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Age Limits - Reserves

Hey Marc,
I just turned 27 and I am going in to 031 in 4 days and I am not looking back I am just looking for the future, I have the support of others family and friends and basically you are looking  for advice that we cannot really give you. For you yourself have to make the decision yourself. It took myself a year or looking into the field and where my job was taking me. I guess you can see where I am I am entereing a new career with an positive outlook.  Good luck with your decision follow your instinct I don't think that you will regret your decision. Remember that "Everything happens for a reason".
I say go head first, you're not even really that old!
If the only thing you have to lose is a job you don't like, The worst that could happen is you get a better understanding of what you don't want to do and end up finding a job more suited to yourself, perhaps not even in the military.
I would say don't even stop for a stint in the reserves if I were you, if you were happy with your current career I might reccomend that, but since you're not and from what I can tell you are looking for a dramatic change of pace then DIVE RIGHT IN!!

....yvaN oG

THanks for the replies everyone!! They've been really helpful.

I leave Monday for a 3 week hiking/mountaineering trip to Baffin Island so hopefully when I get back the decision will be made. I'm pretty sure i'll have plenty of time for reflection in that 24 hour daylight.

Peace out!

bigwig - I joined the reserves 10 years ago (I quit 3 years ago and am now trying to join the reg force) but when I did my basic training (at the time it was called QL2). I was 17 at the time and one of the guys that was only a few months older than me was that exact guy... thought he was "hard" because he was from Winnipeg and that he would manage to get a sniper course, etc. our instructors cracked down on him hard and he almost quit... after a few of us explained to him what a goof he was, he smartened up and almost turned out alright. I hope the recruiting process is able to weed more of those guys out, they're embarassing... I would prefer to have people closer to my age, but age really doesn't have a lot to do with it, it boils down to someone's personality.
Welcome to the club-
I'm 35 and doing my reserve BMQ-surrounded by guys 1/2 my age.
You'll find some things harder( PT perhaps?) but other things life experience lends a big helping hand in coping with the stress and all.

From my experience it doesn't really matter- go at it with everything you got and and don't let age be a factor-

if you don't mind...it won't matter ;D
I am joining the over the hill club as well. After a 20 year absence from uniform, I am re-enlisting in the reserves. I will drop off my docs to recruiting tomorrow morning. I just turned 39 in September. I am unsure how I will deal with Kids less than 1/2 my age giving me orders.
Perhaps an over the hill club for aging recruits would help.
I am going to reapply to the Reserves in about a year and a half; I will be forty years of age.
Can;'t help but think how weird it would be to be the only old guy surrounded by 60 early 20 year olds.
"Remember that experience and guile will beat youth and enthusiasm every time."
"We have enough youth.  How about a fountain of smart?"
;D ;D
I recently was sworn into the Primary Reserve at the age of 38.  So far we have done some pretty challenging field exercises and I am happy to say that, so far, I have more than held my own.
If you want it bad enough, go for it!
I tried searching for "upper age limit" and didn't turn up any useful results. I figured the question had been asked before, I guess I'll try searching a bit more the next time  :-[
No problem - if you have a specific question to ask about your age and a military occupation fire away - there is a lot of expertise/experience here, cheers, mdh
Thanks for the responses guys, I really appreciate it. I know some militarie have very low upper-age limits for enlistment. I can't join the Canadian Forces yet unfortunatley. I'm an American, but I'm interested in immigrating to Canada in the future. After I get landed immigrant status, I'm interested in joining the Reserves. Just wanted to ask and see if joining the Reserves will be possible when I immigrate due to the age I'll probably be when I finally make it north of the border - and it definately looks possible.

Thanks again
After I get landed immigrant status, I'm interested in joining the Reserves.

You need to be a Canadian citizen to join the CF whether it is the reserves or the regular force.
Really? I remember looking at the Recruiting site a while ago and thought you needed citizenship to join the regulars, but landed immigrants could join the reserves. Has the policy been changed recently?
Thanks for the answers guys, I really appreciate it - especially since they came with no 'flaming' attached.
I was curious as to the maximum age for joining a reserve unit.