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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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PuckChaser said:
Probably way off topic now, but the CT people aren't the same as the OT people who aren't the same as the off the street people.

Keep in mind the CAF doesn't owe you a job when you're OTing. They make an effort to recognize your experience but you're still going to need the same QL3 course as a civilian off the street, you just are able to do it right away because you don't need BMQ. Needs of the service always come first, and if they are full for a certain trade, or the training system can't handle more people for the year, you don't get a job just like everyone else. Like it or not, PRes members don't have an opportunity to get in via internal SIP numbers. You'll need to follow the advice of your broker, it's pretty clear. You're not getting those trades unless you're already qualified.

Fair enough, I totally understand. I think the root of my disappointment is that it is far too easy for a member to submit at CT-OT and then when nothing happens after a year it is frustrating to see people off the street get in with quicker for the same trade, while having relevant military experience, higher education and positive reviews from both your unit and other units.  I think a better system would be to have CT/OT's to be processed through the CFRC, acknowledging that the file is fully complete after an interview (possibly a CFAT if it is too old and not done electronically) and then use the existing merit board system and if you aren't competitive, either fix yourself or pick a different trade. In any event it is what is, and bitching on army.ca isn't going to change anything.

I do think that the CT system is fairly good for CT (T)'s to CT(T)'s because it is the best of both worlds. We have a cpl with x,y,z quals can any unit use them, yup send cpl xxx to unit z. Or no we can't try again later and then you wait. If you took the CT/OTs out of DMCPG responsibility they would have more time to handle CT (T)s and waste less time dealing with CT/OT's. Furthermore the Res F could better augment the Reg-F and the Reg-F would get the needed pers quicker.

Re: LOG/MARS, I'm aware but it honestly isn't realistic, I have no idea where I'll be career wise or location wise for the long term, I can't honestly pick a unit and say that I'll stay there, furthermore I'm also done school and no longer have summers to give to the army. It isn't realistic for me to expect my employer to hold my job at an entry level position while I go on course for LOG/MARS when countless people would gladly do the job. Contract work could be an option but again I'd be doing this all for hopes and dreams that I'll even be a competitive applicant for said trades. For the short term it is much more advantageous for me to stay as a qualified CPL, that way should I move or go for a masters I'll be able to find CLS A work. 

It is what its is, I picked the element and the trade that I picked. With that being said, I am happy as a reservist in my current trade although had I of known that it would it would of been this difficult to transfer after school I would of joined the NAV RES in the beginning. In any event I'll pick the three Navy OP trades again and wait out.

Cheers and thanks for the assistance/advice,
If I was you and really wanted MARS, I'd transfer to the NavRes now, join MARS, finish your Masters and CT after. Then you can have everything you want.
Eye In The Sky said:

Any chance of moving the CT/OT stuff to a more suitable thread?

Yeah, probably best. Those of us eager to get in the trade have sort of hijacked the thread with our CT experiences.

Let's get back to the meat of the thread. How are the updates/upgrades going in the trade this year? Can you see anything on the horizon in the new FY, or is everything kind of up in the air now because of the recent election results?
So far the only "big" change coming into the trade other than MESIP is the BAQC & IAQC will return to a combine course 6 months ish, and the trainer will be upgraded to the PCT (Proficiency Crew Trainer) already used in Comox and Greenwood. The course will go down from 6 CT-142 flights to 2, everything else will be done in the PCT. The IAQC phase will have to be taught in Greenwood until Winnipeg gets its own PCT (by next summer?). So that mean the 402 instructors will have permanent accommodations in ZX as well...Sigh! When I left the LRP world I seriously thought not going to ZX for a long time; guess not!
Is OFP still moving back to post-MOAT/OTU (along with Wings)?  Read the SAAWG minutes but wasn't sure when/if that was changing back as well.
The students will still be receiving their wings here in Winnipeg. The idea was to have the wing issued once MOAT/OTU qualified but it got shut down.
It only makes sense.  If you are using the same kit to push the kids through Winnipeg, why not have them trained in ZX permanently?

No need to fly an AES Op prior to MOAT/OTU.  None.

Did Winnipeg get the memo that the PCTs are booked solid for the next two years?
Eye In The Sky said:
OTing is likely easier than doing a CT from the Reserves with an OT on top of it (my opinion, I could be wrong...).  Track down the VOT CANFORGEN, it was out in June or so this year.  Read it, read CFAO 11-12 and follow the application process.

Important "need-to's":

1.  Call the BPSO and ask for an appointment, or ask if they can get your CFAT scores to see if you made the cut-off.  That is show-stopper #1.  Might be a good time to informally/formally discuss your wish to OT to AESOP with the PSO.

2. Call the Base Hospital and book an Aircrew Medical (parts 1 and 2).  You will need (eventually) to get AF2 on your Med Category.  The start to that is to get your OT application stamped and signed "potentially fit aircrew" (not the exact term...) by a Flt Srgn for your file to go forward.  If you get that stamp it should be reasonable to expect the folk who do the Aircrew med category assignment (AUMB in Toronto) will agree with the local MO/Flt Srgn assessment.  Not a guarantee, but if there is a medical show-stopper it will likely be found during the Aircrew medical.

I don't think you are too late for this year at all.  I would check the VOTP competition msg ASAP to find out, but I wouldn't be surprised if you had until mid to late Nov to have your application submitted.

Start with those 2 things if you are serious for this year; let me know if there is anything else that I can do to help.

CT with an OT is a very different beast than a Reg Force OT.  You're combat arms, so you will see in CFAO 11-12, under the LOTP, you only need 36 mos of service to apply for an OT.

Not sure in all cases Eye, but in my case I did a CT/OT and it took almost exactly one year to the date. That was almost 4 years ago. And i did A lOT of calling and emailing DmilC. But then again , you Know I am my own "special" case  :facepalm:  And yes, for those of you looking to get into the trade, EYEINTHESKY is very knowledgeable about the trade and CF in general, and has helped me out a great bit.
Things have changed in the CT world since you did the jump.  You're as likely to find baby unicorns in your bathroom in the morning as you are to get a phone call thru to the CT cell.  >:D
Eye In The Sky said:
Things have changed in the CT world since you did the jump.  You're as likely to find baby unicorns in your bathroom in the morning as you are to get a phone call thru to the CT cell.  >:D

So...I got an email last week asking that my MPRR be updated to reflect my latest AF Medical that I did mid November. As soon as I got it, I called med records and they made the change on the spot. It is reflected now, and my (supposed) broker is aware. Here is what was at the bottom of that email chain. The bottom of this chain was dated Nov 17;

Good day,

Subject member is selected as an Untrained Component Transfer (CT) for MOSID 00019 AES OP.  Attached is a copy of the mbr's PRes MPRR.

Mbr will be posted to the ***. Please provide the following information:

a. UIC, posting location (Base/Wing):
b. Move type (No Cost, Authorized, Prohibited or Restricted): 
c. Preferred date (prior to 31 Mar 2016).  Note that the COS date will be the date after the transfer date:

I am now just waiting for the official message. I start xmas leave on friday....hoping I hear before then. If not....the new year is looking bright!  :nod:  :gottree: :subbies:
Hey congrats!  I am assuming XXX starts with a B?

Any questions you have, fire away either here or PM me.  I'll answer what I can.

Eye In The Sky said:
Hey congrats!  I am assuming XXX starts with a B?

Any questions you have, fire away either here or PM me.  I'll answer what I can.

Official confirmation came Tuesday. I'm in! Become Reg F in Feb. then the wait for course. Feeling pretty excited about it. What a process to get here. Already started my Christmas leave, so have a bunch of paperwork to get done as soon as I get back. Thanks to everyone in here who has given me info about the trade. Also to all those who helped keep me sane when the CT process was frustrating me to the point of wanting to give up.

Can't wait to switch uniforms. I've always looked better in blue anyways. Merry Christmas all!!!  :subbies:
If it makes you guys a little happier, we're looking at upgrading Gonzo with some AESOpish sensors!
A total waste of $$$$.  There is absolutely no need to fly an AES Op prior to MOAT/OTU. 

You can use the simulators to give them the basic skills that will be reinforced at 404 and 406. 
Just to clarify,

We're not doing any update on the Gonzo. In matter of fact we've slashed up to 50% of the QS involving the Gonzo. The new QS will focus on the PCT where the students will be challenge on various sensors (button smashing) via scnenarios.

The flights will still be conducted on the Gonzo but no more than 5 flights for basic radar work, homings, emergency scenarios and aimanship. Kinda to get the student an idea of what military flying is about and what a radar picture looks like in real life. The idea is to have 2 checkrides (1x Gonzo and 1x PCT in ZX) and the BAQC & IAQC will be combine into 1 course just like BAC used to be. The idea is to have the students checkride here in Winnipeg on the Gonzo, then the Staff and students will go to Greenwood for up to 1 month and teach the second phase involving the PCT.

So far, sadly we've only been able to teach 40% of the current QS and can't even meet our annual wing grad student outpout of 22. Hence the reason of all the changes and the increase of students per courses from 4 (IAQC) to 10 or 12 (we're still undecided). Spring 2016 will be very busy for us, new QS plus all the instructors will get qualified on the PCT in Greenwood as well while maintaining our Gonzo quals.