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Search results

  1. Drifter

    How do I transfer to Reserves from Reg force? Voluntary Release?

    Completing the first TOS hmm.. sorry was under the impression that after 36mths It was possible. Did speakl to the reserve unit in question and yes they do have positions for me, but the Cpl I spoke with didnt know how the CT process worked. The college program application deadline is the 1st...
  2. Drifter

    How do I transfer to Reserves from Reg force? Voluntary Release?

    Good Day, I am not sure how to go about this,  I would like to transfer to a reserve unit in my home town and attend post secondary starting next September. I have considered Voluntary Release but am not sure how the process works. I am coming up on 36 months on my first contract, the trade is...
  3. Drifter

    Post request memo to Career manager

    Thank you at least I now know where to go with this .. sometime its hard to figure out what steps I need to take as almost each person I talk to give me a different suggestion your suggestion however does make the most sense so far It was suggested I could request to talk to the Chief Com Op...
  4. Drifter

    Post request memo to Career manager

    Hey folks, It has recently come to my attention that you can send a posting request memo to the Career Manager if your interested in a position on EMAA. I don't know if it would have any influence on where the CM will post me, but I am going to try anyway. I am looking for a example of what...
  5. Drifter

    Occupation reassignment or transfer questions

    Thank you that points me in the right direction :) nice that you recognize my avatar ... i think DL classic is to date my fav system besides cp2020 ... oh oh i am showing my inner nerd
  6. Drifter

    Occupation reassignment or transfer questions

    not to get into a long story,  I am looking for information on how to change to another trade that was closed last year but apparently is "open" now not sure if this is the right place to post this I am almost done my trade qualification course (ql3 or dp1 not sure which it is now ?)  and ...
  7. Drifter

    thinking about changing trades

    damn it i was looking under the wrong rock ..... >:(.... will do as suggested  ;D
  8. Drifter

    thinking about changing trades

    this has to have been asked before, I tried searching for "remuster" "changing trade" and various other terms ... all returned zilch I am lucky and received a few more days leave from BMQ on top of easter holidays so i have access to the forum atleast for now my question is it possible to...
  9. Drifter

    Internet at the MEGA

    /edit ... doh use search first  .. nifty trick lol was this automatically moved ? /second edit ... umm ok then  envelope and paper it is and or phone does anyone know if the will be occasional access to the internet (like a internet cafe ) after the first 4 weeks reason i ask is my wife and...
  10. Drifter

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    I start soon i am semi in shape but am buckling down  ... lots of things are happening .. we just sold the house.. so there is lots of packing main reason that motivates me to get into better shape is less pain during basic  lol so every day i waste now is more pain during basic I am in...
  11. Drifter

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    I have been tossing the idea of the service back and forth in my head since I was 17 distracted from the idea with various life events over the years then I think it hit home when I saw a bumper sticker "If you don't stand behind our soldiers, feel free to stand in front of them" I thought...
  12. Drifter

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    I hear you, I would like to think that even though we are 15 yrs older, I am hoping we will bring some life experience to the table that might be useful. Also I relate with the notion you put forward of stepping up to serve  and what that means   :salute:  :cdn: the pension is gravy ;)
  13. Drifter

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    woot now i dont feel so bad about being 35 .... I was worried it would be all young folk .. not that there is anything wrong with that but its nice to have conversations with folks my own age group too :D I hope its like that as a NCM too :salute:
  14. Drifter

    knowing course dates beyond BMQ?

    lets see its about a 6 hr drive ... + fuel nah ill go with the comfy train
  15. Drifter

    Feb/March BMQ 2010

    coming from kawartha lakes Sig Ops :salute: :cdn:
  16. Drifter

    March 2010 - BMQ - All Locations

    count me for the 15th
  17. Drifter

    knowing course dates beyond BMQ?

    dang it ther goes that fishing trip  .. lol
  18. Drifter

    knowing course dates beyond BMQ?

    thank you for the post ... been a bit spun today .. we received some offers on the house :)
  19. Drifter

    Mk III Combat Boots: Use, Maintenance & Other Stuff.

    good advice ... ill keep my head low and try not to stand out :D