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  1. EngineerWannabe

    What book are you reading now?

    I just bought Rum Diaries to read on the plane out to Nanaimo. I'm also bringing Fear and Loathing. I really like Hunter S. Thompson RIP
  2. EngineerWannabe

    Messed up rapper.

    I just saw this on facebook. Really messed up http://www.torontosun.com/2012/06/29/pro-taliban-rapper-gets-taxpayer-subsidies#.T-81ROxziC0.facebook
  3. EngineerWannabe

    July 14th 2012 BMQ - Who else is going?

    Is this topic about the BMQ being run up in nanaimo?
  4. EngineerWannabe

    CT and Pay

    If you lose rank when you CT do you lose the pay as well? I only ask this because I have heard a demotion wil not cut your pay.
  5. EngineerWannabe

    Riding motorcycle in uniform

    I said some CAV pulled up beside me. There was a guy wearing a Danish Vet MC jacket riding with them. The jacket was very similar. I apologize for my lack of punctuation in my original post.
  6. EngineerWannabe

    Prescription Ballistic lenses

    I knew about the inserts I was just wondering for my recreational shooting.
  7. EngineerWannabe

    Prescription Ballistic lenses

    As the title says. Do they make them?
  8. EngineerWannabe

    Riding motorcycle in uniform

    I'm gonna bump this. I saw some CAV pull up beside me and one of them was wearing a danish veterans club jacket or something similar. Thought it was interesting.
  9. EngineerWannabe

    Summer 2012 BMQ/SQ for 39 CBG?

    Yeah I have been nominated already. When I got my initial kit issue I just got 3 sets of combats so I've been trying to organize a date with stores here. Not going to say where but the stores here are terrible. CFB Comox is where it is being held. If I don't get on this course I will have to...
  10. EngineerWannabe

    BMQ and BMQ-L CFB Comox

    Has anyone else heard anything about this course? Can anyone confirm that both courses are being held back to back?
  11. EngineerWannabe

    Summer 2012 BMQ/SQ for 39 CBG?

    Now that cougar salvo is finished I have been hearing more rumours of a BMQ and BMQ-L out in BC not certain where though.
  12. EngineerWannabe

    Right-wingers are less intelligent than left-wingers: Study

    This is the opposite of what I would have guessed. I am fairly right wing and most left wingers I debate with seem to lacking in the iq department. All they know how to do is talk about how much they hate the rich.
  13. EngineerWannabe

    BMQ easy style?

    Screw the bowflex. Go for a run get your cardio back in shape and the rest will follow.
  14. EngineerWannabe

    Winter BMQ

    This winter hasn't even been all that bad.
  15. EngineerWannabe

    How can I get into the reserves? (Combat Engineer)

    I applied for Combat Engineers in the reserves as well. The trade was just way too full so I had to go with my 2nd choice Armoured Crewmen. I'm getting sworn in on the 15th of Feb. I applied in March of 2011
  16. EngineerWannabe

    To all of you reserve, waiting for a transfer to reg force...

    I'm not user if I am the one to post this, but I have heard people say it is easier and quicker to just quit and join reg force instead of waiting for a transfer. Like you said the taking a recruit before you stuff. EDIT: Correct me if I am wrong.
  17. EngineerWannabe

    Big Problem

    That is something I could never do haha. When is your BMQ and where? Are you going reg force or reserves?
  18. EngineerWannabe

    Question about age & joining

    I wish you luck! I am going through the same process and I am finally at the end just waiting for some more recruits to start up a course. Well that is what I have been told by my file manager. Anyways best of luck
  19. EngineerWannabe

    Bayonets: your essential Zombie killing weapon accessory.

    I would head north. Zombies would just freeze up and die. Also not many people to get infected way up north.
  20. EngineerWannabe

    Big Problem

    No don't worry I got it moved to a later date. They still have not told me my new date yet though. I was told the call should be coming next week or so. I have recovered pretty well considering the damage I did to my ligaments.