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  1. baseballinahat

    Flash Lights

    lol its all about accesorizing these days. >:D
  2. baseballinahat

    Flash Lights

    I like to travel thru the woods day or night, so I can get to where Im going faster. I start at first light then quit about 12:00am, eat on my feet ect... Part of it is pushing myself physically too, to see what I can do.  :threat:
  3. baseballinahat

    Flash Lights

    Well the only thing I really like about the L light is the ability to strap it to your load bearing vest and keep your hands free while you have it on your body looking at something. I'll go look at surefires site and see if they have one of those.
  4. baseballinahat

    Flash Lights

    I want one that clips to my load bearing vest too. Like an angled light but one that is really well made, produces a good beam and lasts along time. Can led lights produce enough light to go at least 100 yards to view a target?
  5. baseballinahat

    Flash Lights

    Im not a cadet, but I was one years ago. Im a gun owner and camper.
  6. baseballinahat

    Flash Lights

    Okay thanks. mays well delete this. I'll add anything relevent to an already made flashlight thread.
  7. baseballinahat

    Flash Lights

    Im thinking of buying a flashlight, but I wanted to get other peoples input on it first. Should I get a weapons fixable flashlight so it can serve 2 purposes? This is for travelling thru the bush. Sometimes I will have my weapon, but sometimes I might not want to lug it around. Also those angled...
  8. baseballinahat

    Your own equipment

    I've seen them driving around vancouver I think they are from the Jericho base. They just look like their from the 60's I geuss 80's would be correct.
  9. baseballinahat

    Your own equipment

    ummmm how does that have anything to do with wanting to bring some of my own equipment into battle to help keep me alive? Of course Im not thinking of asking the army to provide me with a different weapon ect.., Im wanting to bring certain things I own with me.
  10. baseballinahat

    Your own equipment

    Sorry I shouldnt of said equipment. I meant they have veichles from the 60's. Big old trucks. Maybe not now, but I saw Canadian soldiers when we first went in wearing green combats.
  11. baseballinahat

    Your own equipment

    Well the Canadian Forces went into Afghatistan in Green combats. How is that ill informed. Plus we dont really spend much on our millitary. We have equipment from the 60's.
  12. baseballinahat

    Feeling aukward when in uniform near civis

    I cant see how anyone can call a Canadian soldier a baby killer. Thats nuts.  :o
  13. baseballinahat

    Feeling aukward when in uniform near civis

    Anyone have any story's? Like say you walk into a busy pizza joint with a long line up in your uniform. And that song comes on by the Killers on their radio, I got soul, but I'm not a soldier I got soul, but I'm not a soldier.  ;D
  14. baseballinahat

    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    Like no heaving breaths. Just short breaths that give you enough oxygen. I works for me, I run 4 miles 5 days a week and dont stop for cramps.
  15. baseballinahat

    Your own equipment

    Yup thats another reason why I want to bring my own stuff. The Brits have been having the same problem no vests ect... There was a big thing over there where the guy had to lend his vest to someone in another unit, and when he went out he got shot and killed. It was a really big story in the...
  16. baseballinahat

    Ariel Sharon, 1928-2014, R.I.P.

    I think they are nuclear ready. Hes a little too open with his hatred of the Jews. Maybe now that he has nuclear arms hes not scared of how hes seen by the rest of the world.
  17. baseballinahat

    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    What helps me when I run, is to keep movements very small and keep my breathing shallow, no deep breaths. I swallow any saliva build up, I find if I spit it out I cramp up, maybe its the motion involved that does that. I avoid looking around just focus on whats in front of me. hope this helps...
  18. baseballinahat

    How many

    Rangers? Thats the Inuit right? that keep an eye out, are they armed?
  19. baseballinahat

    Your own equipment

    Whatever helps keep me alive. :) To bad about the guns. :(
  20. baseballinahat

    Your own equipment

    How does the Army feel about you bringing your own equipment to places like Afghatistan? Like your own GPS handheld, nightvision scope, pistols? I'm a gun owner and an avid outdoorsman, so I have alot of this type of stuff anyway. It would make sense to bring it along. Unless theres issues with...