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Aircrew Medical?


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Good evening everyone! I found this forum and have found it very informitive and appreciate the time everyone takes to post and share information.

My question is where I applied for an aircrew trade (Airborne Electrontic Sensor Operator) does my medical differ from the one everyone recieved prior to their interview? I wish I had of thought of this question while I was at the recruiting center last week.
In the future you can search the forum for these kinds of things. Your air crew medical will take you to the optometrist for an eye exam and drops that make your eyes unable to focus, and it will take you to the hospital for blood work, urine analysis and an ekg. Once you get the forms get on top of it. They never told me I needed mine, and it held my file up 7 weeks.
Awesome! Thanks for the help and I'll be sure to search  from now on so I don't come off as an idiot.
Just a side note about the eye drops but no one told me this so I feel I should pass it on. They dilate your pupils, so everything is super bright and you can't focus on near things. They also last for a while, for me it wasn't until the next day that my eyes were totally normal again. So, don't drive yourself to the appointment because you really shouldn't drive with your eyes like that and bring sunglasses. I had one miserable walk home because it there was snow on the ground which just made everything worse!

Good luck!
I am hoping on of our members who are working at a CFRC can shed some light on this one actually.  I know there was atleast one AES Op Pte (Direct Entry) who showed up for the first BAQC with no air factor assigned (meaning no aircrew medical was done).  That Pte was enrolled, went to and completed BMQ and then was sent to 1 CFFTS/17 Wing BTL with no air factor assigned.  I would think that the member MUST have an air factor 2 - Fit AES Op *before* they are offered an AES Op slot.  For starters, no AF 2, forget about getting a AMT (IA) crse.  No AMT, no IAQC, etc.  So..the air factor is pretty important.

When does the CFRC send a DE AES Op applicant for the aircrew medical Parts I and II and the cyclo eye exam, etc?  Is it if/when they pass the "normal" entry medical?  Is it if/when they pass the CFAT with a high enough score for AES Op?  Is it when they actually receive an offer for an AES Op position?  Whatever it is supposed to be, it isn't happening at all the CFRCs from what I can gather.

In terms of differences between Air force medical and the remaining two elements, could it take longer to get processed after all of the medical stuff is done, as in not just sent to Ottawa but elsewhere (Borden I think?) to also get approved?

Its an aircrew medical, not air force.  Certain trades are required to do one (not all require the same AF either) as part of the initial screenin.  And no its not Borden that looks at the files.  The awarding of air factors is only done by AUMB, which is part of CFEME, which is part of DRDC in Toronto.  They do the medicals for all aircrew and divers.  And yes, it takes more time for the awarding of air factors.
I am currently awaiting my air-factor for AESop, and last week asked about the process at CRFC. What I was told by the medic and CRFC in Sudbury was that they would not even complete my interview untill my air-factor comes in. For this location they handed me some forms for local doc and optomitrist to do bloodwork, ecg, and eye tests. Now all my medical information is in Ottawa and was told that they would approve or dis-approve air-factor from there. I was also informed that the cyclo wouldnt even happen till I was at winnipeg if I got an offer.

I am not sure if this practice is standard across the country, but hopefully it helps give some information.
My understanding from what the Seargent told me was that my next step is an Aircrew medical. I would get called for my first part and then at the medical they would give me some papers that had to get checked out by my family doctor for the aircrew portion.

I'm going to the recruiting center again tomorrow with a friend and I'll be sure to ask again. I'll post as soon as I get in.
va3gjs said:
Now all my medical information is in Ottawa and was told that they would approve or dis-approve air-factor from there.

Once again, because it seems it hasnt been said enough before, aircrew medicals are aporved by the AUMB folks at DRDC Toronto. Not Ottawa.

Well, I just got back from the recruiting office after submitting my application and was told that all three  trades I applied for are full. I was also told that I may be called in March if they are allowed to start processing applications earlier. Shouldn't the trades that are "In Demand" open again in April? I have AC Op down as my second choice and was told it should be an indemand for the next few years. Any truth to that?

So now its a waiting game till April.
Its quite possible that many/most trades have reached their recruiting goals for this FY (fiscal year).  The FY the CF goes by is from 01 Apr - 31 Mar yearly.  So, taking that into consideration, the CF is thru the 3rd quarter of this FY. 

A trade such as AES Op that is "in demand" won't be able to recover to what I'll call full strength in one FY mainly because of a bottleneck in the training system that AES Ops go thru from BMQ to the completion of OTU/MOAT (i.e. the *platform specific* training for Aurora, Sea King).  The initial application takes longer because of the aircrew medical.  1 CFFTS in Winnipeg can only run X amount of courses a year of both QL3 and QL5 (aka BAQC and IAQC).  Hence, the recruiting system will only bring in the number of folks that can be trained in one year (approx, it may be less or more depending on many factors).  So, without an understanding of all this stuff, you might mistakenly think that AES Op is a closed trade, but its really more about how/when the CF takes people in based on bottlenecks in the training system.  Which, for the record, it does not always do in the best possible way.  PRETC is proof of that IMO.

The decision is yours but...I think I'd wait the 2-3 months to get the trade I had my hear set on rather than take one I didn't want and be miserable for the next X amount of years.  But...thats me.  I would bet a months pay that offers for DE AES Ops will start again in the new FY.
Thank you Eye in the Sky,

I have my heart set on AESOp and am going to be holding out for that trade. I was hoping to get some more informaiton which I did. I kind of feel silly being more excited for joining the forces then Christmas. It's a matter now of staying consistant in the gym and keeping busy until then.
I am a remuster from the Reg Force from another trade (several over the years actually) and, from start to finish, I waited 17 months for my OT (occupation transfer) to AES Op.  I think it was worth the wait without question.
17 months?!  lucky you.  for me, from my first application to now, still waiting to hopefully hear i'll be picked in a few weeks, it's been about 4 years!
Ok, but to avoid giving people the wrong idea, were you eligible for an OT under CFAO 11-12 that whole 4 years?  Or did you just meet the requirements this year, hence your file moving forward.    ;)
within the bounds of that cfao as well as a margen, i literally had a new reason each of the 3 years i applied previous as to why i was not meeting the requirements every time...
CDN Aviator said:
Once again, because it seems it hasnt been said enough before, aircrew medicals are aporved by the AUMB folks at DRDC Toronto. Not Ottawa.

Hey guys, I am just looking for some clarification on this process.  I just did my aircrew medical recently which involved bloodwork, an ECG, and an appointment with the optometrist.  I called DRDC Toronto and they said that everything was received and that my file has been sent to Ottawa for a decision.  Based on this and according to CDN Aviator's quote, I assumed that my medical paperwork was all reviewed and approved.  I called my local recruitment office a week after just to double check and they said that everything was received but that the medical has not been reviewed or approved by the doctor yet.  I was always under the understanding and just like it has been quoted here before, that aircrew medicals are approved by Toronto.  After this is done, they send your file to Ottawa for nomination to Aircrew selection.  Perhaps my recruitment office has out of date information or I am wondering if the medical goes to Ottawa for final approval before they nominate you for aircrew selection?