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Could really use some advice, 24 hour time frame regarding job offers.

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Okay, so in about March I applied to the CF. I applied for Infantry as my main job, and Artillery and Armoured Soldier as my other occupations, however my heart is set to Infantry for various reasons and I can only deep down accept Infantry.

I, with two of my other roommates, dropped out of school to join the army. One of my roommates applied a couple months before me, he's finished BMQ. I applied in about March, and my other roommate applied around May.

Last week my friend that applied to the CF in MAY got his job offer for the infantry. He goes to BMQ on the 8th of September. Today, I got a call offering Artillery, and they told me that the infantry list is filled out until next year, around April.

My question is (aside from why the hell I was shafted to the back of the line despite my great apt test results), is there anything I can do? I've heard about half of the people drop out in BMQ, and another half in Battle school, so how can they say infantry is full?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I feel like I'm gonna be left behind if I have to wait until April to leave. Keep in mind that I would leave tomorrow if they asked me to. I'm physically fit, mentally/emotionally stable and can take orders well.

Any suggestions, words of wisdom, anything will help.
To tell the truth, there is probably not much you can do except keep in touch with the recruiting centre and don't accept the offer for artillery if you really want infantry.  Also tell them you are prepared for entry with short notice.  That may be a plus factor in your case.

Every application is different, it's not a first come, first serve thing.  All the other aspects (medical, interview, references, etc) have a bearing on the application.  Did you all apply at the same recruiting centre?

It's too bad you quit school.  I hope you are at least working now as it may be a long wait.

Good luck and hang in there.
and maybe the clerk handling your file went for a smoke/coffee break while his didn't.  ;D

Really though there is no way anyone here can answer why he made it and you haven't yet.

Yes there is a large drop out rate for various reasons but they can say it is full as they only have so many positions to fill at a time. If Johnny drops out half way through the training they can not just parachute someone else in.

Best to do is keep regular contact (at least monthly) with your recruiter, as PMed stated - let them know you are ready to go - stress it.  Do not except a trade you do not really want.
I'm physically fit, mentally/emotionally stable and can take orders well.

If you want to go Infantry, wait till April. That's an order...  ;)

The reason all the training spots are full, even with the expected "drop-out" rate, is because they're full.

They can't very well put 60 people in 50 beds knowing 10-15 are gonna drop-out...

PMedMoe said:
To tell the truth, there is probably not much you can do except keep in touch with the recruiting centre and don't accept the offer for artillery if you really want infantry.  Also tell them you are prepared for entry with short notice.  That may be a plus factor in your case.

Every application is different, it's not a first come, first serve thing.  All the other aspects (medical, interview, references, etc) have a bearing on the application.  Did you all apply at the same recruiting centre?

It's too bad you quit school.  I hope you are at least working now as it may be a long wait.

Good luck and hang in there.

Yeah, unfortunately we all applied at different recruiting centers and apparently I chose the wrong one. One applied in Toronto, he went from handing in his application to being in BMQ in about 1-2 months. Apparently I chose the wrong one as I'm going from handing in my application to being in BMQ in 13 months..

And no, I'm also not working at the moment either. I quit my job for school, I quit school for the army.. I didn't have any idea I'd be waiting this long.. So I guess all I can do is stress that I can leave any time on short notice and keep annoying them.. Well, thanks anyways guys. If any of you have any additional advice that I haven't already heard, go right for it. Anything helps.
Mehlenbacher89 said:
And no, I'm also not working at the moment either. I quit my job for school, I quit school for the army.. I didn't have any idea I'd be waiting this long.. So I guess all I can do is stress that I can leave any time on short notice and keep annoying them.. Well, thanks anyways guys. If any of you have any additional advice that I haven't already heard, go right for it. Anything helps.

OK........so...... perfect opportunity to get a few more credits by doing at least one more complete semester, if not 2 (depending on your start date), and part time jobs shouldn't be that hard to get...you already had one......maybe even your old job if they want you back....

GAP said:
OK........so...... perfect opportunity to get a few more credits by doing at least one more complete semester, if not 2 (depending on your start date), and part time jobs shouldn't be that hard to get...you already had one......maybe even your old job if they want you back....
Heh, I'm not about to go spend more money on credits towards a degree in business that will get me nowhere in the career direction I'm going. Haha, good advice if I were going down a somewhat pertinent college career though. I was in an engineering course first year after highschool, business the next, neither of which were really up my alley.

I might go drive down to Toronto (about an hour away) and see if my physical presence could show them I'm more sincere and perhaps I could move up the list; I've heard of a few cases where people get cold feet and ditch out right before they're sworn in or have to leave.. Ugh, all this is just so annoying.. You have no idea how excited I was when they called me this morning, but the news couldn't have been more disappointing.

Maybe I could join the reserves while I wait for april? :/
Mehlenbacher89 said:
Maybe I could join the reserves while I wait for april? :/

If I'm not mistaken, if your join the reserves, you will have to do a CT (Component Transfer) to the Reg F.  That may take longer than what you have going on now.
If he goes infantry ncm to infantry ncm on a CT to the reg force, then theoretically it should not take very long.  I know some guys that stayed in the same MOC and it only took two weeks, but I know others were it took several months. 

If we were back in May there may have been some value in joining the reserves because you could have gotten some training done over the summer, but it may be moot now.  Unless you find a reserve infantry unit that is running a weekend BMQ.
Mehlenbacher89 said:
and see if my physical presence could show them I'm more sincere and perhaps I could move up the list;

If its full...its full. You standing there isnt going to do anything but use up time you could be spending on something else. Its also going to take time from the staff who have other people to process for trades that are not full.....

You have no idea how excited I was

You are right, we have no idea. None of use here ever got a call telling us we made it in the CF.......

I was trying to get a point across. I thought it was pretty evident I didn't mean that sentence verbatim.

Anyway, I appreciate the helpful comments from those of you that actually did try to help. Thanks a lot, much appreciated. Now I suppose I'll just play the waiting game..
Let us know how you make out.

We'll lock this until then.

Milnet.ca Staff
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