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A Deeply Fractured US

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I totally understand @Fishbone Jones ’s position, as I was there once.
However, I don’t think that DJT is the lesser of two evils in this case.

I think that he (DJT) has done incredible damage to our democracy, and like a cancer needs to be cut out. Originally he like like a cute mole, but has grown into something grotesque and malignant.
If you don’t mind me asking, Kev, was there anything particularly memorable that definitively shifted away from supporting him? Or more an accumulation/eventual realization?
If you don’t mind me asking, Kev, was there anything particularly memorable that definitively shifted away from supporting him? Or more an accumulation/eventual realization?
Well even before the election the constant emails for money were annoying. The fact that the TrumpCo. (For lack of a better description of the various fund fleecing setups) kept offering x300 matching for donations. When questioned they couldn’t provide a real source of the matching funds - it’s was alluded that DJT was putting his own money in with you — which was clearly false.

Then the Jan 6 fiasco. I didn’t go, as I didn’t see anything good coming from it.
But DJT riled the crowd beyond what was reasonable or responsible.

Then it seemed he totally went apeshit. It’s like his ego couldn’t accept the loss and he blamed everyone but himself. He went through a plethora of lawyers, and his claims gradually became more unhinged. The various legal challenges to election rigging fell through when no real evidence could be found that would have given it credibility.

Now he’s taken a large part of the Republican Party on a lemming trail off the sanity cliff.
He constantly shows that he has more respect for Authoritarian Dictators than Democratic Elected one’s. His Ukraine position and sucking on Putin’s penis have Ronald Reagan rolling over in his grave.

I simply view him as a traitor at this point who I think needs to hang.
More biden bank accounts to be released.

So the Trumps weren't doing the same, and taking massive loans, while also having people pay premiums to stay in their hotels?

Still less bad though then encouraging people overthrow the democratically elected replacement, take top secret documents with massive national and global security implications and then continually threaten people with violence and retribution while on trial for it, so not the 'whataboutism' you seem to think it is.
So the Trumps weren't doing the same, and taking massive loans, while also having people pay premiums to stay in their hotels?

Still less bad though then encouraging people overthrow the democratically elected replacement, take top secret documents with massive national and global security implications and then continually threaten people with violence and retribution while on trial for it, so not the 'whataboutism' you seem to think it is.
It's not clear that taking money to tweak US foreign policy to serve the interests of countries not particularly friendly to the US is worse than holding up a procedure for a few hours and holding some documents (which other people apparently did as well).
So the Trumps weren't doing the same, and taking massive loans, while also having people pay premiums to stay in their hotels?

Still less bad though then encouraging people overthrow the democratically elected replacement, take top secret documents with massive national and global security implications and then continually threaten people with violence and retribution while on trial for it, so not the 'whataboutism' you seem to think it is.
'Alleged.' None of that hyperbole has been proven. Continually threaten people with violence? 🤣 Please. Name one instance where he threatened violence on someone.

Compared to bidens alleged selling out of his country by changing foreign policy in exchange for 20 million dollars, plus or minus. While holding the two highest positions in the land.

Call it whataboutism if you wish, but it's the only way biden will get exposure here in the GET TRUMP!!! thread.
It's not clear that taking money to tweak US foreign policy to serve the interests of countries not particularly friendly to the US is worse than holding up a procedure for a few hours and holding some documents (which other people apparently did as well).
Seriously? For another inside the Beltway with a TS or higher clearance it’s pretty clear that is exactly what Trump Co did. Worse the damage to the country that was done due to that. Solely looking at Saudi Arabia and OS data, the IC asset losses during the Trump Regime it is painfully clear that many human sources were sold out by his family for personal gain.
Solely looking at Saudi Arabia and OS data, the IC asset losses during the Trump Regime it is painfully clear that many human sources were sold out by his family for personal gain.
Someone's going to have to drop some evidence; there isn't one standard for allegations on thin-to-no evidence against Trump and one standard for everyone else. Since where Trump is concerned no scandal remains uncovered by leaks, I'm confident that if there's truth in the matter something will surface soon.
Someone's going to have to drop some evidence; there isn't one standard for allegations on thin-to-no evidence against Trump and one standard for everyone else. Since where Trump is concerned no scandal remains uncovered by leaks, I'm confident that if there's truth in the matter something will surface soon.

Why are you confident that that particular allegation would end up with public disclosure? Anything of that sort going to court or some public inquiry would necessarily mean confirming intelligence sources and methods.

The entire security intelligence realm is quite simply a different beast from the rest of what we’re used to. Great wrong can be done there, yet never see the light of day because of the difficulties and compromises inherent in judicial action. There are still quite a significant number of professionals in specialized communities who are capable of keeping their mouths shut about matters of great sensitivity.
Why are you confident that that particular allegation would end up with public disclosure? Anything of that sort going to court or some public inquiry would necessarily mean confirming intelligence sources and methods.

The entire security intelligence realm is quite simply a different beast from the rest of what we’re used to. Great wrong can be done there, yet never see the light of day because of the difficulties and compromises inherent in judicial action. There are still quite a significant number of professionals in specialized communities who are capable of keeping their mouths shut about matters of great sensitivity.
Because since 2016, my general rule has been that if there is something discreditable about Trump, it gets leaked if not formally disclosed. There are always ways to dump allegations and dis/misinformation - more than ever, there is no shortage of willing media water carriers and of course there is the new trend of inviting the flag-bearers right into the newsroom.

Nothing coming out of the "intelligence community" has any epistemic value any more. It is all untrustworthy, because we can never know when something is bullsh!t. They have only themselves to blame, as I have repeatedly stressed - they have burnt their own institutions with the ongoing accumulation of mis-steps and misdeeds.

Sure, maybe this time there's truth in the matter and it can't and won't be blurted out because the people involved are, mirable dictu, conscientious and ethical in a way that has not been demonstrated for several years. But the prudent bet is against that.
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Because since 2016, my general rule has been that if there is something discreditable about Trump, it gets leaked if not formally disclosed. There are always ways to dump allegations and dis/misinformation - more than ever, there is no shortage of willing media water carriers and of course there is the new trend of inviting the flag-bearers right into the newsroom.

Nothing coming out of the "intelligence community" has any epistemic value any more. It is all untrustworthy, because we can never know when something is bullsh!t. They have only themselves to blame, as I have repeatedly stressed - they have burnt their own institutions with the ongoing accumulation of mis-steps and misdeeds.

Sure, maybe this time there's truth in the matter and it can't and won't be blurted out because the people involved are, mirable dictu, conscientious and ethical in a way that has not been demonstrated for several years. But the prudent bet is against that.
So nothing ‘coming out of’ the intelligence community has any value, but at the same time you have zero faith that in the case of certain sensitive matters, they are capable of keeping things to themselves if it aligns a certain way politically. Got it.

I think there’s an availability heuristic bias at play here. You’re forming assumptions based on the (IMO extremely limited) amount of information that does make it out from the security intelligence community, when it fact the overwhelming majority of what they do, involving matters of the highest degree of sensitivity and national importance, is kept properly protected and under wraps.

I have no opinion on whether what Kev has posted about is in fact true, but I don’t believe your assumption that such a thing could happen without us knowing about it holds water. My personal belief is that, in some cases, intelligence disasters can both happen AND be kept within tight circles of who knows. I’ll also add that there are probably periodic cases where something goes badly wrong, and the affected organization(s) can have a pretty good idea about what happened but will never be completely sure.

I would bet that the classified internal damage assessments of the Trump classified document holdings and potential information compromise is the sort of thing to make intelligence professionals shudder.
So nothing ‘coming out of’ the intelligence community has any value, but at the same time you have zero faith that in the case of certain sensitive matters, they are capable of keeping things to themselves if it aligns a certain way politically. Got it.

I think there’s an availability heuristic bias at play here. You’re forming assumptions based on the (IMO extremely limited) amount of information that does make it out from the security intelligence community, when it fact the overwhelming majority of what they do, involving matters of the highest degree of sensitivity and national importance, is kept properly protected and under wraps.

I have no opinion on whether what Kev has posted about is in fact true, but I don’t believe your assumption that such a thing could happen without us knowing about it holds water. My personal belief is that, in some cases, intelligence disasters can both happen AND be kept within tight circles of who knows. I’ll also add that there are probably periodic cases where something goes badly wrong, and the affected organization(s) can have a pretty good idea about what happened but will never be completely sure.

I would bet that the classified internal damage assessments of the Trump classified document holdings and potential information compromise is the sort of thing to make intelligence professionals shudder.
Nothing coming out has epistemic value - it's value is indeterminate because it is untrustworthy; they have not behaved consistently ethically and credibly. Indeterminate information is worthless at best and harmful at worst if incorporated into decisions. There is no number of incidents below which it is possible to say, "They only told this many untruths and half-truths and misleading tales, so their output is still reliable."

"Certain sensitive matter" ~ anything involving Trump.

Stuff they keep under wraps is not at issue. What's at issue is the little bit that surfaces. Part of their business is dis/misinformation. No prudent person ought accept what surfaces at face value.

Undoubtedly with Biden and Son under a spotlight for selling out, there are people who would like a competing narrative involving Trumps.
Nothing coming out has epistemic value - it's value is indeterminate because it is untrustworthy; they have not behaved consistently ethically and credibly. Indeterminate information is worthless at best and harmful at worst if incorporated into decisions. There is no number of incidents below which it is possible to say, "They only told this many untruths and half-truths and misleading tales, so their output is still reliable."

"Certain sensitive matter" ~ anything involving Trump.

Stuff they keep under wraps is not at issue. What's at issue is the little bit that surfaces. Part of their business is dis/misinformation. No prudent person ought accept what surfaces at face value.

Undoubtedly with Biden and Son under a spotlight for selling out, there are people who would like a competing narrative involving Trumps.
Who do you suppose is “they”? Do the politically sensitive leaks you take issue with come from the professional intelligence community itself, or the various political types and staffers who are occasionally privy to classified briefings?
The 'Intelligence Community' shot themselves if the foot and did all their own damage. How can anyone take anything they say, with no reservations of their bias or motives. 51 of the nations top and most experienced agents flat out lied to the American people simply for biased political expediency and to protect a member of the Biden Crime Syndicate and by extension, skewed the national election in favour of the same.

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