interest, as do citizens with representatives in their local government. My point is that there is a utility in having the UN mechanism in...
  11. Chummy

    Heights in Basic traning (Fear of Heights)

    I learned the nature and extent of my fear of heights on course. If I'm attached to something, it's not bad, but hanging on with no harness of any kind is what scares me. The rappel wasn't so bad, because you're attached. I actually went back for seconds. The issue was the 20 foot cargo net. It...
  12. Chummy

    Naval Reserve BOTC

    There is no NAVRES BOTC in the winter. You would be going to St. Jean. People in my unit have been on the reg force course as recently as last year, so it is presumably still possible. Whether you can go on the course will depend on the space available. Your unit will only know about available...
  13. Chummy

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    I agree on one level that international law requires the power of the state to back it up. Certainly with respect to a particular resolution involving a non-compliant member, this is true. However, the key to any rule of law is that those bound by it have to feel bound by it, either by agreement...
  14. Chummy

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    It is interesting that most of the replies to this post address only the nuclear weapons, and not the latter half of the post. Since these weapons are unlikely to be used against the west, or at all if they are an effective local deterrent, the more ominous message in the initial post is the...
  15. Chummy

    Naval Reserve BOTC

    The Basic Officer Training Course (BOTC) is made up of two courses: Initial Assessment Period (IAP) and Basic Officer Training Period (BOTP). I think it always starts very late April or the first few days of May. The whole thing was 10.5 weeks when I did it, I think the Reg Force Course takes 14...
  16. Chummy

    salute women who board a vessel?

    Without doing a pile of research, I couldn't find a written source for the tradition, but it was taught to me at my unit, and on BOTC. Perhaps it is an unwritten custom. Looking at your drill manual cite, since a member MAY salute a civilian, it seems that it does not contravene anything to...
  17. Chummy

    salute women who board a vessel?

    For what it's worth, I think the tradition extends from the days when one would tip one's hat to a lady... the salute in the Navy evolved from putting the hand to the peak of the headdress, which in turn evolved from tipping the hat. So, by extenstion, one salutes ladies crossing the brow, since...
  18. Chummy

    Doing NavRes MARS phases in one year

    count me on the list of those unable to get on MARS III directly after NETP-O.  :(  I am not aware of any reservists who got on the Reg MARS III course this fall... there is no fall RES course. If you are lucky enough to get on the course, they will make arrangements to expedite the DL package...
  19. Chummy

    NavRes BOTC changes?

    Sorry to hear the recruiting process is still so painful... you're not alone, if it's any consolation... many of my coursemates had similar stories, and were enrolled just days before the course started...I was well over a year in the machine, and had to re-do some of the components (eg. the fit...
  20. Chummy

    NavRes BOTC changes?

    Re Satisfied with Work Point...there were a few whiners, but I am satisfied. The difficulty with the course is a significant lack of available instruction personnel and funding, but one better get used to doing more with less in this organization. I have no experience of St Jean, but I...