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Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

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Judy said:
We don't fraternize with the others on the dark side.

I would definitely choose weapons, but I'm biased!  ;D  ATC is for wieners.   

Excuse me!  ATC is the "enlightened side".  Well at least Tower Controllers are.  Terminal Controllers are just marginally better than Weapons Controllers.  There was a time that ATC failures were sent to AWC.  Now I think we make them go Nav. ;D

All biases aside, if I was joining today I would start with weapons.  Get one or two of those out of Canada postings or maybe even a tour on AWACS.  Later I would convert to ATC and settle down in a nice quiet tower somewhere.  Maybe Greenwood, no Comox.
My two cents on ATC Vs AWC:

Pro's and Con's to both divisions of the trade (they are the same trade).

If I was young and just starting out, no hesitation, I'd go AWC. Many more exciting/varied postings, with an operational atmoshpere. You'll be dragging your family around a little more, but my family survived their weird and wonderful postings just fine.

If you're ready to settle down, then ATC is most definately the way to go. Postings are longer, hours a little more reasonable, and fewer deployments. If you're not planning on staying in the Military for the long go, then you can transfer to NavCan and watch your salary jump 50% overnight.

Make no mistake, though- both trades have a lot of down time- the jets simply aren't flying as much as they used to.

Do yourself a favour- join the infantry as a private, do your three years, then remuster to AWC for the next 10, then slide over to ATC for the final run- make for a great career!

Tks for all the info (everyone).  Been a big help...I might pass on the Cmbt Arms though...been thru enough of that for now... :blotto:


here our newest video on the trade



Garry said:
Postings are longer, hours a little more reasonable, and fewer deployments.

Hours more reasonable??  It's shift work!

Granted - I've put in many a 12, 14, 15hr day in the past little while... but more often than not we're only working a standard work day. 

Bullit said:
here our newest video on the trade

A little slow on the uptake there Bullit... I posted that video on Page 2.  You must be ATC, are you?  ;D
I can see there is a bit of a rivalry between the different sides of the trades??


There really is no "better"....simply small, minor, inconsequential differences, like:

ATC uses a plate and cutlery to eat. AWC uses their fingers.

ATC washes regularly, AWC cleans up if they happen to camp in a swamp (and to fall in).

ATC can add and subtract. AWC knows that when Mickey's hand is on the 4 it's time to go home.

There's more, but that's enough for now.

Garry said:
ATC can add and subtract. AWC knows that when Mickey's hand is on the 4 it's time to go home.

I thought that was the Air Force in general  ;D If that's not the case I may not sign up after all.  :)
Garry said:
ATC can add and subtract. AWC knows that when Mickey's hand is on the 4 it's time to go home.

Hahaha!!!!  I can't even attempt to defend myself - that's just funny.

Well... I guess I should give a half-assed attempt at defending AWC......

At least we have the opportunity to go into the swamps - we sort of like to pretend we're hardcore and we deploy twice a year into the woooods!  We don't stay in our cushy little terminal with the rest of the molepeople who have rickets from lack of natural light.

You guys are like Flowers in the Attic.

Defend AWC......

No need for defence...although as someone who spent 14 years in the Armoured Corps (77-91) I'd have to point out that our views on what constitutes "the swamps" and a "tough field deployment" are somewhat at odds :)

You still at 42 Judy? Get off yer butt and come over to the Sim sometime...Honk can bring you over if you like...I'll buy you a coffee.

Garry said:
No need for defence...although as someone who spent 14 years in the Armoured Corps (77-91) I'd have to point out that our views on what constitutes "the swamps" and a "tough field deployment" are somewhat at odds :)

That's why I said ....

Judy said:
- we sort of like to pretend we're hardcore and we deploy twice a year into the woooods! 


I'm in Bagotville now, working at 12 ER - got posted here in April.  Couldn't be happier.  Well, except that now I don't get a coffee!! :)

I'm coming back to CL for MF Period 3.  *Shudder*  The exercise itself will be fun, but I just left there! I don't want to go back!

You're working in the sims now? Sounds great.  Do you enjoy it?
Sorry- been married for 25 years, female generated sarcasm goes right over my head :)

Flag is a hoot- yer gonna have a ball. One of the last places you can control large packages- 100 aircraft in one area can be..interesting.

Besides, you'll have 600 fighter jocks around to listen to after hours! (no, they don't need you to talk :)

"How do you know a guys a fighter pilot? Give him 30 seconds-he'll tell you!"...LOL

Sims great- regular hours (night shifts were getting to me), interesting work....but a little too much AWC for my liking :)

Looking for recent intel. on upcoming course dates for the AC Op QL3 in Cornwall.
I just got the answer on that one the other day for myself.

The next QL3 - 0602 is from 8 Sept 2006 until 20 Dec 2006. 

What I am still trying to find out though, is how many are loaded on each course, and what is the number loaded on this course so far, as well as when the course after this one starts.
navymich said:
I just got the answer on that one the other day for myself.

What I am still trying to find out though, is how many are loaded on each course, and what is the number loaded on this course so far, as well as when the course after this one starts.

Thanks for the quick response, please post any more info. you find out on the course loading, next date.

Now only if I can get through the recruiting process in two months (along with my verification of prior service and BMQ bypass) and get loaded on that course.  :crybaby:

Hopefully there's another course in the new year.
Does anyone know if there are opportunities for Aerospace Control Officers? (besides desk jobs)  I heard they just sent some folks to Cornwall at the Aerospace School for some training (FACs?)...Not sure if there were any officers.

The Americans have guys called Combat Controllers, but I cant imagine we'll ever make it to that level. So, can an AEC officer get anything close to "front line" action with the Special Ops Regiment?
eliminator said:
Does anyone know if there are opportunities for Aerospace Control Officers? (besides desk jobs)  I heard they just sent some folks to Cornwall at the Aerospace School for some training (FACs?)...Not sure if there were any officers.

eliminator - Their are many opportunities for ACOs, most are desk jobs at aero droms but their are other desks to get like desks on ship...or in the air in an AWAC...C130....and so on, but yes just a desk.

FACs no that is for combat arms mainly Artillery Officers (some tankers and Inf) and some pilots who have to drop the stuff. Cornwall is were they train civilian Air Traffic Controllers not FACs and the military positions that do the same task. By the way all FACs are Officers althought senior NCOs are trained the same they are considered FAC assitants.   

The Americans have guys called Combat Controllers, but I cant imagine we'll ever make it to that level. So, can an AEC officer get anything close to "front line" action with the Special Ops Regiment?

eliminator - We are at that level, remuster Artillery officer and you will most likely be a FAC and get to the front line. I would assume the Special Ops Regiment has thier contingent of FACs like everyone else.
3rd Horseman

Sorry dude but I gotta dispel this myth, not all FACs are officers, as a matter of fact there are probably more NCO FACs than there are officers doing it. As for the Arty thing, yea most FACs come from the arty right now but the other Cbt Arms trades are slowly getting some of their guys on crse too, may not be to far from now that maybe FACing becomes a primary job in the CF rather than a secondary task.
As for the SF guys, I think they're doing their own CAS thing but I think they've adopted the US name for their guys (JTACs)