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  1. C


    I will book appointment with the career manager and see what my options are!!! Thank you for the advice
  2. C


    Hello, everyone I been searching and I have not found any info if someone can guide me!!! ;) Were can I find information for possible postings in the U.S, I will tell you bit of my situation I am married to U.S Military and I am CND Military. He got badly injured on tour(Iraq) and he needs meĀ ...
  3. C

    Information to upgrade education

    thank you everyone all the info was very helpfull, i really appreciate everyone taking the time for answering!!!! :facepalm:
  4. C

    Information to upgrade education

    Thank you very much for all the advice, it has been very helpfull. yes i need to upgrade my math,i am currently a cook.I will like to change to supply tech or med tech. I have some college but i did not finish it and i also have my grade 12.
  5. C

    Information to upgrade education

    I have seen the BPSO and i was told by him that to be able to change trades i need to upgrade my education. I been looking at RMC but i need something that won't take any time from work.I will like to study on my on time. Thank you
  6. C

    Information to upgrade education

    Hey guys, I'm just curious were can I find some course's to be able to upgrade my education. With out having to loss any time from work. Maybe on-line or night time(maybe someone can give me some advice).I need to upgrade to be able to rewrite my aptitude test. I am currently in the CF. Thank you ;D
  7. C


  8. C

    need to change MOS currently cook 00164

    I been in for 3 years my contract is coming to the end .I will like to change trades but my CFAT was low, my math was not good and i cant re write the test because i did it 2 before i joint.what can i do.ANYONE CAN HELP ME ! I talk to a BPSO and i did not get anything use full out of our...