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Unit Websites

Some of these links are better than others - some are, "works in progress"

SQFT / LFQA      http://www.army.gc.ca/qg_sqft/Structure.htm

5 GBMC / CMBG  http://www.army.gc.ca/qg_sqft/5GBMC.htm

34 GBC / CBG      http://www.34gbc.ca/

35 GBC / CBG      http://www.armee.gc.ca/qg_35gbc/qg/accueil.asp?lang=fr
Just this lame one for my old unit:  :(


It looked like they were creating new websites on the 39 CBG website for each reserve unit in the brigade, but for the longest time, no information was added.  Now it appears as though all the units in 39 CBG have the same lame one as the RMRang.

Lejaune.... regimental association web site VS CF sponsored 34 Bde managed web site.
11th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA. 
11 Bty - In Hamilton, Ontatio
29 and RHQ Bty - In Guelph, Ontario

www.stewart.army.mil/  Home of the 3rd infantry the most decorated unit 4 brigade 3-7IN in American histroy, Take care Can Am
25 (Toronto) Field Ambulance
The Royal Regiment of Canada (Toronto ON) & The Royal Regiment of Canada BAND (Toronto ON)

a_majoor said:
The OFFICIAL web sites for the following 31 CBG units:

ASH of C: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/Land_Force_Central_Area/31_Canadian_Brigade_Group/Argyll_Sutherland_Highlanders_of_Canada/

RHLI: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/Royal_Hamilton_Light_Infantry/Index.asp

Lincoln and Welland Regt: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/Land_Force_Central_Area/31_Canadian_Brigade_Group/Lincoln_Welland_Regiment/Index.asp

Reminder: If your unit does not have their web site up it is because we have received no content to post. If you are not satisfied with the site, pass it on to your CoC with suggestions and content for 31 CBGHQ's G6 to vet and the webmaster to post! These are your sites, we have just taken on administration to ensure compliance with regulations and ensure site maintainence is carried out..

a different link for the RHLI is http://www.rhli.ca
Surprised I haven't seen it yet
Royal Winnipeg Rifles(Reserves)

official: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/Royal_Winnipeg_Rifles/rwr_default.htm

unofficial fan site: http://www.mts.net/~rwpgrif/
Calgary, Alberta:

41 Brigade (Calgary):

King's Own (Calgary) Regiment - http://www.kingsown.ca
HMCS Tecumseh Official DND Site - http://www.navy.forces.gc.ca/navres/units/navres_units-ships_e.asp?category=105
746 Communications Squadron - http://www.746.ca
33 Field Engineer Squadron (41 Combat Engineer Regiment) - http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/33FIELD_ENGINEERS/
14 (Calgary) Service Battalion - http://www.army.dnd.ca/14SERVICE_BATTALION/

1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (Edmonton):

15 (Calgary) Field Ambulance Detatchment - http://www.army.dnd.ca/15MEDICAL_COMPANY/

746.ca is down right now. IMG hacks on us the hardest for some reason. Normal Army units seem to get away with having websites, but not us  ???

We've tried to both abide by DND rules and simultaneously declare it an alumni website so as to distance ourselves from said rules. Now that we are technically an Army unit I am hoping someone will throw us a bone so that we can share our heritage, photos, and stories from the last 90 some years.
Any one know of a website for 2 Field Ambulance or 1 Field Ambulance? 

Or even for DART (except for the http://comfec-cefcom.forces.gc.ca/pa-ap/nr-sp/doc-eng.asp?id=301)?

Much appreciated,
1st Battalion The Royal Irish Regiment

The Royal Irish Regiment is the last remaining Irish infantry regiment of the line. The 1st Battalion is based in Tern Hill, Shropshire and forms part of 16 Air Assault Brigade. The 2nd Battalion is a Territorial Army battalion and its headquarters is in Portadown, Northern Ireland with company locations across the province. 1 Royal Irish Battlegroup returned in October 2008 from their second tour in Helmand Province, Afghanistan - and are due to re-deploy to Helmand Province in 2010.

Canadian.Trucker said:
Updated website for the G&SF

Wow, that reporter in the clip from your change of command is ATROCIOUS. First he calls the guy "Lieutenant Governor", then "Colonel Lieutenant".
Until you mentioned it I never took the time to watch that video clip.  I guess that's what you get when you're a tier 2 news station.  HUZZAH!