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  1. P

    Kkun a un idée des prochains QMB franco??

    L'OJT peut se faire n'importe ou, mais c'est souvent a Borden, a moins qu'une unit. pres de ton CRFC ait de la job poour toi dans ton métier.  DOnc si t'es COmmis 836, tu pourrais aller en OJT dans une unité de réserve près de chez vous, au lieu de faire du PAT platon a Borden.
  2. P

    QMB du 8 mai

    Le cours s'en vas vers 13 semaines, mais est a 11 semaines maintenant (il était de 10 avant Noel).
  3. P

    I need a realistic opinion

    I work in a CFRC, and we do take some people that were 5f'd back in, they meet the CO or another MCC 9but mostly the CO), and if he thinks they are now fit for service, they can get back in....depends on circumstances.
  4. P

    I need a realistic opinion

    If you can convince a MCC that you wont be 5f'd again, and that this time you'll be an asset to the CF, I think you have a good chance of being allowed the chance to apply again.
  5. P

    Confusion about being merit listed and being put on a job quota list

    If you have no prior army experience,  you should'nt be listed as skilled, so there might be a problem, ask your CFRC again, maybe they took you for another guy...I dunno, seems strange. Also, you should not be merit listed if you have'nt done the PT test, again it seems strange...
  6. P

    College Tuition

    Hi Two years ago, i received 4,00$ to pay for a computer networking course I attended, and I'm in the armor branch, so you should be able to get money for a police course. First, you have to be in for at least a year to ask for the reimbursement. Second, they pay 50% or 2,000$ per year...
  7. P

    Interested in only One Choice/Trade

    I'm a recruiter, so this should be correct for most CFRC's...some may have different ways of doing business, but this should be an exception and not the rule. After your interview, you will know if you're not recommended, but you wont know your ''mark''. If your only choice is fighter fighter...