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  1. AFireinside13

    Already completed BMQ SQ

    I'm thinking you are going to have to do both again. Theres a fellow in my unit that spent 3 years in regs infantry, left for 4 years and then signed up for reserve infantry; he had to do BMQ and SQ again. But of course stranger things have happened. ::)
  2. AFireinside13

    Reserves In Toronto

    Too many funny hat people around here  :P QOR is a great go, and i have never had a problem "grabbing the attention" of a female in my DEU's. You're best bet is to talk to a recruiter from the each unit and check out  a parade night to see where you would fit in best.
  3. AFireinside13

    MG36 Mk IV in CADPAT

    2 JTF, holy crap that's funny. I'd like one of those to wear around my unit. I'm sure no one would say anything....
  4. AFireinside13

    Favorite multitool? Gerber,Leatherman, etc

    I too am in the market for a new multitool as mine was stolen on my DP1 Infantry course... rather ticked about that. I am interested in your opinions as well.
  5. AFireinside13

    Questions about provincial(ON) correctional officers

    I was just trying to find out a few things about provincial corrections officers on the internet, and was unable to answer a few key questions of mine; 1. How much do they get paid? I know that to start off you are on a contract that might not have you working 40 hrs a week. 2. Is the interview...
  6. AFireinside13

    Army Courses List

    Fair enough, thanks Para
  7. AFireinside13

    Army Courses List

    So being a reservist, can i apply for any of the NCM courses? or do they have to be Pres only? I only ask because i want to take a FIBUA Course, but Im not sure if theres one for reservists or not. Does anyone know what qualifications you must have before taking this course? many thanks.
  8. AFireinside13

    Any winter 2006/07 Reserve DP1s?

    I know that reserve DP1 courses are largely run through the summer, however a Mcpl from my SQ/DP1 mentioned to me that a DP1 was run last winter as a test run. I pinched a nerve in my back this summer in my last week of SQ and was deemed medically unfit to participate in our DP1 course  >:(. Im...
  9. AFireinside13

    Brainstorming Restaurant (GTA) Ideas for the Girlfriend.

    Hey guys thanks for all your input, I will post what i end up deciding on. Once again I appreciate it.
  10. AFireinside13

    Brainstorming Restaurant (GTA) Ideas for the Girlfriend.

    Well, i need some help brainstorming a few restaurant ideas for my girlfriends 20th birthday. I need a place where i can make reservations, eat and have a few drinks, and take her home where i have 25 people waiting to yell suprise. Oh, I'm in the toronto area. To be more specific i live in...
  11. AFireinside13

    Thank you troops!

    My best friend left Sunday for the Ghan. I am really nervous for him, but my last words to him were "remember your drills". This guy got me interested in the army and was one of the reasons i joined the unit I did, and set me on the right track in the CF. To him, and the rest of our brothers...
  12. AFireinside13

    2 US Soldiers MIA

    http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/06/20/soldiers.missing/index.html U.S. soldiers' bodies mutilated, booby-trapped BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The bodies of two U.S. soldiers found in Iraq Monday night were mutilated and booby-trapped, military sources said Tuesday. Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of...
  13. AFireinside13

    Lunatic protestor lady is back! [video]

    Maybe instead of using those scary "herman the german" cut outs for the range, we use pictures of this woman? :threat: She's brutal.
  14. AFireinside13

    hadji girl video

    You really had to figure that this was going top happen, all it is a little moral booster; however, it just seems like the marines are just having "poop" hit the fan all at once.
  15. AFireinside13

    Gucci Kit and SQ/DP1

    The knee pads would be great if i could use them, the more I can protect my knees the better I will do on the courses. I have this complex about my knees, so if I dont have to worry about them, well then I dont have to worry.
  16. AFireinside13

    Gucci Kit and SQ/DP1

    I am going on my SQ/BIQ (reserve) in 2 weeks. I was wondering if i get a camel pack and knee pads will I be able to wear them? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. -Bry
  17. AFireinside13

    Two Canadian soldiers injured in Afghan battle 12 Jun 06

    My hopes and prayers are with our brothers and sisters. Good luck to a complete recovery.
  18. AFireinside13

    hadji girl video

    I would like to nominate him for a grammy. - Best Song Out Of Iraq Category.
  19. AFireinside13

    What's wrong with Meaford?

    Meaford = Government controlled weather experiment. Inside is absolute crap, but once you leave the front gates, its beautiful!!!