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Canadian Citizen in the US Marines

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You may not go to the Island. If you‘re west of the Mississip, you‘ll go to the MCRD in San Diego and then Pendleton ( Oceanside ) for your last month. No disrespect intended, but I understand all the chick recruits are sent to PI for basic. I don‘t think any female recruits are sent to basic on the west coast. At least that‘s the last thing I heard. Probably bull****. Odds are, you won‘t be deployed to the ME.

Deployment: You WON‘T be going to Iraq. The 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment returned to the States from Iraq on September 6, 2003. The 1st Battalion, 4th Marines and the 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion departed Iraq for Kuwait on or about September 10 in preparation for a return to the United States. There is currently no Marine Corp. contingent in Iraq. 101st Airborne replaced much of the Marines in Afghanistan in January. I *believe* there is a MEU there now.

However, Rummy has got to start rotating troops out of Iraq in the next 8 months. He says he‘s doing it with reserves. We‘ll see, ‘eh‘ ?

If you go to fas.org or globalsecurity.org, they have a fairly good listing of deployments and order of battle in specific operations.

Good luck to you, sir.
Well, I am pretty much done with Waltz, he can go join Pilotgal for all I f*cking care.

To anyone who is offended by remarks made here, remember, this site is called Army.ca, not Armywannabe.ca, or Informedcivilian.ca. It is nice to see eager young guys come around (h*ll, I was one myself a while back) BUT, don‘t step on your d*ck by trying to talk sh*t to some of the senior soldiers on this site because your read the Globe and Mail. These guys literally have boots older than you, and they don‘t give a fat rats a*s if you think they are wrong, ignorant, or narrow-minded.

All I can say is that if you have not served you are an outsider looking in. I‘ll be happy to try and explain things to the best of my knowledge, but don‘t call me ignorant. I officially withdraw from this thread with a favorite quote of mine.

"It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause;who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails,at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

Take Care
Infanteer, I realize it is deep. Sorry for being so critical right away. I realize many soldiers put their life on the line, whether it is for good or bad government.

Aquilus Lupin, I understand.

Jungle, I am surprised, for I heard of it before, it was before my time, so I wasn‘t sure. I recall having a discussion with the guidance councillor about something related, but forgot what exactly. I am not disputing that there are a great bunch of guys in the USMC, but it is your decision.

Ghost778? I am taking English. I am not enlisted in the RMC yet...

Concerning the war in Iraq, I sure hope the US will haul *** soon, as well as the Canadians stationed there, before it turns into another ****in‘ Vietnam.

Overall, I do realize that many plans that one had before quickly vanished :( , perhaps as I planned to become Brigadier General Walter Brunszwick, and lead a great force into a desperate battle, I will become a Lieutenant after graduation from the RMC, or perhaps a 3rd Class Private among a bunch of guys in the trenches waiting to go over the top. I have not decided fully the course I will take through life, but whatever I do, I certainly hope it can be of significance in making the world a better place.
Waltz - I‘d be curious as to what extensive military and political research you‘ve done, in order to conclude, in your detailed analysis, that there‘s any chance of Iraq becoming another Vietnam. They are as different as night and day. I suspect you‘ve been listening to the same left-wing, sensationalist media that accused the US Military of "floundering", etc., on their trip to Baghdad. I‘m not the historian that M Dorosh or some of the others are, but that seemed to be quite a campaign, regardless of how the media tried to spin it. Frankly, I agree with some of the others - listen and learn, or stick to pastry reviews ;)
Jungle, I am surprised, for I heard of it before, it was before my time, so I wasn‘t sure.
WTF are you talking about... you NEVER had your time, and with the attitude you demonstrate here, it is likely you never will. Carry on, donut boy...
Yes, I know Muskrat. I have considered the media too. I am not saying Iraq will become (literally) Vietnam, but more and more troops will continually be sent their until they "win" the war. This could potentially happen, or it could not.

Jungle, please don‘t insult me. I would die for Canada. Do not address me as "donut boy." What arrogant fool in the army would have such low dignity and respect, EH?

When I enlist, I sure hope you treat me, as well as any other, better than you have displayed here...
Waltz, I suggest you re-read Infanteer‘s post at the top of page 7. If you can‘t take a little flak, don‘t join !!!
Infanteer - I listen to you! ;) You, Jungle, and a handful of others.

Waltz - You ain‘t seen nuthin yet, chum. For most of us, respect is earned, not assumed. Not sure what kind of pre-conceived notions you have of military life, but surely military life hasn‘t changed THAT much, since I got out...you may be willing to die for your country - I can only hope that they won‘t be mean to you, before they kill you . What a way to go - latte poured on the ground, your danish spit on, called some names, disagreed with - after all that, death would be a welcome relief, I‘m sure :rolleyes:

I just want to give you some props for doing what you‘re doing. In retrospect I think it takes some big balls to be a Marine (especially a Canadian one!). So good luck with everything and be strong.

I will become a Lieutenant after graduation from the RMC, or perhaps a 3rd Class Private among a bunch of guys in the trenches waiting to go over the top.
I strongly recommend you do a lot more research before you make any more "plans".
Well. Whoowh. Thanks for that vote of confidence gentlemen :p . I had not experienced any form of military life, so I don‘t really know what to expect, other than discipline, respect, training, and so forth... They way I percieve army life on a regular basis is rise and shine at 6:00am to a beugal, raise the Canadian flag (proudly may I add), eat breakfast, morning training, studies, training, dinner, sleep. This procedure would seem rather repetative I would image day by day, but cannot think of any other regular, or extra-ordinary events. It would be to my interests if one of you could please explain of a more detailed schedule...

"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." - Aristotle

"I‘d rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I‘d rather be a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a might have-been has never been, but a has was once an are." - Milton Berle
Thanks for the well wishes guys... hope to see some of you out there in the future.

Ship out date got pushed back to 7 Jan. Looks like i‘ll be home for the holidays. Mom‘s going to be happy :)
Best of luck Erik.

I was always interested in the armed forces too. After talking to you I checked the the British Army and to my surpise I was eligible. Talked to adminstration there and I have a solid chance of getting in.

Reason why i‘m choosing the UK over Canadian army is because I see more potential career opportunities. Sadly, the Canadian government just doesn‘t seem to fund the army enough. :(
That is true. I would like to be a part of a bigger force, such as the United States, even though they borrowed billions of dollars from countries, including the UN, and never payed it back (that is how they got a lot of their weaponry). The Canadian government should purchase some B52s and nuclear bombs so that we can also blow up some **** in Iraq.

But look on it through the good side: we have a first rate health-care and education system.
"That is true. I would like to be a part of a bigger force, such as the United States, even though they borrowed billions of dollars from countries, including the UN, and never payed it back (that is how they got a lot of their weaponry). The Canadian government should purchase some B52s and nuclear bombs so that we can also blow up some **** in Iraq."

WTF? I hate to slag anybody expressing their own opinions, but do you actually read what you‘re posting? :blotto:

Come on, kid, fight the urge to spew and save us some bandwidth.
I recall having a discussion with the guidance councillor about something related, but forgot what exactly.
I think that says it all for Waltz.
He recalls some things he‘s heard, but doesn‘t recall exactly what they were, yet he feels compelled to form (and discuss) his opinions based on his vague fleeting memories of some useless tidbit of info that he picked up, God only knows where (the guidance counseller maybe).

"Uh-oh Wolf Blitzer on CNN just asked Joe "Nobody" Civilian if the USA is at risk of entering another Vietnam scenario in the war with Iraq. And Joe said yes!
Pass me my pastry, I‘m heading over to the debate club to warn the other future Brigadier Generals (or 3rd class privates) You know, whichever comes first."

Well. Whoowh. Thanks for that vote of confidence gentlemen . I had not experienced any form of military life, so I don‘t really know what to expect, other than discipline, respect, training, and so forth... They way I percieve army life on a regular basis is rise and shine at 6:00am to a beugal, raise the Canadian flag (proudly may I add), eat breakfast, morning training, studies, training, dinner, sleep. This procedure would seem rather repetative I would image day by day, but cannot think of any other regular, or extra-ordinary events. It would be to my interests if one of you could please explain of a more detailed schedule...
No one has "confidence" in you about anything at this point I would think.
There are people who come here and are overly eager, and gung-ho to join up, and go a little overboard expressing opinions, thoughts, and even a little bit of nonsense. Many who are in the process of joining up.
It‘s natural at that point to be really excited, really enthusiastic, and really lacking the perspective to see that the long time users of this board are interested in helping out potential new recruits gather useful information, and having valid discussions with other(past/present) members of the CF.
What they are not interested in, is indulging childrens war fantasies, listening to civilians spew out garbage facts about the CF, or knowing what you Waltz had for breakfast as you went about preparing for a career as the Brigadier General (or 3rd class private).

It says a lot that you don‘t even know what to expect on an average day of service in the CF.
That kind of information is readily available on the internet, not to mention that this forum in particular will have a lot of information relating to life in the military.
If you can‘t even research information that pertains to the career path (Brigadier General) that you have set out for yourself, how are we supposed to have confidence that you have researched the complex and multi-layered politics involved in the war in Iraq, or any other topic currently up for discussion.
GrahamD, you didn‘t read me. I am not saying anyone of you has confidence in me, I was saying that I appreciate the "confidence" that everyone here has bestowed upon me.

You guys are not telling me squat other than critisizing my "lack of knowledge." I would feel a lot better if you would tell me how it‘s like so that I will at least know what to expect upon enlistment. I am doing this for my country, the least you fellas could do is show me some courtesy and respect.

Sherwood, I always consider both sides of an argument. I was informed that the U.S. borrowed billions of dollars from the U.N. which they haven‘t retured. Reasons why I am more likely to believe this fact is because the United States practically runs the U.N. For example, in front of the U.N., U.S. sought to bring forward an issue to deal with Iraq, but France made an opposing statement, and France being one of the 5 permanent members would mean that the entire issue would immediately be dropped. What the **** did U.S. do? Invade Iraq...
Waltz, before going off on not being told what life is like, or other info on the CF, by members of this board, you should go to the handy search function, and do a search for things you want to know. Most things have been stated over and over at some point on these boards.

If you find anything that you believe should be part of the FAQ, PM me and let me know.
