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A question regarding deployment


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Okay, so I'll be leaving for basic in about 4 days now. I know I'm getting ahead of myself already, but curiousity has gotten the better of me and I feel the need to ask.

If I don't make the cut off to go to Afghanistan by 2011 (if the date remains the same), where else are Armoured deployable to? I know certain trades can go where others can't, so where exactly could I end up if I were to be deployed?

I couldn't find the answer to this post anywhere else.

Any answer, or a link to the answer would be great. Thanks for reading.
Heh.. alright then, are Armoured being deployed anywhere other than afghanistan currently?
I've said it before and I'll say it again...get in and pass BMQ, SQ, DP1 armour crewman, do your time at the School driving for courses, then get posted to one of the 3 Regiments.

Then you can start asking about deployments. If you don't go you'll be busy training or going on exercises and then of course there's Garrison life.

There will be other tours in the future, somewhere, if you don't make it in time.

Melon89 said:
I know certain trades can go where others can't, so where exactly could I end up if I were to be deployed?

Any trade, can go anywhere, at any time.
Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again...get in and pass BMQ, SQ, DP1 armour crewman, do your time at the School driving for courses, then get posted to one of the 3 Regiments.

Then you can start asking about deployments. If you don't go you'll be busy training or going on exercises and then of course there's Garrison life.

There will be other tours in the future, somewhere, if you don't make it in time.


Yeah, I know, but like I said, it's curiousity. It doesn't hurt to ask questions, as I'm asked all the time where I could end up going rather than Afghanistan.

CDN Aviator said:
Any trade, can go anywhere, at any time.

I guess, but I meant in all likeliness where I could get deployed to (as in where people currently in the trade are stationed).

And thanks for the info, George. So just up north and the west coast? No where out of North America?
The Reg F Armd corps, in Canada, is primarily in four locations:

Edmonton: LdSH;
Petawawa: RCD;
Valcartier: 12 RBC; and
Gagetown: Armd school.

Crewmen can be found anywhere in Canada; in HQs, in CF schools (teaching recruits, leadership training, etc)

Deployments have been all over the world  - as formed sub-units or as individual augmentees.
Of for the love of science.

Armoured can be deployed anywhere the Canadian Armed Forces are conducting operations that the Commander feels require Armoured support. Or anywhere they need an extra body or two. Feel free to cross out "Armoured" and insert any other trade, and the statement will be equally valid.

George was clearly being sarcastic.

There are small missions pretty much throughout the world (training teams, observer teams etc) which tend to have fairly senior people along with a tiny support staff. As a new Trooper you would generally not be a part of one of those.

There are also the major deployments that employ formed units/sub-units. The current deployment to Afghanistan is an example with an all-arms Battle Group as the centrepiece. Examples from the fairly recent past are the early Afghan rotations, Bosnia (NATO and UN mandates) and Croatia. Organizations change but recce sqns have been part of most of those missions over the past fifteen years.

I have no idea what will be happening in 2012. If there is a major mission, though, it is reasonable to expect based on past missions that there will be some form of reconnaissance squadron as part of it. There could also be a tank element. 

All that to say, if you are joining as a Crewman you can expect to deploy at sometime to someplace as long as you are fit to deploy when the call comes.

