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  1. B

    Do I have any chance at all

    Good luck. I'm hoping to be able to get into BMQ within 2 years. Doesn't look like it's going to happen, haha. Infantry looks kind of full. Does anyone know how long it takes for Combat Engineer and Field Artillery to fill up? haha.
  2. B

    Do I have any chance at all

    My recruiter told me that if I finish up HS then apply I'd have more chances at getting hired. I applied anyways. If the military is something you really, really want, keep applying. You can continue to finish HS while enrolling. I think you should just keep trying and eventually, you'll get...
  3. B

    Pay to go to CFLRS?/Misc Questions.

    Ohh gee, I actually forgot about that chat thing they have up on their site. Thanks for reminding me (:
  4. B

    Pay to go to CFLRS?/Misc Questions.

    Saddening. I'm more of a Coors fan... Haven't had Molson Ex since moose hunting season and I can't even remember what it tastes like  :-\
  5. B

    If You Were The Recruiter

    Thanks for catching that error. I often say that, even when I haven't yet enlisted... I'm in the process of enlisting  ;) If you could give me an idea of the trade, that'd be nice... See, I want to go into a trade that has fighting involved, as I'm great at that kind of stuff... I'm 17 years...
  6. B

    Pay to go to CFLRS?/Misc Questions.

    And I never thought speaking French would help me...  ::)
  7. B

    If You Were The Recruiter

    I suppose I lacked detail in my post so let me get on with it; At this moment, I'm kind of confused as to what to go for, I've really got my heart set on Infantryman, but I also have something kind of urging me towards Combat Engineer. I was talking to him about the Forces and his experiences...
  8. B

    If You Were The Recruiter

    100% agreed. So far, my recruiter hasn't told me any cons about the Forces, which kind of makes me really wonder if I should trust him in the first place...
  9. B

    Pay to go to CFLRS?/Misc Questions.

    And Molson Canadian is like my last resort beer  :-X
  10. B

    Pay to go to CFLRS?/Misc Questions.

    Hey man, you never know  ;D Gatta be "prepared" for BMQ ;P
  11. B

    Pay to go to CFLRS?/Misc Questions.

    Well, being a teenager, people would usually think I'd drink to get drunk, but I like to drink socially. A beer or two every once in a while would be nice, but see, I'm picky when it comes to beer. Coors Light, Miller and Molson Canadian are pretty much all I'll drink... Was just hoping they...
  12. B

    Looking for an Iltis

    http://ontario.kijiji.ca/f-iltis-cars-vehicles-W0QQCatIdZ27QQKeywordZiltis :nod:
  13. B

    Anyone have an open file right now?

    Good point. I should have looked at the big picture. Just kind of bummed out I might have to wait a few years to be infantry  :-[
  14. B

    Anyone have an open file right now?

    Thanks... Kind of confusing though. So I have to wait until a time near when infantry will be open then hope I get on the merit list? Why don't they just gather all the applications while the trade is "closed" and review them when they're open? Oh well, I'm more than willing to wait a year or...
  15. B

    Anyone have an open file right now?

    From what I've heard. Is there a thread or something with any info about when it will?
  16. B

    Anyone have an open file right now?

    I have an application in Field Arty reserves right now... Going down to the recruiting centre this week to switch off to Infantry in the Regs... Anyone have any clue how long the wait (approximately) will be if I get everything done by about April 15th? I'd rather not wait so long to be part of...
  17. B

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Actually... When I went for my eCFAT, I was the only one taking it... Where I live, the military isn't really viewed as anything good. From the people I've talked to, it seems 9/10 people here think the military is pure bullshit, stupid, cowardly, pointless and an instant "you've thrown your...
  18. B

    If You Were The Recruiter

    With the mentality that I have now; I'd be honest with them and inform them about the Forces as much as I could... Don't really see a sales pitch, since I know of tons of people that would love to join the Forces and it doesn't look like the Forces are in real need of troops at the moment. At...
  19. B

    When did you join the Canadian Forces ?

    I sent my application in around October the 15th for the Artillery Reserves... Been waiting ever since, working my ass off writing all these papers trying to get through the application process. About to head down to the recruiting office and switch over to Regs as Infantry now that I've turned...
  20. B

    Pay to go to CFLRS?/Misc Questions.

    Will do. Thanks for your input about the entire subject.