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  1. B

    Hey all...got the call!

    Congrats COD. Quick question: How long from the time you completed the first stage of applying to the point you got the call? Thanks, bbupd
  2. B

    Canadians serving with the USMC

    McAllister, we've shared a few threads on this topic. Good luck, god's speed and give'em hell.
  3. B

    Should I, or Shouldn't I

    Ironically, hatchetman, we seem to be living parallel lives... I've in the same boat, only I am including RCMP, bth Calgary and Edmonton PD's, and Niagara Regional in addition to the ones you mentioned... My only question is how old are you? I'm getting damn close to the end of the age bracket...
  4. B

    Truth Duty Valor on DVD

    TV Show: Truth Duty Valor Just caught the last part of an episode last night. Seems like a really cool series. Anyone else been watching it? Sorry if its a report.. havent been online much.
  5. B

    Former U.S. military service

    I take it you gave up?
  6. B

    Mr. Tracey Hamilton

    c_m... that was exactly the person.. many many thanks....
  7. B

    Mr. Tracey Hamilton

    DR... c_m... appreciate the reply.. Desert.. he‘ll prolly give you a funny look.. its been more than a few years :)
  8. B

    Mr. Tracey Hamilton

    Still looking...
  9. B

    Kevin Lincez

    Disregard. Found him.
  10. B

    To enlist as an officer..

    how different spin... Is it possible to enlist as reg force, take correspondence courses towards a degree and then pursue an officer rank?
  11. B

    To enlist as an officer..

    From reading the DND site on recruiting, it seems to me if I want to go straight full reg, I need to go back to school for a BA in something in order to be qualified to enlist as an Officer.. Yet under Reserves the comment is if you have ‘leadership qualities‘ ... The full reg quals do not list...
  12. B

    Canadian Citizen in the US Marines

    My guess is, anyone can wave a flag... Not everyone will/would take a bullet... I would read that as applicable to any country, and obviously excluded present company.
  13. B

    Canadian Citizen in the US Marines

    Ah yes.. but Ghost.... did they call in a tactical air strike on them? Oh wait.. those pilots thought they were under attack.... :rolleyes:
  14. B

    question for Sherwood

    Here‘s a question, relative to pay in that I am curious which route is best ... If 2 men, exactly the same skillset and personality were to enlist.. one as a regular enlistee and the other as an officer candidate... would they go equally far? Would the basic recruit have opp for promotion to...
  15. B

    Canadian Citizen in the US Marines

    Oh well this *was* a decent thread.
  16. B

    Canadian Citizen in the US Marines

    Considering I have taken part in "the last 4 pages of useless written diarhea", I thought I‘d reply with a request for "enlightenment" from someone who has actually served... Whats your taken on military service? Care to share some of your inside knowledge? I suppose what I take to heart is the...
  17. B

    Canadian Citizen in the US Marines

    Once a Marine, always a marine... I noticed this while on another bulletin board for off roading.. several US Marines or former marines.. and even though they don‘t know each other, the comraderie is still there.. As for those who feel we should be more dedicated to our citizenship.. tell me...
  18. B

    Canadian Citizen in the US Marines

    And this is exactly why the USMC is so appealing... its all about the ‘Semper Fi‘.....
  19. B

    Canadian Citizen in the US Marines

    My bad.. the Brit Roy Marines require 3 yrs.. not 5.. i think i got the 5 from that being how many years until I hit the age cutoff :D :D :D too many decisions.. not enough easy ones.. I agree with one of the prev posts.. you‘d think that it‘d be easy for Canadians to go south, and US...
  20. B

    Canadian Citizen in the US Marines

    Last I checked the British requirements, you needed to be landed in the UK for 5 years, including your citizenship under the Queen... That means.. on the island. Or does anyone know differently than that?