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Afghans & Western personel don't share portable toilets in Kandahar.

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This is a serious issue!  By letting leftist journalists spread propaganda of this sort there could be repercussions in our own country or even our own homes.  With the seed of discontent now germinating in certain fellow citizens and fertilized by this (had to get a oblique reference to s*** in here somewhere) it will only be a matter of time before wives throughout the land relegate husbands and male children to separate toilet facilities with the justification of poor aim.  
i dont think its racial at all, to me its like having male and female washrooms, different needs....
blackadder1916 said:
.........................it will only be a matter of time before wives throughout the land relegate husbands and male children to separate toilet facilities with the justification of poor aim.  

Been to Europe lately?
blackadder1916 said:
This is a serious issue!  By letting leftist journalists spread propaganda of this sort there could be repercussions in our own country or even our own homes.  With the seed of discontent now germinating in certain fellow citizens and fertilized by this (had to get a oblique reference to s*** in here somewhere) it will only be a matter of time before wives throughout the land relegate husbands and male children to separate toilet facilities with the justification of poor aim.  

One storey like this is no big deal, a storey a day like this will sink the will of the country.
I guess when they can learn to use a toilet like civilized people they can be allowed to share NATO toilets.

I've seen locals stop working, drop trou, and shit on the ground next to their work, pull up thier pants and keep working.

There's a simple solution to this. Portajohns with toilet paper for westerners. All locals, KBR pakistanis/indians/bosnians etc use an outhose and hose.

Not that any of this is really news worthy.
Garett is bang on.

They don't sit on toilets to shit or piss they squat or stand. The shit goes everywhere Floor, seat, walls.

The PPCLI company attached to the RCR battlegroup was, if I'm not mistaken , rendered non combat effective for a while during an ex when they visited petawawa on work up training. Why? Everyone got the poopy sickness with half the company in quarantined.  If you can get that sick in Canada imagine Afghanistan.

Like Big Red said, when they learn how to USE a toilet then they can.
I put forth a motion that NATO begin a standardized Porta Potty Indoctrination Course.  All NATO personnel and any personnel working with NATO will have to take this course.  There are standards for ammo, orders, logistical items and C4I integration, why not this.   I for one can't wait for the training video!
There are a lot of Mexican nationals in the local workforce, here in Arizona. It is not unusual to see used toilet paper thrown on the floor next to the toilet, as that's how they did it where they came from...
Much more here:

My wife worked in the immigration section of the British Embassy in Islamabad in the mid-70s.  She has vivid memories of the footprints on the toilet seats.

Big Red said:
I guess when they can learn to use a toilet like civilized people they can be allowed to share NATO toilets.
This comment is derogatory and uncalled for.  Big Red is not the only one to have phrased his comments along these lines either.  If you cannot make your comment without denigrating the Afghan culture, then don't make your comment.

We all know the journalist was out to lunch.  We know that Afghans do not use the toilet in the same way we do.  However, the comments like the one above can only serve to prove the journalist correct in any suggestion of racial bigotry.  

The Staff
Flawed Design said:
The PPCLI company attached to the RCR battlegroup was, if I'm not mistaken , rendered non combat effective for a while during an ex when they visited petawawa on work up training. Why? Everyone got the poopy sickness with half the company in quarantined.  If you can get that sick in Canada imagine Afghanistan.

That particular illness is believed to have originated within the PPCLI before they arrived in Petawawa.  As for how quickly it spread, I have three words for everyone:  WASH YOUR HANDS!!  Before, after, during.... ;)
That being said, I guess my tour in Bosnia wasn't the only one who went through nine toilet seats in a week.
Garett said:
Makes sense, they don't use them the same way we do.  They stand/squat on them, we sit on them.  Anyone work on the bases in 1999 when the Kosovar refugees were there?  If you did you'll understand what I'm getting at.

The horrors.... the horrors...

Just on other note... don't the CF Cooks have their own washrooms? I think we are pretty dirty... and minded too.. hehehe.

As for the Globe, it is clear they will leave no turd unturned in pursuit of their agenda.

I hope they make a report in reference to army.ca/myself and the poop crisis. I am soooo buying a copy.

I think some of the scariest 'hygiene' stories come from Canada - Domestic Ops - and I mean the people we are sent to help.  Most of whom were born here and thus have no excuse.
This one ends here. The rare few, useful comments are totally beleaguered by a whole bunch of useless ones. We complain about the stupidity and self serving agenda of the press, then go on and on putting legs under an article by a ridiculously, outlandish, tabloid style writer like Friesen. This should have been in Radio Chatter with the other News of the World batboy articles.

Closed and locked. The normal caveats apply.

Army.ca Staff
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