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  1. Hawkeye

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Updating Recruiting Center: Montreal Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: 031 Infantry Trade Choice 2: Armour Trade Choice 3: N/A Application Date: March 8 , 2007 First Contact: March 12 2007 Second Contact: March 27 , 2007 Aptitude Test : March 29 , 2007 Med completed ...
  2. Hawkeye

    Pea's Story...

    Hey congrats Pea i hope mine goes along just as quick and hopefully get to see you in st jean:) keep up your hard work i'm sure you'll be a big success:)
  3. Hawkeye

    New Member with a Question

    heyas man i'm from Montreal too well north of Montreal and sometimes the security/credit check goes quicker than others now you said that ya dont have a criminal record and thats ok but they dont know that so sometimes it takes a bit longer but be patient it will come i'm very anxious myself too...
  4. Hawkeye


    oui tout a fait mais caline que je suis impatient lolllllllllll mais ca vaut la peine que veut tu:P:P
  5. Hawkeye

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    Personally i think that if pushups are not being done properly it can cause injury and if continued can cause severe injury this has happened to a friend of mine alot of factors come into play though your weight? new at pushups? could be many factors every excercise has it's proper way of being...
  6. Hawkeye

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Updating Recruiting Center: Montreal Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: 031 Infantry Trade Choice 2: Armour Trade Choice 3: N/A Application Date: March 8 , 2007 First Contact: March 12 2007 Aptitude completed : Pending Med completed : Pending PT Test completed: Pending...
  7. Hawkeye

    March Madness - Selection Boards 07

    wow nice pea congrats i applied the 8th of this month still waiting too no telling when they'll call mind you iu havent even done my apt test yet nor an interview
  8. Hawkeye

    ya tu du monde a quebec qui sont en attente avec leur recrutement ?

    Je suis curieux de savoir si ya des gens au Quebec qui sont en attente dans le process de leur application ou ben meme a Montreal? Je le suis moi jai applique le 8 Mars 2007 pis la ils sont rendu au point de faire les verifications de securite ect....
  9. Hawkeye

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    i think waiting is the worse part too mind you it's only been 3 weeks for me i just have to be patient as far as the process goes for me they are in the process of conducting my security check ect... now so all i can do is wait and see
  10. Hawkeye

    Dates et Duree QMB

    asteur le bmq est de 13 semaines:)
  11. Hawkeye


    felicitations:) est bonne chance:)
  12. Hawkeye

    besoin d'aide............

    fait des recherches sur l internet pour des tests de IQ ou des tests de connaissance pratique toi ladsus:)
  13. Hawkeye

    Does the CF need any Baby Boomers?

    i'm 38 soon to be 39 in August also in the application process and i can assure you all that i'm in top shape the guy at the recruiting center told me that they tend to appreciate enlisting older ppl cause they have life experience and are alot more serious so i'd say go for it:)
  14. Hawkeye

    PT Testing Information For All New CF Members Headed to BMQ or IAP/BOTP

    so my information was right then in my previous post last week? http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/58835.0.html
  15. Hawkeye

    Basic Up

    Does this series still play i tried searching for it on the net but came up empty:(
  16. Hawkeye

    1 canadien sur 5 croit que...

    moi aussi j pense que cest un conspiration j pense que son tout relier ensemble cette gang la
  17. Hawkeye

    New Procedures for the medical in the recruiting process

    well according to a recruiter and a cpl at the montreal recruiting center they no longer do the medicals there and like i said earlier they are now done in st jean:)
  18. Hawkeye

    New Procedures for the medical in the recruiting process

    thats quite possible ive heard that too but i cant really confirm it maybe it would be a good idea to pin this so people will know what the new procedure is of course a mod would probably have to certify this information:)
  19. Hawkeye

    New Procedures for the medical in the recruiting process

    I was at the montreal Recruiting office last night to bring in a paper that was missing out of my file and i was talking with the recruiter and he was telling me that the next call i will get will be to do my Aptitude test as for the medical well he told me that from now on they do it after ive...
  20. Hawkeye

    Former Soldier Acquitted of Sex Assault on Teen

    he may have been aquitted but it'll probably be a matter of time before someone gets to him on the streets;)