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  1. D

    How to lose weight in a healthy way (merged)

    great tip...but oh so hard...i tell you :(
  2. D

    "girl pushups"

    hilarious... :) i thought i ccould get by on girl pushups heheh
  3. D


    oh gosh...im worried now  i wanted to do officer training...i didn't think I would have to worry about a lot of physical testing...i better start training more...thanks for the info!
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    Living Quarters and Free Time

    thanks for information...i will definitely look into it...much appreciated!
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    Navy lifestyle

    hehe funny...good to know :)
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    HELP ME!!! CIC conversion to ROTP Pay Scale

    oh victor you pose a good question...if someone answers it, i'd like to know also...as I think i might be in  your situation also...thanks
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    How long does it normaly take for your papers to go through

    ryan im new to this process...so im just reading through threads to figure out the best way to enlist...thanks for the help!
  8. D

    advice needed please

    incredible 60lbs...i will check out p90X..thanks for the heads up on it!
  9. D

    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    good information to know....I will investigate the PLAR possiblities...thanks
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    How long does it normaly take for your papers to go through

    thanks...ill remember this approach when i submit my application!
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    Age Limits to Join

    maybe if you sign up in the reserves first you can determine if this is really the career path for you in the long run?
  12. D

    3 Years and what $ do you got to show for it...

    very helpful and insightful information to know beforehand...thank you!