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Canadian Citizen in the US Marines

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No problem. Shall do indeed. I‘m just rather busy nowadays with these confouded studies, and I have not been able to do much intense researching. When I get the time, I shall browse through about the R.M.C. and the C.F.

Thanks for the advice, Walter Brunszwick.
Sherwood, what are you getting at?

If you would like to dissprove my theory that the U.S. borrows money from the U.N. and does not return it, tell me why the U.S. did not listen to France when they opposed the war? Could it be possible that your "government" is really not telling you all the facts, EH?

I cannot quite recall who Ted Bundy was, but I think your "Canadian accent" theory is bull****, pardon my French.
Is this where we get to debate the difference in violent crimes between Canada and the US?

I can‘t see the US having to borrow money from anyone, especially the UN. That would if anything look weak.
But is it true that the US fell 10 years behind in their UN dues?

I heard that on the news a few years ago.
Why do i detect a tit for tat tid bit in your posts.
The USA has the market cornered on serial killers and general freaks of nature and yes we produce our fair share as well. I still eat bacon by the way and good old Ted just could not take no for an answer.
I guess my question is that why as an educated man do you need to argue with those that you know are incorrect? ex. U.N?
Forged a bout it. Useless debate about this or that and tit for tat doesn‘t go anywhere. I think world events speak for themselves and when we land in the **** our countries work together.
Besides, the U.N and even NATO are non factors in the world these days.
I‘ve noticed that as well but it makes things interesting at the very least. Subtle and respectful but the zing is still there heh.

Speaking of which, whatever happened to that american soldier who threw the grenade at his fellow soldiers, i haven‘t heard much about that in the news lately. (Kinda died out like that whole jessica lynch medal of honour hero biz) Does that happen often in the US army? I read in the news some time ago that marines from one base were arrested and charged beause they were planning on going to the next marine base over and blow up some of the guys there. Keep your enemies close but your friends closer i guess.
Ah yes.. but Ghost.... did they call in a tactical air strike on them? Oh wait.. those pilots thought they were under attack.... :rolleyes:
ah yes, Hasan Akbar he threw the grenade into the tent. He was afraid that god would punish him for fighting against fellow muslims. Dont know the exact words of it, but that‘s pretty much it. Awful thing really.
It‘s incredible how people can justify acts of murder in the name of "god".

In most religions versions of the bible suicide and murder are sins, yet people always have an excuse for it. I think they should give him the death penality, simple as that.
In my opinion, the Major has endured far more tits, than he has responded with tats...

Heck, Old School - I can‘t stop arguing with the whiners, morons, goofballs, ill-informed, or naive - that‘s practically the only time I post!!

I understand as it is tough to read five by five on a chat board.
My point was that it is way too easy to get a school yard sand kicking session going,that is all.
I spent a lot of time on exchange and I always appreciated my time with the U.S forces so perhaps I am even sensative to the red and white beaver eaters getting on thier soapbox. We have nothing to crow about as we have a system that has sold out the regular soldier and a government that can defy any reasonable description of competent.
I live in Canada but work in the U.S and abroad so I get a pretty good picture of current events.
I got into this line of work in the 1980‘s because I thought times would get tough and boy did they.
We need a little more cooperation among countries at the moment.
To get back to the topic, U.S, Can, U.K, forces, just go for it with your gut and give it all.We are all working for the same thing.Security.
"We need a little more cooperation among countries at the moment."
I really couldn‘t agree more. Right now though, there is great tension among large countries.

If I ever to get to a high rank in the military, hopefully I could form some sort of alliances to help the Third-World countries, such as Ukraine, Iraq, Turkey, and so forth, for they currently are in great dispair, where violence and crimes are at a high level.

I don‘t understand how your fellow soldiers could turn on you. Is there not any loyalty amongst themselves. In war, you look out for each other, and fight for each other, for yourself, and for your country.

"Wars have never hurt anybody except the people who die." -Salvador Dali

"Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being."
-Kahlil Gibran, "The Voice of the Poet"

"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind." -John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Obviously, in the last few pages, this topic has been hijacked, stolen, raped and nearly murdered... And now, Waltz comes around with this:
If I ever to get to a high rank in the military, hopefully I could form some sort of alliances to help the Third-World countries, such as Ukraine, Iraq, Turkey, and so forth
He he he... I can‘t believe this... imagine the news headlines in 2034:
"Canadian General walter Brunswick has struck a deal with the interim government of the troubled island of Mauritius. The Gen has approved the deployment of 2 MP PL to help restore order in the republic, which in exchange has agreed to send 50 000 t-shirts bearing the "Hard Rock Cafe-Baghdad" logo to canada"
Do you smell a Nobel Peace prize ???
WOW,that one takes the cake.Im starting to think Waltz does it on purpose.

How old are you,and how far are you in the recruitment process?

Your ideas are...unique,myabe you should ask what recce41 thinks of them.hehehe :D
Delusions of grandeur?

If I ever to get to a high rank in the military, hopefully I could form some sort of alliances to help the Third-World countries, such as Ukraine, Iraq, Turkey, and so forth, for they currently are in great dispair, where violence and crimes are at a high level.
Isn‘t foreign policy the job of our elected officials?
Ahhh Waltz!!!

The unnecessary element of comic relief. I tip my hat to you fine sir! :salute:
However sir, he has paid more for his "citizenship" than most real American citizens.
I think my bro means that by joining up and then going to a theatre of war, regardless of being "illiegal", this kid showed more patriotism and right to be titled "a true American" than Bubba from A$$f#ck, Alabama who thinks "‘Merca should be fer ‘Mer-cans" and yet hasn‘t done anything more than be the fortunate victim of random genetic selection coupled with good choice of geography.
In other words, unlike some people who were just born American, this kid CHOSE to be American through his choices and actions.
Take that for what you will.
I am not sure how to take that...was that a shot across the bow or just a smart a$$ remark.
My guess is, anyone can wave a flag... Not everyone will/would take a bullet...

I would read that as applicable to any country, and obviously excluded present company.
If I ever to get to a high rank in the military, hopefully I could form some sort of alliances to help the Third-World countries, such as Ukraine, Iraq, Turkey, and so forth, for they currently are in great dispair, where violence and crimes are at a high level.
Turkey?! What the ****, since when did my homeland become third-world country. Well hey if you can fix something fix the **** cops, they‘re the crime.