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  1. J

    Hillier Arming Canada For War

    My two cents and message to the government: build us an army or don't bother at all.   :threat: :cdn: :army:ONT R
  2. J

    Let The Sucking Up Start- Defence Firms Converge on Ottawa

    My solution is as follows. Fund our own research, development, and manufactuer of Canadian designed, built and owned aircraft, and then, if we want, sell them to other militaries and reinvest the profits into our own forces. By building and developing at home we provide jobs and fuel the...
  3. J

    About the 2.4km run

    just on simple BMQ our first run was 3.5km moving up to 8km towards the end. dont use that 2.4 as a guide, i did, nearly killed me.
  4. J


    thats horrible, it's all the dry lessons. i was never too fluent with those subjects either, however, why have your commerades not drilled it into you head? next time your on picket, set up a chair in the middle of the bunks and practice you IAs and Stoppages until ur shift is over, it drives...
  5. J

    Summer BMQ

    Well, If you are doing BMQ in Meaford this summer you will be going through the course with me. Seek the explanation by viewing my other post under SQ 2006, but, I have just taken BMQ and will be taking it again. Never failed, I was near top on the course, just some stupid $#%@ing bullsh!t which...
  6. J

    summer 2006 SQ

    I was supposed to be doing my SQ in Meaford this summer, however, I broke my ankle during BMQ. I had surgury, returned to duty and covered off all the training that I missed. I continued the entire course on my %$#*ing crutches. It was difficult as %^&$ but I made it through to the end. Or so I...