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Canadian Citizen in the US Marines

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The French sell weapons to everyone; Nasser had French jets and tanks too. To the best of my knowledge, the US "gives" Israel a certain amount of money every year to spend on American weaponry. Can anyone verify this? I heard about it, but ****ed if I can remember from where....

Here‘s a question for you Sherwood...you evidently seem to really hate the French, so what‘s the difference if I say I hate Americans? Wouldn‘t that make us BOTH idiots?
Nothing like a mob mentality. Theres been quite a few members of this board (older, I assume) that have expressed pro-Canadian, or "unpro-American" sentiments that were mature, logical, and well expressed; whether I agreed or not. Most of you sound like pouty teenagers, practicing anti-American sentiments because it‘s chic - not because you actually have clues what you‘re talking about. Go back to your paintball and online (American produced, for the most part) role-playing games.

And if that‘s not bad enough, now we have PETA on the board. Idealistic kids. Maybe we can all get on the magic train and take a whimsical trip to the chocolate mountains and candyland junction....

I personally do not like many of the policies of the US and things they have done through out history. Give money to someone, they turn on the US, US goes in and kicks some a$$. Horrible circle.
Through media, history books and personal experience i‘ve formed my own opinion as no doubt others have.
So, Canadian government policies through the years are representative of the Canadian People?? C‘mon... :rolleyes: I can‘t recall a Canadian Govenrment, Federal or Provincial, that I would say ever reflected my psyche/beliefs as a Canadian

Hand-wringing, fence-sitting, patronage laden bunch of hacks. Instead of taking stands, they try to play both sides (often).

Chretien‘s son-in-law sits on the board of the largest oil company having involvement in pre-war Iraq - a company from France. THAT, I believe, is why we didn‘t support the US - not because of some pure form of Canadian ideals. So don‘t wax- poetic about sleazy Americans protecting their own self-interests...

You guys are missing the point - 90% of policy makers are sleazeballs. We are talking about the people. American people and Canadian people both have their quirks, but no one has a monopoly on morons. Say what you will - the terrorist attacks were on American people. And people from 40 or 50 other countries. Figuratively against politics maybe, but it was normal people. I can tell you, it‘s easy to sit in the safety of a message board, and pontificate - unless you were here, you will never understand. Have some nut fly a plane into the CN Tower because of softwood tarriffs - then sit back, and say - "we shouldn‘t feel defensive, its a result of our foreign policies." Maybe somebody of Japanese descent, who was interned during WWII. They have a legitimate bone to pick. I felt attacked that day, and I was 3700 miles away. Me. My family. My friends. If you guys heard some civvie running down the Military, would you agree? Would you not get defensive? Probably, you‘d tell them that until they did time in, they have not earned the right to very many opinions. Well, that was in the old days. In today‘s PC world, everyone has rights, no one has rights. Everyone is a TV-schooled armchair quarterback.
Thank you Muskrat, for bringing some sense to this lame topic. My Dad is married to an American, and I sure don‘t see a difference between the two.

Your right. Both Canada and the US have some good and bad politicians and good and bad policies, but in the end run, your not fighting for Jean Cretian/George Bush/The Queen or Gay Marriage/Affirmative Action/Lower Gas Prices.
When it comes down to the man in the trench, the average soldier (British, Canadian, American) sits on the line between civilization and barbarism so that countless others back home can sleep peacefully at night, get married, have kids, take them to a park, watch a movie, eat a BigMac etc, etc without having to worry about being killed in the process of this. This kid has the courage to sign up for the United States Marine Corps and you have the cojones to sit on the internet and tell him he‘s made a mistake based on the politics of the day.
F*ck, half of you turds are civilians with no idea of what military service means anyways.
Do this. Go down and join the Canadian Army. Complete all your training and go to your posting. You will most likely work with soldiers from our allied armies (i.e. America, the first exercise I ever did was in Fort Lewis] Then, go on an operational tour to some sh*thole where 90% hate Americans and the West and general and will probably try to kill you, than come back and come on this board and give your opinion to this kid.

In the end, who are you ultimatly going to side with, the American who lives a life pretty similar to yours and believes in the same fundamental ideals, or the guy living in a cave, burning your flag, and planning to kill your kids.
Thank you Muskrat, for bringing some sense to this lame topic. My Dad is married to an American, and I sure don‘t see a difference between the two.

Your right. Both Canada and the US have some good and bad politicians and good and bad policies, but in the end run, your not fighting for Jean Cretian/George Bush/The Queen or Gay Marriage/Affirmative Action/Lower Gas Prices.
In the end, a British, American, or Canadian soldier sits on the line between civilization and barbarism is so that countless others back home can sleep peacefully at night, get married, have kids, take them to a park, watch a movie, eat a BigMac etc, etc without having to worry about being killed in the process of this. This kid has the courage to sign up for the United States Marine Corps and you have the cojones to sit on the internet and tell him he‘s made a mistake based on the politics of the day. F*ck, most of you turds are civilians with no idea of what military service means anyways.
Do this. Go down and join the Canadian Army. Complete all your training and go to your posting. You will most likely work with soldiers from our allied armies (i.e. America, the first exercise I ever did was in Fort Lewis] Then, go on an operational tour to some sh*thole where 90% hate Americans and the West and general and will probably try to kill you, than come back and come on this board and give your opinion to this kid.

In the end, who are you ultimatly going to side with, the American who lives a life pretty similar to yours and believes in the same fundamental ideals, or the guy living in a cave, burning your flag, and planning to kill your kids.
Thank you sir for your support. I don‘t really know what to say other then what I said before about why I am joining. Honestly I am not 100% sure why, it just seemed right after all the research.
Trust me, you are going to like it in the USMC. I don‘t think there is any unit that values esprit-de-corps and traditon like the Marines. The way in which they honor the title Marine displays this. (Plus, they have by far the BEST dress uniform in the world).
Just remember when you get to Parris Island, keep your mouth shut, listen to your DI‘s, and give it 110%, because you are representing Canada in some form.
Trust me, you are going to like it in the USMC. I don‘t think there is any unit that values esprit-de-corps and traditon like the Marines. The way in which they honor the title Marine displays this. (Plus, they have by far the BEST dress uniform in the world).
Just remember when you get to Parris Island, keep your mouth shut, listen to your DI‘s, and give it 110%, because you are representing Canada in some form.
And this is exactly why the USMC is so appealing... its all about the ‘Semper Fi‘.....
I once read that more Canadians served in US forces in Vietnam (about 60,000) than American draft dodgers came to Canada. Perhaps someone connected with a Canadian Vietnam veteran organization can confirm those numbers.

There are estimates that 50,000 Canadians served in the Union Army and up to 20,000 in the Confederate Army during the US Civil War.

Having said all that, I have difficulty in the rationale that one can retain citizenship while in the armed services of a foreign nation. Just where are your loyalties supposed to lie? The same arguements surround the concept of dual citizenship.

There is ample current evidence that many nations do not recognize the concept of dual citizenship, and that if a person holds their citizenship, then they are fully accountable to their legal system.
And this is exactly why the USMC is so appealing... its all about the ‘Semper Fi‘.....
Its true. You can really feel like you belong to something important. I have the small arms in my rear window and in my drive from Montreal to Orlando I got at least a dozen honks and waves, from both people with the arms in their window and from those who didn‘t. The amount of respect is amazing. It‘s not why I joined, but it does feel good. You have the backing of the people you are fighting for, for the most part.
Its true. You can really feel like you belong to something important.
Once a Marine, always a marine...

I noticed this while on another bulletin board for off roading.. several US Marines or former marines.. and even though they don‘t know each other, the comraderie is still there..

As for those who feel we should be more dedicated to our citizenship.. tell me.. what is "Canadian"?? The political lines that our passports reflect, are younger than 2 human life times.... In the grand scheme of things, its in its infantile stages compared to Europe where countries have existed for thousands of years, in one form or another...
When it comes down to the man in the trench, the average soldier (British, Canadian, American) sits on the line between civilization and barbarism so that countless others back home can sleep peacefully at night, get married, have kids, take them to a park, watch a movie, eat a BigMac etc, etc without having to worry about being killed in the process of this.
Infanteer, I don‘t know whether to call this, except plain and absolute ignorance . The United States is fighting against another country, having NOTHING to do with "home" security!!! Is the U.S. gov‘t telling you Americans this? I have analysed this war, and can assure you that U.S. is not doing this for "home" security so that "countless others back home can sleep peacefully at night." I certainly hope that you are of higher intelligence and will not process that information.

On another subject, today, was an awesome day. I had some coffee and pastry in Law class in the morning, then at lunch bumped into a friend who was on his way to the Debating Club, which I had planned on joining in the R.M.C., but I decided to tag along anyways. Although not being a good public speaker, I hope to develop better public speaking skills and raise an issue on the subject of vaccinations upon joining the Canadian Army, which, I have heard have had some fatal effects in many cases. Any other things I should mention?

Other: Brace yourself gentlemen, hurricane en route to Toronto at an estimated 70km/h.

Read my post again, and than try and tell me about my job. Until then, enjoy the pastry.
Waltz, think man. Things go deeper than that.
Just because the fight isn‘t on your soil, does not mean that it has nothing to do with you.

Were Canadians being ignorant during WWII?

Contemplate things for awhile...
I hope to develop better public speaking skills and raise an issue on the subject of vaccinations upon joining the Canadian Army, which, I have heard have had some fatal effects in many cases. Any other things I should mention?
Aside from the fact that you are an idiot, no. I have been in the CF 20 years, and received more than my share of shots, and have never heard of someone die as a result of vaccination. Before you write some piece of junk on the Military, try to join and serve a few years, maybe then I would pay attention.
To the rest of the wannabes who think they know everything, we are looking for a new Prime-Minister at the moment. Apply now, before you forget most of the stuff and become one of us adults...
Kusiak, if you are comfortable with joining the USMC, go for it. They are a great bunch of guys... And as far as I am concerned, joining the USMC is no worse than joining the FFL or the British Military.
Muskrat, nice to see you‘re still around... Take care.
WaltZ i hope your going to english class as well.

"I have analysed this war, and can assure you that U.S. is not doing this for "home" security so that "countless others back home can sleep peacefully at night."

Things changed a lot since i took law in kingston.
Hey Jungle - nice to see your voice of reason descend upon us now and then - good to see you too. Not much worthy of comment these days - "never argue with a fool, at the end you won‘t know which one is which" or something like that. I agree with you wholeheartedly - too many enlightened geniuses on the board lately.....

Aquilus Lupin, if you are comfortable with joining the USMC, go for it.
Just for clarification, I wasn‘t the one planning to join the USMC. :cool:

Aquilus Lupin, you have no choice now... you will have to join the USMC...
Seriously, after reading the last 4 pages of useless written diarhea, I forgot who initiated this... my mistake. But my post was mainly directed at waltz‘s incredibly stupid remarks...
Seriously, after reading the last 4 pages of useless written diarhea, I forgot who initiated this... my mistake. But my post was mainly directed at waltz‘s incredibly stupid remarks...
Considering I have taken part in "the last 4 pages of useless written diarhea", I thought I‘d reply with a request for "enlightenment" from someone who has actually served... Whats your taken on military service? Care to share some of your inside knowledge?

I suppose what I take to heart is the personal attacks made on those of us "wannabe‘s" who don‘t know because of the lack of information thats actually out there.. and I‘m sorry, but with a mortgage and family I can‘t afford to take "sign up and find your answers" as the only response to many questions...

Only thing I can say is, yes, I can appreciate that some of you who are in the CF may take comments from ungrateful civs to heart.. but at the same time, have some patience... Just because I don‘t know what you do, doesn‘t mean I‘m not worthy.

Regards, and respect...