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New Procedures for the medical in the recruiting process


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I was at the montreal Recruiting office last night to bring in a paper that was missing out of my file and i was talking with the recruiter and he was telling me that the next call i will get will be to do my Aptitude test as for the medical well he told me that from now on they do it after ive been enrolled and on my way to bmq in st jean that the medicals are done on site once you get to bmq usually in st jean:) just thought i'd pass this along ...
yea my friend in bmq right now was telling me that. i thought maybe he was a little confused. Im glad they are trying to make the process easier. I also heard that if you dont pass the excerise test they may put you into a pre-bmq. to get you into better shape first. anyone hear of this? ???
thats quite possible ive heard that too but i cant really confirm it maybe it would be a good idea to pin this so people will know what the new procedure is of course a mod would probably have to certify this information:)
I can't really say anything on the medical- as far as I know they still do medical at the same time as your aptitude test.  It wouldn't make any sense to do the initial medical at basic, simply because if you fail your medical due to some reason beyond your control, and you're already sitting there at St. Jean or wherever, it seems a little ill-conceived to have them bus you back to wherever you came from since a serious medical condition would prevent you from taking training.

As far as the physical fitness thing goes- yes, there is a Remedial fitness platoon (previously known as warrior platoons) for people who are presently unable to fulfill the basic fitness requirements to begin basic training.  There are many topics on this, I suggest you use the search if you're interested in more details.
I just applied last week and completed my medical at the Edmonton recruiting center this Tuesday, so they are still doing medicals here at this time.
my medical just expired and im rebooked for tuesday, so yeah, medicals are still done at the recruiment center here too.
well according to a recruiter and a cpl at the montreal recruiting center they no longer do the medicals there and like i said earlier they are now done in st jean:)
I've heard this same discussion about a year ago, just before I released after doing 4 years at a recruiting center doing medicals. If it happens, it will be (one of) the most moronic, conceived concept to try to save time and money that i have ever heard in the 24+ years I had in the the regs. I cannot tell you how many persons I have seen that initially told me and recruiters that they have no medical conditions or problems until I delved and discussed their cases with them during a medical: some classics: manic depressives; schizophrenics; anxiety disorders; so-called mild asthmatics who require 2 or 3 different puffers/other meds 2 or 3 times a day (but hey, they don't think they have a problem); persons with more hardware in ankles or knees than bone; previous heart attacks; people who have tried to forge medical letters ( one idiot used pencil and misspelled his doctors name for crissakes);etc etc etc; I can only see St. Jean or wherever not only having a PAT platoon, but a PU platton (personnel unfit) and PAM platoon (personnel awaiting medical release). What a waste of money, time, personnel and resources.

The military tops have got to start thinking in the future and not so-called quick band-aid / gun tape solutions (  ::) yeah, good luck there)
It's not about saving $, X031, it's that we really need to free up the PA and Med Techs to go somewhere warm and dry.

I'm sure the release sections will be busy with irreg enrollments, but, hey, that's not a CFMG thing, right?  ;D
True Para, but who's going to do the medicals at St. Jean? The overworked under manned med staff there?  About 40% or more of the med staff at the recruiting centers (well, for the four years I was at one- released last year) were reserve pers - those who released after 20+ years or service. There are plenty of x- PA's / snr medics who are willing to work at CFRC's (I'm one of 'em - a recruiting center wants me, have all the paper work in, course reports / certificates; redid an express test - exempt, but having some 'minor' problems I believe with PRL med).
I just did my medical and interview at cfrc vancouver and there were a few others that did that day as well.
I know i had my medical completed in january so i cant confirm for sure, but when i was interviewed they referred to it as a physcial...so maybe there is some miscommunication or mixup. I cant see them actually skipping the medical until you get to basic. What about the nice forms they make you get filled out by your doctor, how can that get done when you are in basic?  I physically had to drive to Edmonton to see a different doctor because he would not sign the form for the doctor that worked there previously who was now elsewhere and not able to locate. I cant see them flying me to another province to get the form filled out because of the doctor and i cant see them saying go home either because of that! But i have no idea, just my 2cents.
Doesn't make much sense to me, Like Keebler I had to get additional forms filled out by my Doctor to go to the review board. How would they deal with that in St. Jean seems it would cost alot more to be sending people back and forth for things like that.
There still doing medical's over at CFRC Windsor as far as I know.  I'm also waiting for ultrasounds and the ok's from my doctor before I get to go.
Well my file got held back from yesterday's selection board because they didn't submit my eye glass prescription form with my medical I had done a few days earlier.. so they are definitely still doing "Medicals" here in Edmonton.
I'm in recruiting and haven't even heard of this, not even in the rumour mill. 

Could this be a case of Montreal and St Jean being sufficiently close so as to have the medicals done in St Jean instead of at the recruiting centre?
formerarmybrat23 said:
yea my friend in bmq right now was telling me that. i thought maybe he was a little confused. Im glad they are trying to make the process easier. I also heard that if you dont pass the excerise test they may put you into a pre-bmq. to get you into better shape first. anyone hear of this? ???

Reference the questions on completing/not completing the CF EXRESS Test early in BMQ...this info is current as of last month.


Crantor said:
I'm in recruiting and haven't even heard of this, not even in the rumour mill. 

This was brought up at a recent 1HSG Ops Conf.  The PA and Med Techs at CFRC are no longer "untouchable" for deployments, so I suspect that's why they're no longer doing them at some CFRC; the staff have gone to A'Stan.  

I don't know what the final plan was for replacing them...reserves, civis, or, like the Remedial Fitness units, test at St J and irreg enrollment/release if they're not sorted out by end BMQ.
