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  1. Mehlenbacher89

    Ballistic eyewear

    You might need to wait until bases actually start restocking their ballistics, seems they're out of stock everywhere anyway
  2. Mehlenbacher89

    September 2009 BMQ

    Can't wait. Leave for BMQ in Borden tomorrow morning, course starts the 14th. See you all soon!
  3. Mehlenbacher89

    A question regarding deployment

    Great. Thanks a lot for all the information guys, you've been very helpful!
  4. Mehlenbacher89

    A question regarding deployment

    Yeah, I know, but like I said, it's curiousity. It doesn't hurt to ask questions, as I'm asked all the time where I could end up going rather than Afghanistan. I guess, but I meant in all likeliness where I could get deployed to (as in where people currently in the trade are stationed). And...
  5. Mehlenbacher89

    A question regarding deployment

    Heh.. alright then, are Armoured being deployed anywhere other than afghanistan currently?
  6. Mehlenbacher89

    A question regarding deployment

    Okay, so I'll be leaving for basic in about 4 days now. I know I'm getting ahead of myself already, but curiousity has gotten the better of me and I feel the need to ask. If I don't make the cut off to go to Afghanistan by 2011 (if the date remains the same), where else are Armoured deployable...
  7. Mehlenbacher89

    September 2009 BMQ

    Pretty sure I swore in with you. Did you swear in in Oshawa on the 24th?
  8. Mehlenbacher89

    "The Hurt Locker" new feature film on EOD/bomb squad GIs in Iraq

    Heh, I just finished watching it, and coincidentally this was one of the first thread sI spotted upon logging in. I really enjoyed it. You don't see many modern war movies these days, let alone many from the EOD team standpoint.
  9. Mehlenbacher89

    Could really use some advice, 24 hour time frame regarding job offers.

    I was trying to get a point across. I thought it was pretty evident I didn't mean that sentence verbatim. Anyway, I appreciate the helpful comments from those of you that actually did try to help. Thanks a lot, much appreciated. Now I suppose I'll just play the waiting game..
  10. Mehlenbacher89

    Could really use some advice, 24 hour time frame regarding job offers.

    Heh, I'm not about to go spend more money on credits towards a degree in business that will get me nowhere in the career direction I'm going. Haha, good advice if I were going down a somewhat pertinent college career though. I was in an engineering course first year after highschool, business...
  11. Mehlenbacher89

    Could really use some advice, 24 hour time frame regarding job offers.

    Yeah, unfortunately we all applied at different recruiting centers and apparently I chose the wrong one. One applied in Toronto, he went from handing in his application to being in BMQ in about 1-2 months. Apparently I chose the wrong one as I'm going from handing in my application to being in...
  12. Mehlenbacher89

    Could really use some advice, 24 hour time frame regarding job offers.

    Okay, so in about March I applied to the CF. I applied for Infantry as my main job, and Artillery and Armoured Soldier as my other occupations, however my heart is set to Infantry for various reasons and I can only deep down accept Infantry. I, with two of my other roommates, dropped out of...