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  1. jackel_99

    Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

    Though yes a PhD will help you along your track, as cdnleaf says, I don't think it will fast track you as much as you assume it would.  You should have saved the 4 - 6 years of doing a masters and PhD, and joined when you had a BA.  By now you would have been promoted, and on your way to a great...
  2. jackel_99

    Military Career

    You do indeed need that, my friend had to have a criminology degree before they even looked at her because so many people want to be an MP
  3. jackel_99

    Military Career

    If having a job after the military is what really matters to you, Infantry really won't help so much .. Although yes it does look good on a resume, qualifications will get you the job you want.  There are plenty of other trades in the army that transfer over from the military.  If you are...
  4. jackel_99

    Christmas Lights?

    Mine went up Nov. 12th. Nothing goes up Before Nov. 11th .. but after that it's fair game Were never home for Christmas anyways, so I feel hey .. Nov 11th - Dec 15th is my Christmas
  5. jackel_99

    Call of Duty: Black Ops

    It is worth the money .. It is a good game .. however, I feel that MW2 still is a great game.  Black Ops is basicly just an expansion to MW2 .. with more weapons, maps ... the graphics and gameplay are a little better but really, MW2 still owns. My only problem with the game is that me and all...
  6. jackel_99

    Advice on which path to take?

    A great deal of assumption ? I discussed what I am doing and what information I have found out, that is not assuming, that is informing.  Many people do take the 9 - 5 example for a regular work day, that can begin at any time, it is however, to say that the shifts are usually normal.  However...
  7. jackel_99

    Advice on which path to take?

    She knew what I meant, as did everyone else
  8. jackel_99

    Advice on which path to take?

    I would 100% go for a degree instead of just joining after high school.  That's what I am doing and I feel the experience of University has solidified my intentions with the army and it has given me the chance to decide if this is what I really want.  I have a degree in History and Political...
  9. jackel_99

    University Grade

    Thanks, I kinda figured they looked for more then grades so I appreciate the information  :D
  10. jackel_99

    applying for Support Officer positions this fall (DEO)

    From what I was told by the recruiter, The line for INT officer is years long .. so if thats what you really want, I assume you will be waiting a few years for it.  Thats what I was going to do, but alas Student Loans require me to get a job sooner then that
  11. jackel_99

    University Grade

    I assume this has been discussed many times on this forum, however while looking I could not find any recent messages about this subject, if I am wrong, please tell me ! I am interested in becoming a MARS officer, I am going DEO and will finnish my degree in April.  I know MARS is really...
  12. jackel_99

    Free time vs Work

    Thanks guys , thats kinda what I was thinking but wasn't too sure, I have no problem working , I just also like time with the family
  13. jackel_99

    Free time vs Work

    I know this sounds like a stupid question, but what are the hours like when your not out to sea ? I know that it ranges from 3 - 8 months that your actuially out , but what is it like when you are in dock , do you get free time? weekends off ? just curious thanks