eggert said:if you already have your interview,medical done and go to ASC and fail for pilot, then switch your trade choice from pilot to LOG officer , do you have to do another interview for LOG O since it wasnt one of your trade choices during your original interview?
dapaterson said:Something like this:
skyhigh10 said:To those who have been around for the past 10 years,
When did the CF last hire this many pilots?
Griffon said:What leads you to believe that they are hiring more pilots this year than in the past?
It is not unusual at all for the CFASC to be running selection serials nearly every week of the year. In fact, it is normal for them to be running selections for ~40 weeks out of the year. Assuming that the average cohort is around 6 pers per week, and about 50% of those that attend pass (.7 is a pass score, mean score of .527 with a standard deviation of .308 for the last unclassified source I read, but with a limited sample), that means that about 120 people will pass Aircrew Selection each year... and they aren't all given offers. Also, that 120 is divided between internal selection, ROTP, DEO, and CEOTP.
So how many pilots do you think they're hiring this year? Doesn't sound like any more than normal to me...
Griffon said:Sorry, but I currently don't have access to the actual numbers, but IIRC they were about 120-130 per year across all intake plans. I can tell you that the pilot occupation has been short for quite a few years, but they aren't increasing recruiting substantially because the training pipeline can't handle much more.
Hope that helps.
Griffon said:What leads you to believe that they are hiring more pilots this year than in the past?
It is not unusual at all for the CFASC to be running selection serials nearly every week of the year. In fact, it is normal for them to be running selections for ~40 weeks out of the year. Assuming that the average cohort is around 6 pers per week, and about 50% of those that attend pass (.7 is a pass score, mean score of .527 with a standard deviation of .308 for the last unclassified source I read, but with a limited sample), that means that about 120 people will pass Aircrew Selection each year... and they aren't all given offers. Also, that 120 is divided between internal selection, ROTP, DEO, and CEOTP.
So how many pilots do you think they're hiring this year? Doesn't sound like any more than normal to me...
jmkh81 said:I have recently been selected for the ASC in Trenton for pilot for the 2013 UTP program. Its been relatively a short, but very much welcomed notice and I have managed to acquire the blue study guide which seems straight forward. With that being said , my quick two week notice(crse starts for me in a few days) leaves me without any insight or clarity on the aptitude/computer based testing portion at the ASC. Any takers on the whole process/testing? Cheers!