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  1. JCof

    special forces workouts

    I'm a big fan of that seal workout but you gotta realize that your not required to swim at anywhere near that level in the canadian infantry.
  2. JCof

    "weight-less" training.. advice needed.

    don't forget squats!
  3. JCof

    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

    After reading these last nine pages I'm thinking that cannonfodder really is just here to try and argue with people. I bet if everyone started agreeing with him he would do a 180 just to be belligerant. The big irony here is that the thread is called "Are We Wasting  Our Effort"  I think the...
  4. JCof

    Feb 9 BMQ - St Jean

    Cool stuff, i look forward to seeing you guys in quebec
  5. JCof

    Pushup, Pullup, Crunch game

    I think this is a great thread, anytime you get a workout going on that leaves you hurtin' for three days you are doing something right. The crossfit is good stuff. They've got these workouts with girls named that involve exercises that use different muscle groups. Stuff like alternating...
  6. JCof

    Feb 9 BMQ - St Jean

    I'll be arriving in St. Jean about a week before that, I'm Infantry. Whats your MOC?
  7. JCof

    PT training in ottawa SAT 9 AM ( good for you, good for me)

    Being out here in Calgary i envy your fitness program, that is unless theres some cowtown pt i don't know about...