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A Deeply Fractured US

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Trump may very well be the most disorganized human being on the planet . I would not be surprised if he had sea can's worth of documents at his place. That not even he's aware of.
He had the most disorganized White House in living memory.
Hell! I wonder who dresses him in the morning and through the course of the day!
He typically wears a red tie, white shirt and blue suite. You know, red, white and blue?
THIS TIME it’s actually the nuclear codes!
You may be able to correct me on this, but I’m not aware of anyone saying “nuclear codes” who is attributing that to any named or anonymous investigative or Department of Justice figure? Might you be confusing the Ch roller corners of a Twitter for what is actually being said on the record before the court by investigators and prosecutors?

We do know from court records that there is material classified as “Secret//Formerly Restricted Date” (FRD). FRD means information that was formerly “Restricted Data” under the Department of Energy security processes, and high pertains to nuclear matters in some way shape or form. S//FRD would be data that remains classified Secret, and at one point it was DOE Restricted Data, hence nuclear information that no longer ly requires the much tighter “restricted data” handling.

So, we can reasonably infer that some of the recovered government records pertained to nuclear energy or weapons matters, was formerly restricted by DOE, and remains classified “secret”, which means unauthorized disclosure “reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the national security.” I don’t know if this would mean he kept “nuclear codes”. But would you have any degree of concern around classified information pertaining to nuclear energy or weapons being retained in FPOTUS’s private residence after his term ends?
I'm just parroting what some of the media said early on.
FWIW it is suggested some of the still missing classified documents are not even at his Primary residence. Apparently he likes to strew them across his ‘domain’.
FWIW it is suggested some of the still missing classified documents are not even at his Primary residence. Apparently he likes to strew them across his ‘domain’.
Kinda a status symbol like those framed fake Time "Man of the Year" covers on the wall in his office - a few Secret documents spread out on the coffee table in the waiting room.

FWIW it is suggested some of the still missing classified documents are not even at his Primary residence. Apparently he likes to strew them across his ‘domain’.
I was reading if some rumblings today to the effect of DOJ is asking if anyone knows of documents at Bedminster or Trump Tower. To my eye, that’s seeking grounds for a search warrant.
I do believe that they are the most closely guarded items in the inventory. Or at least they should be.
I’m certain 45 sold all the secrets he squirrelled away to the Iranians… and the North Koreans. All of it.
I see nothing has changed since I've been gone. Trump is like a tank. Every asshole on the battlefield, including those with only the brains of a troglodyte have to take a shot at him. And not a single one, no matter how big or small, educated or ignorant, rich and poor and those that aren't even American or have skin in the game have failed to even get a mobility shot on him, let alone pop his turret. I do love the angst he causes so many 'experts' though.

Selling secrets to foreign powers. GTFOH🤣🤣🤣🤣
I see nothing has changed since I've been gone. Trump is like a tank. Every asshole on the battlefield, including those with only the brains of a troglodyte have to take a shot at him. And not a single one, no matter how big or small, educated or ignorant, rich and poor and those that aren't even American or have skin in the game have failed to even get a mobility shot on him, let alone pop his turret. I do love the angst he causes so many 'experts' though.

Selling secrets to foreign powers. GTFOH🤣🤣🤣🤣

Our opinions seem to get a lot of free rent in your head.
Only fair,....Mr. Trump definitely gets the same deal in yours.
As someone very interested in criminal law, including national security stuff, it’s fascinating to watch and learn from. There’s an unusual degree of interest and publication of informed opinions from people who know what they’re talking about, as well as publication of publicly accessible legal documents and court proceedings. The unprecedented nature of the investigation just makes it all the more interesting.
I see nothing has changed since I've been gone. Trump is like a tank. Every asshole on the battlefield, including those with only the brains of a troglodyte have to take a shot at him. And not a single one, no matter how big or small, educated or ignorant, rich and poor and those that aren't even American or have skin in the game have failed to even get a mobility shot on him, let alone pop his turret. I do love the angst he causes so many 'experts' though.

Selling secrets to foreign powers. GTFOH🤣🤣🤣🤣
As an American who believes we are pretty damn close to a shooting war with some enemies that 45 is a little too close to an did some very irregular (and down right irresponsible) things with (meeting the RU Ambo and his Terp alone, and VVP and his terp alone), I find it disturbing that he has at this point clearly retained closely guarded information and intelligence past his tenure as President. Along with the fact he requested detailed information far beyond what was necessary for his job function as CinC.
As someone very interested in criminal law, including national security stuff, it’s fascinating to watch and learn from. There’s an unusual degree of interest and publication of informed opinions from people who know what they’re talking about, as well as publication of publicly accessible legal documents and court proceedings. The unprecedented nature of the investigation just makes it all the more interesting.
And an unprecedented amount of people that have absolutely zero intelligence on the matter, except what they read in the MSM or whatever bullshit the democrats decide to throw around. Yet they throw themselves up as some sort of expert and lots of people have such sad little lives, that they listen to them. The simplest little inkling of the latest DOJ/Biden/FBI sound bite sets this forum on fire. Wanna be a pariah around here? Agree with a Trump policy. Nobody here has accurate accounting about what is really happening, yet it doesn't stop them from jumping on the latest 'Get Trump' incident and expressing their faux outrage.
It would be nice to see Canadians deal with our rudderless government and its incompetent, narcissistic, mathematically challenged zero as a leader, with the zeal they reserve for Trump.
As an American who believes we are pretty damn close to a shooting war with some enemies that 45 is a little too close to an did some very irregular (and down right irresponsible) things with (meeting the RU Ambo and his Terp alone, and VVP and his terp alone), I find it disturbing that he has at this point clearly retained closely guarded information and intelligence past his tenure as President. Along with the fact he requested detailed information far beyond what was necessary for his job function as CinC.
We all know it’s been during 46 that we’re now closer to a nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis… Could it be 45‘s “I’ll bomb you back in to the stone age” was more of a deterrent than 46’s “we’re ok with a minor incursion“?
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