Dolphin_Hunter said:
Still though, they are flying in Winnipeg and operating different sensors than the PCT.
I know and it doesn't make sense to me, but...that's not my circus and I'm not the ringleader. ;D
There are plans to add EO, but I feel the money spent on that could be better spent elsewhere. EO is an extremely simple sensor and doesn’t require much training. I know the dry team loves their trivia and they then to over complicate everything. EO = moving a camera with a stick..
I don't ask random Q & A, I do focus on the 'what does this switch do' and 'anything that indicates knowledge of how to use/optimize'. If someone asked me 'what is the FOV on EON at 1900...I would say "don't know, who cares". I have important stuff I need to remember. "when is XLP better than NIR"...valid question IMO. Most people go to AUTO when we're running in for the stern from XX miles away and then get all f&&ked up fighting it up close when they go abeam at 3 miles...when they don't know why, I know they don't
really understand how the sensor works.
EO is simple, really,
if the op can do the following:
- determine best primary, dial that sucker in ( I see people picking the incorrect primary a lot)
- 'stack' and focus the (in our case) 3 cameras properly (again a struggle for lots of people, if they even think of it)
and this is the part new NASOs and (IMO) most ASOs suck at:
- keep the target in the FOV, switch the primary at the right time AND at the same time effectively about what you're seeing on the pri and 2 secondary cameras, while continuously dialing it in. (the new NASO Bs and even some of the ASO B who did IMPACT...still struggle with this part).
So, what we (or me, at least) find is the ASOs that come over are weak 3s on EO (and Ord). And it is hard to get them the consistency doing either for them to really be at that "min supervision" level.
EO is a simple sensor, but a lot of people aren't that great on it and it is Pri sensor more than people realize I think. You'd be surprised how many line type ASO Bs can't work EO unsupervised on a Group 3 during a photo rig/ID when they're sitting beside me...and new NASOs too. Anyone can do *a la* IMPACT (well...ok most people could...) but the down low stuff, not so much IMO. A recent COREX with a Ph2 ASO proved all of what I'm saying.
I have an EO/IR SOP I make the folks who are with me for any length of time use, and once they start sticking to that, all of the issues above go away and the sensor is used effectively. But, IMO, I would rather have ASOs that are good at the wet stuff; I think PL3 is good enough for all things EO and Ord for wetties. :2c:
The LRP fleet is hurting for folks and I feel the mandate to keep 402 manned is part of the problem. 404 has TWO ASO instructors! We are supposed to have 7. One MOAT requires 2 instructors, but we also fly staff missions and support international taskings. Professional development? What the fuck is that? We are years from this being fixed, I’d say 5 years at the least.
And that is why I think the initial occ trg should move to 404 and 406...fuck this 'common to all, everyone does ESM and MVASP' stuff. I did oceanography on my 3s. Ask me an oceanography question now. Point - unless they are going dry, there's no value to knowing RADAR theory or what emitters are on a Udaloy. Going MH? No requirement for MAD, but requirement for oceanography. I don't believe a 'common to all' 3s course is the way to go covering all this stuff. No offense to EEV and the 402 folks, but I think their course should be cut and a QS for BAQC LRP and BAQC MH be written. We are wasting time and money on stuff that could be done better. Gonzo flying; leave the tails and YFR for the ACSOs.
Right now the AES Op trade (LRP) is relying heavily on those who can. As for those who can’t? Don’t worry you’ll land yourself a nice high profile non-flying job, where you’ll get to sit on the sidelines and watch people burn themselves out.
I don’t know how anyone can look at the situation and not start sweating. Either people are dumb as fuck or someone is masking the issue.
Yup there are days a T Cat sure sound great! ;D I'm home on a Sunday...not enjoying my Sunday afternoon, I'm playing catch-up on Obs Reports, Quarterlies from the second half of 2017 and finishing off the admin on a OTJP Ph4 type before the "feb trip" goes because it is his check. Funny, because I said over Xmas Leave I wasn't 'working outside work hours this year'.

rly: MH - I think you'll see the same thing with the west coast guys, guess on my part but they're the ones holding the pants up on their own now AFIAK while the east coast gets spun up on all things 148. My little bubble has gotten better the past few months, but APS will take some of that away.
IF the BAQC is going to more students, they will again want more guys from the line sqns. And around the fuckin circle we go again.
Solution? Shut down BAQC, more the positions/courses to 404 and 406. Chop up the current QS and TP into 2 courses - BAQC (LRP) and BAQC (MH). Move the PCT and MVASP stuff from Wpg to Shearwater. Voila.
This will take the SOA and Trade Advisor to sell to 2 CAD and the Comdr, but first there has to be an acceptance that it would be a better, more effective and cost-efficient way to produce B Cat/Cat 2 operators and use 404 and 406 to their max potential.