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  1. S

    Inf Reservist with BMQ and BMQ-Land switching to Artillery?

    Ah that makes more sense! Thanks again.
  2. S

    Inf Reservist with BMQ and BMQ-Land switching to Artillery?

    Thank you for the help...it seems weird I have to do the CFAT again, although I do understand the medical and physical tests part. Is there a better time in the year to apply for this, seeing as some units plan their intake in advance, would say January be a better month than September to apply...
  3. S

    Inf Reservist with BMQ and BMQ-Land switching to Artillery?

    Hi there, So I realized in my situation that the infantry may not be the best fit for me, as I am interested in the artillery. I am just wondering what process I would have to undergo to transfer from my local infantry unit to the local artillery one? As mentioned in the title I have my BMQ and...
  4. S

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    Haha Kratos is enraged...yeah I do every muscle type, you wanted to talk about how you only bench so I figured we stay on topic...keep doing it your way, I am sure it will work out for you :) And for someone who takes no one's advice you sure seem to follow "Mr. Rippetoe" and other people down...
  5. S

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    Although you'd look really awesome if you did wear those, right Kratos?
  6. S

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    And have you ever heard of muscle memory? If you keep only doing the bench press then your muscles will get too used to it and will not break as much as they did before, and thus it will limit your ability to move up and limit the power in your chest. Which is why the "LOLZOR PECDECK" is...
  7. S

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    In no way am i talking about bodybuilding...if you look at it from the side of Kratos he is saying that the people who are big are the strong ones, and the people who are "150lb" he would never take advice from. How about you look at people in the UFC and do not even judge their ability to...
  8. S

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    I agree with the facepalm as we have hijacked this thread and turned it into a useless argument, but for my last LOL of the evening I just want to quote Kratos. "You really want to get into this? I hate turning people's threads into this banter, but I hate bad information even more. Oh, most...
  9. S

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    You're the one who said I read bodybuilding magazines, but then you throw in a name like Mark Rippetoe...lol....And yeah I believe you now I guess you are right for the increase in size, as I looked it up after I made the last message. But it depends on how you look at high reps and low...
  10. S

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    "Well first of all Kratos, breaking muscle is how you get bigger....you break the muscle, and then you add protein/carbs/etc in order to build it up again, only it builds up strnger than it was before. No, it will rebuild bigger and maybe slightly stronger, but I think you should educate...
  11. S

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    Well first of all Kratos, breaking muscle is how you get bigger....you break the muscle, and then you add protein/carbs/etc in order to build it up again, only it builds up strnger than it was before. The stuff about protein I was making sure he realized it because many people believe protein is...
  12. S

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    Hey...some advice for you with working out...try doing chest+triceps (add a bit of shoulders), back+biceps (add a bit of shoulders), and legs and abs for 3 seperate days. Then your fourth day can be spent on cardio. Then repeat for the 5th day, or take a resting day. I say this because while...
  13. S

    Med Question

    I suggest you use the search function to investigate this while you wait, there is also a whole subsection that involves the medical exam, check it out. http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php/board,72.0.html Good luck. edited: sorry provided you with a wrong link.
  14. S

    infantry officer - limits?

    Alright, thanks a lot everyone you have been helpful.
  15. S

    infantry officer - limits?

    OK, thank you for the help...uhh since you're being helpful can I risk another question? What would the likelihoods be for me to receive the paratroop/MG/Recce courses if I only joined the military for the minimum 3 years as a NCM...(assuming I meet all physical requirements, and was the top 10%...
  16. S

    infantry officer - limits?

    I see that my fear has been affirmed! I really would want to receive those courses I mentioned but as an infantry officer I guess there is a lot less demand for that...while on the subject of specialist courses, how about for JTF-2...I know i know everyone wants to be one, and the likelihoods of...
  17. S

    infantry officer - limits?

    Hey everyone I have not made myself popular on this site with my lack of research for questions and general ignorance, however I do have a question that is important to me, and I have searched through the site and could not find the answer... I was just wondering about the military courses...
  18. S

    How much do you think the forces spend on each NCO/NCM?

    I am new here, and I looked in search before I posted this (received a lot of flak for not doing that before), but I am interested in how much the government spends on each soldier/NCM? Not just the pay, but the equipment, the ammo everything....just trying to shed a little light on the...
  19. S

    I want to become an infantry officer......

    GAP...from the 14:00's I was in bed with my LAPTOP (which I have study notes on) reading my notes and looking at this site, signing up, seeing what it is all about. From the 1600's I was preparing to go to the gym and I also added in a couple of posts. 2 hours later, I arrive back from the gym...
  20. S

    I want to become an infantry officer......

    I just got back fromĀ  the gym.....after studying for a while. Everyone needs a break. I would like proof as to how I have been chatting on here for two hours. Maybe the posts were two hours apart, but does that mean I have been here for two hours chatting? I just don't at the moment have the...