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16 U of Regina Professors Oppose Scholarships for Surviving Dependants


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Please tell me I have lost my ability to comprehend what I read:

No, you read correctly.

While I understand what these eggheads are saying (not that I agree), I have to say that they are missing the point entirely.

How can people be so educated and yet be so dense? Does idealogy really blind that much in their nice shiny tower?

It also shows their tunnel vision - soldiers die from a variety of causes, not all of them involving service in Afghanistan.  The list of support to humanitarian and disaster relief operations, both nationally and internationally, still outnumbers thenumebr of military operations we have participated in.  All they are really saying is that they are anti-military, not anti-war.

Shec said:
Please tell me I have lost my ability to comprehend what I read:

Makes me want to puke.
But take a look at the comments following the story on the CBC web page; a significant minority of people agree with the professors. Support for the Cf may be wide in Canada but it is not very deep.
What gets me is the theme, how is it we can equate a soldier dying as being differant then any other work place accident.  Oh My God, they didnt even bothering to compare a police officer or firefighter..............  Yes all death is tragic, but I am a believer that there is a differance here.  I dont have the time or scope right now to get into it further and the first page of that comment section was enough to make me shake my head. 

I only got through the first page and there were a couple of the no differant then any other death rants that stopped me. 
Yes, and many of their comments show their own ignorance as well - like the comment trotting out how this is a Conservative war and its all Harper's fault...  ::)
Man, that's sad.

And reading some comments there by some ignorant just disgusted me.
Then those sixteen professors need to do the honourable thing and resign. Will they? Of course not.

We protect the right to free speech so douches like this say whatever they want.
For those interested, that dude's email is jeffery.webber@uregina.ca

I've been trying to write up an email now for like half an hour but I can't seem to keep my head level enough to type a coherent email. Either way, it's going to end with supporting his resignation rather than accept pay from the "war mongering capitalist at U of Regina."
The name of this thread is misleading.  16 out of 1400 faculty (about 1%) are opposed to Project Hero, not the university itself.  "U of R president Vianne Timmons announced two weeks ago the university would provide the scholarship..."
Lex Parsimoniae said:
16 out of 1400 faculty (about 1%) are opposed...
I wonder how many of them have tenure, and can't be fired no matter what they say/do.
Journeyman said:
I wonder how many of them have tenure, and can't be fired no matter what they say/do.

Or moved to Regina to avoid service in the US Forces during the Vietnam War.
Why do I think someone who's lost a parent to war may be one of the last people to "glorify" war?

Remarks attached to article?  In the words of a BBC radio comedy show, "the domain of the mentals".
Surprise, surprise most of the signatories to this despicable document belong to the sociology dept.
I honestly can't think of good reason why these nimrods should be teaching our youth anything at all.  If they enjoy socialism so much let them live in a wonderful country like China, where they might face a little more than public outrage for stating an opinion.  Absolutely clueless!

Northalbertan said:
...I honestly can't think of good reason why these nimrods should be teaching our youth anything at all...

I don't personally have anything against teachers who anti-military.  If they want to skew the facts to say we're an occupying force or completely ignore getting along with America as out primary national interest then so be it.

However, I do have something against people teaching who have such flawed thinking processes that they associate a poor kid who had a parent killed overseas with glorifying war.
Good luck with that - this, from CanWest:
The Conservative MP for Regina-Lumsden-Lake Centre wants an apology from University of Regina professors who criticized a scholarship fund for dependents of fallen Canadian soldiers.

"To try and politicize tragedies at the expense of Canadian military families is absolutely unconscionable," said Tom Lukiwski.

At issue are Project Hero scholarships, available to dependents of personnel killed in action.

Mr. Lukiwski said the 16 professors should have discussed their concerns with the U of R behind closed doors, not in an "open letter." "Whether or not you agree with our presence in Afghanistan, for these professors to try and politicize and diminish the role and sacrifices made by our Canadian military men and women is absolutely inappropriate, shameful and disgraceful," he said.

"I'm calling on them to retract their statements and publicly apologize to Canadian military families."
Petamocto said:
I don't personally have anything against teachers who are anti-military.  If they want to skew the facts to say we're an occupying force or completely ignore getting along with America as our primary national interest then so be it.

However, I do have something against people teaching who have such flawed thinking processes that they associate a poor kid who had a parent killed overseas with glorifying war.