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A Deeply Fractured US

Bear in mind the Republicans aren't one monolithic faction. There are at least three different ideas for a deal:
  • The establishment (McConnell) wants an exchange that allows them to look like they got something for Ukraine aid, but the Democrats won't accept anything with actual teeth. So it has to be more rules that the administration will ignore alongside all the ones it already ignores.
  • Another faction wants enforcement of existing rules now. They've seen enough "pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today" deals.
  • Another faction wants a simple trade of funds; the target is the money earmarked for IRS expansion. That goes away and Ukraine gets more aid.

People ought to stop playing silly propaganda games pretending that McConnell's preferred deal is the one-and-only.
Bear in mind the Republicans aren't one monolithic faction. There are at least three different ideas for a deal:
  • The establishment (McConnell) wants an exchange that allows them to look like they got something for Ukraine aid, but the Democrats won't accept anything with actual teeth. So it has to be more rules that the administration will ignore alongside all the ones it already ignores.
  • Another faction wants enforcement of existing rules now. They've seen enough "pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today" deals.
  • Another faction wants a simple trade of funds; the target is the money earmarked for IRS expansion. That goes away and Ukraine gets more aid.

People ought to stop playing silly propaganda games pretending that McConnell's preferred deal is the one-and-only.

I think they should sever the aid package and Biden should grow a set and pick up his pen for the border fix. If he did, sincerely, he'd have his money for Ukraine and Israel.

However, I don't believe the democrats really want to fix the border, but would rather play politics. Biden has slammed Trump’s border initiatives to the point that he can't go back to them without losing face and admitting Trump’s actions worked.
Yet when stopped and asked about it today, she stated she hadn't seen the bill so couldn't really comment til she read it. And just because the senate came up with a package, doesn't mean it meets the Republican house expectations. Especially if McConnell is pushing it.
Well now, if you can't trust an account on X named Republicans Against Trump to get the full story before posting then who can you trust. It's not like they are designed to smear one guy, maybe.
Looney Tunes No GIF by Looney Tunes World of Mayhem
Trump's immunity claims were rejected by a 3 judge panel. You know what happens, on and on it goes, appeals and more appeals. The original trial date set for March 4th is taken off the docket and the judge didn't have a new date.
Article Link
Trump's immunity claims were rejected by a 3 judge panel. You know what happens, on and on it goes, appeals and more appeals. The original trial date set for March 4th is taken off the docket and the judge didn't have a new date.
Article Link
This is the presidential immunity claim for the Jan 6th election interference criminal trial. The DC Court of Appeals order gives him six days to appeal to SCOTUS, otherwise the case can go back on the docket. He will of course appeal to SCOTUS (a rehearing or en band hearing at DCCA won’t pause matters), hopefully they hear and rule on the matter quickly- or alternatively they could simply decline to hear the appeal, in which case the trial can go forward.
This tracks with the take that Trump won’t be immune. Will still be allowed to run and the people will likely decide if it matters.
Best case scenario is this goes to trial so the details of this joke can be analyzed through the public record.
Trump's immunity claims were rejected by a 3 judge panel. You know what happens, on and on it goes, appeals and more appeals. The original trial date set for March 4th is taken off the docket and the judge didn't have a new date.
Article Link
For anyone interested, DC CoA's decision attached.
Best case scenario is this goes to trial so the details of this joke can be analyzed through the public record.
Careful what you wish for when it comes to all (or at least more of) the details coming out. Still a bit more process to be seen for now.


It might be possible, that if Trump is found not to have immunity, while he was POTUS, Biden might find himself in the same soup after he leaves office. It is probable he will likely be able to depend on the vegetable defence though.
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The January 6th obstruction charges against defendants is currently before the Supreme Court. Maybe there will be a decision in June. If the court rules in favour of the defendants then Jack Smith will have to rejigger the charge against Trump.

Bloomberg Article
CNN Article
IF Trump is found not to have immunity, while he was POTUS, Biden might find himself in the same soup after he leaves office. It is probable he will likely be able to depend on the vegetable defence though.
Maybe he can get his old buddy Mitterand to take a trip from Germany to help him out.
“And Mitterand from Germany — I mean, from France — looked at me and said … ‘You know, what — why, how long you back for?”
Of course they cleaned it up in the official transcript.
And Mitterrand [Macron], from Germany — I mean, from France looked at me and said — said, “You know, what — why — how long you back for?”
WH Transcript
Article Link
IF Trump is found not to have immunity, while he was POTUS, Biden might find himself in the same soup after he leaves office. It is probable he will likely be able to depend on the vegetable defence though.
He has been found not to have immunity. A court decision does not require SCOTUS assent to be real and to have effect. The only question is if SCOTUS would reverse that, but it’s inconceivable that they would overturn this particular one. No SCOTUS is going to anoint an ex president with the immunities of a king. They kinda fought a war over that.

If Biden actually commits crimes while in office and gets charged later, then criminal prosecution would be appropriate. That’s literally the point. A president - any president - should not be immune from legal accountability if they commit crimes. That’s not a partisan issue, it’s a fundamental philosophical underpinning of the American system of law and government.