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Search results

  1. TheMadscanner

    Unit Websites

    34 (Northern) Signal Regiment, Royal Signals    http://www2.army.mod.uk/royalsignals/34sigregt/index.htm 36 (Eastern) Signal Regiment, Royal Signals      http://www2.army.mod.uk/royalsignals/36sigregt/photo_gallery/communications.htm 71 (Yeomanry) Signal Regiment, Royal Signals ...
  2. TheMadscanner

    World's worst music videos

    Watch and shoot!     http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yvE93dkOj-o&feature=related Not too bad, but when you get to the "live" version.... ARGH!     http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LbHglF8yYOw :P
  3. TheMadscanner

    Canadian Ski Marathon

    ;D Flying in tomorrow - wx looks great!
  4. TheMadscanner

    Canadian Ski Marathon

    This will be my first attempt at the CSM. I fly from England to Ottawa at the beginning of February, and will have a few days in hand to spend in Gatineau Park for some training on snow (haven't been on cross-country skis since a couple of trips to Norway 20 years ago...) to supplement the work...
  5. TheMadscanner

    Canadian Ski Marathon

    Hi Folks Is anybody else doing this year's Canadian Ski Marathon next month?
  6. TheMadscanner

    Why is it no pers email acccunts availible at work but

    As per earlier posts, the reason will be the manner in which the various servers (not just mail servers, I suspect) communicate with the DND servers. Here in the UK, we operate a similar degree of security that means virtually all web-based mail is blocked. This does not stop individuals...
  7. TheMadscanner

    Comm Res Units Direction

    From my reading of the info on IRIS, it does for you what both BOWMAN and FALCON will do for us...
  8. TheMadscanner

    Comm Res Units Direction

    The contract for FALCON here was just announced the week before last.  Should be a big step forward, but it is likely none of the part-timers here will see it, as the TA isn't scheduled to get it until Increment 4, which is unfunded.... I'll have to have a shufti at IRIS. Lots of change here...
  9. TheMadscanner

    Comm Res Units Direction

    Hiya I'll be lurking around fm time to time.  We're gradually embracing 20th century technology here.  One day soon, BOWMAN (Better Off With Map And Nokia) will replace CLANSMAN (PRC320/VRC321, et al), which is good, but old and insecure (just like me!) - I really hate having to off-line...
  10. TheMadscanner

    Comm Res Units Direction

    Hi All We're getting a similar change of direction here in Britain.  Under a re-org called Future Army Structure, we are buggering around with various Sig Regts. The idea seems to be to give each of the regular Bde areas 1 res trunk Regt and 1 res CNR (radio) Regt.  The only problem with this...
  11. TheMadscanner

    What to do with old uniforms?

    I still have my old S2 unibag - I take it out every once in a while to remind myself of just how much skinnier I was when it was issued.....
  12. TheMadscanner

    Spitzbergen Raid

    IIRC, 3 Field Company (RCE, now 3 Field Squadron) were also involved in the assault. Regards The Madscanner