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  1. Z

    old man joining up

    Today on Army News, there was a report on new exercices on BMQ. They talked with a man 56 years old who just joined.
  2. Z

    What's your goal?

    2.4k in 9:30 currently at 10:00 45 push ups currently at 30 60 situps currently at 30 10 pull ups currently at 5 Stage 9-9.5 on beep currently at 6
  3. Z

    Spatial Ability Improvment?

    Origami can help you too.
  4. Z

    Message to all new people, Or anyone with questions :)

    That's a good idea. I have one. What's the difference between Reserve and Primary Reserve ? Thank you
  5. Z

    Deployment length

    I was wondering how deployment worked with SOF units. Do they get deployed according to a certain need around the world or do they do time in warzone like regular unit ? Thank you
  6. Z

    Drivers Licence and Applying-Question for Recruiters

    Yes I meant MSE Operator. Thank you so much ! I'll apply for that trade after my BMQ.
  7. Z

    Drivers Licence and Applying-Question for Recruiters

    Thanks for the reply. I knew I couldn't be disqualified from the CF because I don't own a DL but I don't know if some trade, such as Driver, requires one. I checked this http://www.forces.ca/en/job/conducteurconductricedematerielmobiledesoutien-89#education-2 And there was nothing about it.
  8. Z

    Drivers Licence and Applying-Question for Recruiters

    It's all in the title. I'm in Quebec if it can help. I emailed the CF but yet no response, and I couldn't find anything about it on the forum or on Google. So do I need it or can I do the 69 days course to be a military driver without it. Thank you !
  9. Z

    Are there any instructions/videos on how to do drill on the net?

    Actually if you do some parkour it will help you.
  10. Z

    Recruiting Process of naturalized Canadian

    Ok thanks. I was just wondering if the security clearence was different for minors.
  11. Z

    Recruiting Process of naturalized Canadian

    I'm 16 and from non NATO country. I came to Canada when I was 5, I've been here for almost 12 years now, I have all papers I need. But will I have to go through all security clearance interview, etc. if I want to join at 17 ? ( I don't know if being minor changes something ) Thank you ! P.S...
  12. Z


    If Google said do it must be true.
  13. Z


    Thanks for the article.
  14. Z


    OK, maybe they don't want white man help. Right now the only help their getting is with the AK47 pointed at their faces everyday. I'm less convinced for Congo now.. And for the vital interest thing, it's in interest of Canada to go to Afghanistan but is it VITAL interest ? EDIT : Just close...
  15. Z


    It's not in vital interest of Canada, and Afghanistan isn't too. One of the main goal of the afghan mission is to rebuild the country, why not rebuild Congo since congolease are living the deadliest civil war that ever occured.
  16. Z


    Ok I see. Thanks for sharing !
  17. Z


    You can't compare how the situation was thousands of years ago and now. People change, of course the mission would fail if all the soldier went there thinking it's a lost cause. Africans are not all about tribal alliances. They do have technologies and proper system, (not all of course).
  18. Z


    Maybe our help is what they need to motivate them to change in a better way!
  19. Z


    And for the survey, it's an interseting article, but it was made in Nov 2009 and was about bringing peace within the next 12 months, we're in 2011 nothing changed, that's why I'm more likely to think it's not by themself that they will bring peace.
  20. Z


    I meant CF could NOT go in north africa or iran, sorry. I did my profile. 10% watched is ridiculous, because people don't agree with you, you should be banned ?