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Aborting P.Res, needed help for R.Force

  • Thread starter Thread starter Red-Water.06
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NFLD Sapper said:
You do realize the the budget for BMQ/SQ comes out of Brigade rather than the Unit's.

...and that money comes to the Bde's from the applicable Area HQ...but I see what you are saying.  "LCol Bloggins doesn't fund the crse from his own training funds"?
Greenrubberduckie said:
Please nevermind my last question. Just yesterday, I got a call from unit recruiter from Lorne Scots about swering me in and BMQ opportunities.
I must say.. Ouch, I guess last year him saying "no spot open till next year/spring" stays.

Well after following your story here...I must say, kudos to you for sticking it out!  Let us know when you are sworn in.  :salute:
I will, one part that I find odd about 'swering in' is that the recruiter never said "dress nicely." ::)
I read other threads about this and apparentely a lot of people don't dress nicely anymore.
I will still dress properly because obviousely this is my first step into my career. (I'll also let you know if it was worth waiting? :P)
Good way of thinking about it. The reason why they don't tell people to dress nicely is probably because some people are not always well off enough to afford dress, or nice clothes, and so to avoid singling those people out, they don't specify. Remember the CF is an equal opportunity employer.

PS: It is spelled "swearing" not "swering".
thank you, for your comment.
I guess you are right dwalter.
This is not directly to you dwalter but to other people as well.
Some of the comments literally left me out as a total 'illiterate' person.

Obviousely comments poked the bunny too many times. >:D  http://www.platinumgrit.com/poke.html

I really don't take any of them personal but I wish to let you know that I'm not. (I even laugh at some comments due to its disrespect to my thoughts and posts.)
My posts are basically rough; I mean I can call it as the very first and brief copy of my assignment. This is not I'm lazy [Or you can say I am]

I first type in my rough copy on the net. Then I change it over time usually 2 or 3 times before I hit post button. Sometimes due to bad connection at school library computers I press Preview. Bam there goes my 10 minutes. Again, what can I do?  :crybaby: Then I just bite down on my teeth and do a 'cluster F'.  :o -> :crybaby:
Sometimes time runs out (bedtime, school bell, as for library when my ride arrives)  so my final copy becomes "Screw this, what the heck am I doing?" Only a few minutes or even seconds later. My thoughts become "Okay, I'm done, I have to get the heck out of here." That thought you could call it laziness or carelessnessetc. The fact is I think I accomplished my goal of 'conveying my message' and if readers have hard time figuring out what I'm saying. I apologize greatly and I will edit my posts. I call this 'laziness' a human instinct.

Though I admit it as laziness for short paragraphs or sentences. I honestly don't think one sentence can offend anyone.(at least by its number of grammar and spelling error)

I apologize to milnet forum watch/directing staff in advance for wasting one post. I think you could understand me if you read more than 4 comments due to lack of professionalism in my posts.

I will highly appreciate it if you could erase this post within 30 hours from when I post this.

Like I said, no comments are personal to me but they just poked the bunny too many times.
I'll bite them and let them go. [Irony is the bunny in that little flash animation/game doesn't let go!]
If you are taking all of our comments about your spelling to be an insult, that is not the intention. The point is that written communications skills are very important in any place of employment, and the people on the forum who have been in the military for a while will tell you that written communication in the military can be of paramount importance at times. Sometimes the only way to get something done is to write about it.

The reason why people on the milnet forums get upset when there are spelling mistakes, would be due to the fact that there is a spell check button right along with the post button, that works very well. I can understand your time constraints, however at some point in life you will develop the innate ability to do a good deal of things in a short span of time. I have spent a good many years on forums, and so as a rule of habit I usually copy and past my posts into a word document to spell check them because some forums don't have a nice built in function.

To sum things up, take this as constructive criticism, and use it to improve yourself. You can't be faulted for making mistakes as long as you learn from them. (Or unless your mistake endangers other people, but that is a different story :P).
Hatchet Man said:
While your at it, work on your grammar and sentence structure, your posts are atrocious.

I love it when people pick on the grammar mistakes of others on forums like this. Classic.  ;)
dwalter said:
If you are taking all of our comments about your spelling to be an insult, that is not the intention. The point is that written communications skills are very important in any place of employment, and the people on the forum who have been in the military for a while will tell you that written communication in the military can be of paramount importance at times.

ya, not to mention all the totally redundant essay's you'll have to write about yourself at the beginning of every friggen course!
here I am, Pte(R) starting my training on this thursday (That took long enough?)  Apparentely the recruiter said that my medical files aren't back yet? I filled out a form for it and I'm over with 'recruiting process'. I thank you all reading and bearing with me the whole time and I appreciate comments on my grammar and spelling mistakes[Like I said,  I don't take correctrions offensively, I simply get annoyed that no one thought of my time limit per post. I just am glad that the waiting game is over.