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16 U of Regina Professors Oppose Scholarships for Surviving Dependants

Lex Parsimoniae said:
The name of this thread is misleading.  16 out of 1400 faculty (about 1%) are opposed to Project Hero, not the university itself.  "U of R president Vianne Timmons announced two weeks ago the university would provide the scholarship..."

You are right, it's been fixed.
Petamocto said:
I don't personally have anything against teachers who anti-military.  If they want to skew the facts to say we're an occupying force or completely ignore getting along with America as out primary national interest then so be it.

Well I personally do have a problem with the youth of Canada being subjected to this type of thinking that seems to be quite prevalent in the post secondary eduation system.  Is this really the type of thinking you want YOUR kids subjected to?  I would like to think some students would see this for the idiotcy that it is, but these people are figures that students are supposed to look up to for guidance and wisdom.
1.  Sorry for the double post.  I tried to modify the first one but accidentally hit "quote" and now I can't undo it.

2.  Don't get me wrong, I am all for truth conquering skewed facts.  What I meant was that it's more important for students to be exposed to both sides of an argument so they can see how each side came to its conclusion and then see how each side makes their points. 
The 16 are simply part of the 1% of miserable, narrow-minded, foolish people that exist everywhere.  There seem to be two themes offered:
1) Scholarships for dependents glorify war because the parents happened to be serving soldiers.
2) If we do it for these children, why not other children?

The scholarships no more glorify war than does a remembrance ceremony.  There are no trumpet fanfares and stirring words of martial glory and national military prowess being forced on anyone; the scholarships are a measure of support for people in adverse circumstances (loss of a parent).

As for broadening the scholarship base: fill your boots, professors.  But do not pretend that public or private charity has ever been constrained by an imaginary rule that we must do nothing unless we can do everything.

They may be somewhat bright; they may have credentials to show they have passed through certain gates; but they register a zero for practical application of intelligence, education, and morality.
I would like to see the children of our heroes designated as the fifth group of beneficiaries in the Employment Equity Act.

I know times have changed, but there used to be written and unwritten rules with many employers that if the father performed good work - or was killed on the job -, that the son would be welcome to join the company when a vacancy became available. It was called a legacy. It encouraged families to do good work and take pride in the company, or department, regiment etc.

That is just my personal opinion. Labour law is not my lane. But, morally, it seems to me, a decent thing to do.
There does seem to be some support from The State of Texas ( and perhaps other levels of government in the U.S. ) :
"Wartime veterans have preference in employment with State agencies or offices, as do widows and orphans of those killed on active duty."
Wow, just wow... The utter ignorance and garbage from supposedly educated people. These clowns are morons, and I would not pay one red cent to be "educated" by this lot of ignorants.

The "educated" one, Garson Hunter is so utterly out of touch with reality... He is a professor? I have seen more lucid 8 year olds who are more capable of getting their point across, and are also far more capable of researching their opinions so they actually sound intelligent.

Garson Hunter was completely unwilling to actually address the questions posed. He obfuscated, when asked about his idiotic statement on "imperialism". He was in the service? Jeebus.
Ahh dear god... Now the bumbling professor Webber. I just threw up in mouth. Has he ever been to Afghanistan? Has he ever even talked to an Afghan? The answer to both questions is very likely no. As in, I am more likely to win the lottery then that idiot actually getting educated enough to have a clue about what he is talking about.
Hunter couldn't even comb his hair for the interview let alone string a sensible couple sentences together.

The best part is, out of the 16 professors that are apparently far and above the rest of the country in their ivory towers, THAT'S who they chose to represent them.

Makes me wonder how stupid the other 15 have got to be.
I'm floored.
I know this group is a minority in comparison to the total number of professors, but still, these individuals have access to the media and a large number of students/potential students.

I put together a bursary for students in need who have a connection to current or former CF members at a college close to where I live that is in honour of a fallen soldier. Originally I had been considering giving it to the U of R but thankfully I chose to stay local, at a smaller college that doesn't have something like Project Hero yet.
I'm not sure I could handle worrying about the students accepting the bursary becoming the subject of political scrutiny from professors/general public. They have a hard enough time as it is applying for and accepting funding that marks them as different, something I have learned from reading the applications and meeting the students.

I will be sending an email as well, to the University and a few other people. I too might need a few edits before I can manage a polite message.

For the record, I would pay to see a debate between the ill-informed Prof. Hunter and Mr. Hillier. The proceeds could go to fund Project Hero or other scholarships/bursaries in honour of our Fallen.
This guy that signed the letter hasn't taught a course since 2003.... http://www.johnwarnock.ca/courseoutlines.html

hence is email is "@hotmail" and not "@uregina."

Here are all 16 emails for those interested...
Carol.Schick@uregina.ca; william.arnal@uregina.ca; Ken.Montgomery@uregina.ca; Andre.Magnan@uregina.ca; warnockj@hotmail.com; Garson.Hunter@uregina.ca; Meredith.Cherland@uregina.ca; darlene.juschka@uregina.ca; Annette.Desmarais@uregina.ca; david.webster@uregina.ca; jeffery.webber@uregina.ca; Emily.Eaton@uregina.ca; John.Conway@uregina.ca; joyce.green@uregina.ca; George.Buri@uregina.ca

But to be honest, I've realized they aren't worth anymore than a "so this means you are resigning right?" mass email to all of them.

More importantly (to me, anyway), the UofR is pretty much telling the 16 profs to suck it.

University spokesperson Barb Pollock said the school has received dozens of emails and even more letters and phone calls since the letter was made public. "Only two of them supported the concerns raised by the professors," she said.

Pollock said that the university recognizes that the issue raises strong feelings on both sides, but added that the Project Hero scholarships will be offered in September as planned.

"The program is continuing," she said.

At the start of this thread, we all thought "I can't believe it," and of course felt the whole "support for the military in Canada is a mile wide but only a foot deep" thing... But, politicians, students, and every day citizens alike have been quite vocal about their disapproval of these 16 profs... so... I'm happy about all of this really.
PIKER said:

Here is a good collection of Project Hero coverage.  Tom Clark makes a nice move in calling out Prof Hunter. ;D

WOW!  I just watched that and am totally floored.  What a frackin sad statement as to where our Education System has decended into.  How in the world did this guy become accredited?  He appeared to be two bricks short of a load and unable to give directions, let alone lead anyone, to a toilet.......and that is being polite.
One thing for sure is that we can thank the good socialist scholars for raising awareness and continued support for Project Hero!.  I was going to email the school etc but after I googled Prof Webber and saw how entrenched in Marxism he appears to be, I considered my part in Earth hour and saved bandwidth.

Thank you Regina 16!  :P

I was impressed with the newscaster who mediated, although I didnt catch his name. 

I was not so impressed with him holding up his Cyprus medals as 'proof' of his expertise on 'peacekeeping operations'.   

I would however have been interested to hear which countries we are supposedly currently controlling as part of the great Canadian imperialist empire - Im sure I would have found it amusing...

In a bizarre and twisted way, these 16 have probably turned Canadian popular support incredibly against their cause and toward supporting military families even more.

That Garson Hunter is quite the weirdo, though.  He's not even being political because at least when politician-types answer a question with their agenda at least they generally answer the question (even if it's yelling).

This guy doesn't even have the sack to stand up for something he put in print; how sad.
Here is a snippit at what two of the letter writers -Joyce Green and Darlene Juschka- posted on rabble.ca:

What followed was a media feeding frenzy that mostly misrepresented our position, and a week of the worst sort of national attention for us and for the university. Despite several of us doing numerous interviews, most media focussed on the erroneous notion that our opposition is to soldiers being considered heroes and to parentless children being given education assistance.

Those of us who signed the letter have been subjected to virulent hate mail and argument by decibels and epithet. The language of many of our critics would make a stevedore blush and a grammarian wince. Always helpful, local Conservative MP Tom Lukiwski poured gas on the fire at every media opportunity, repeating his claim that we oppose help for the bereaved and honour for the dead and demanding our public apology (boiling oil not being available) for something we didn't say and didn't intend.

It seems that some of his fellow travellers have created Facebook groups to maintain that focus and invite people to put pressure on us and on our university. We could be pardoned for thinking that much of the furore has political fingerprints all over it.

On Sunday evening, the local CTV news again ran the story, framing it on our alleged opposition to calling dead soldiers "heroes," with Lukiwski as the talking head, again demanding an apology from us.

What to do? Well, as one elder advised one of us, "Stand firm. Repeat your message. You've argued for peace your whole life."

--Joyce Green and Darlene Juschka are professors at the University of Regina; Green in political science and Juschka in women and gender studies, and religious studies.---

BTW, don't the children of tenured Profs get free (or certainly much reduced) tuition?
shawn5o said:
Here is a snippit at what two of the letter writers -Joyce Green and Darlene Juschka- posted on rabble.ca:

BTW, don't the children of tenured Profs get free (or certainly much reduced) tuition?

Typical leftist drivel from leftist, head-in-the-sand types. "Why do they dislike us so? We only tell them what they are supposed to be thinking!? Whaaaa....".

Thank you for NOT linking to that den of idiots.