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Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

To those who have completed ACS and are wondering when you may receive an offer. You may be waiting longer than you expect to. I completed ACS towards the end of August 2016, and didn't receive my offer until the last week of April 2017 (interview/medical completed in late October 2016). I don't think that any of the three trades have any sort of 'fastpass' to the front of the line. Check out the Application Process Samples thread and see if you can find anyone in your trade of choice who has recently updated for an idea on when you'll receive your offer.
serifed said:
To those who have completed ACS and are wondering when you may receive an offer. You may be waiting longer than you expect to. I completed ACS towards the end of August 2016, and didn't receive my offer until the last week of April 2017 (interview/medical completed in late October 2016). I don't think that any of the three trades have any sort of 'fastpass' to the front of the line. Check out the Application Process Samples thread and see if you can find anyone in your trade of choice who has recently updated for an idea on when you'll receive your offer.

I'm going through the Special Commissioning Plan since I am already in the military. My guess is that the timeframe for me may be different than for those going through the DEO program. I was suppose to hear back end of May to ending of July. Only time will tell. So I'll see what happens.
Y pinetree said:
I took ASC test in early March, successfully passed for AEC and ACSO but I only applied for AEC though. And I've been put on the competition list just a couple days before the selection (April 19th) but I am still waiting very patiently to hear back for the offer.

A lot of us are still waiting from what I understand. I was told I'll find out either June or July. The suspense though.
You know it has been tough personally. I'm in a job that I'm less than happy being in and I've really been chomping at the bit to get into AEC. But there are things I'm extremely grateful for like my girlfriend who I am making this journey in life with, the gym, my friends and family.

It has been tough and I'm sure there are many other who are like me checking emails everyday and are eager to start their new life. I don't want to speak on any one type of faith but I do believe everyone has belief. Keep that belief and keep working hard and keep staying close to your support group (family, friends). I have been working way harder after coming home from Trenton both physically and mentally. Regardless of what happens, I know I'm doing all I can right now to be ready and that is all myself and all other recruits can do.

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Hey Guys,

So I'm still waiting on dates for ACS pt/. 2 ( Medical Portion). Completed ACS pt 1 before March. Been going through some process samples and the wait between Trenton testing to Toronto medical seems to be about 4-5 months. Just wondering how others successful in Trenton are progressing through the application process. It's been a while since I've engaged with anyone from recruiting that it sometimes slips my mind that I have an active application with the CAF and am near the end of the process.  :o
I successfully completed ACS (Pt 1) around the middle of March - did the initial medical & interview at the end of May so my results are with Ottawa right now awaiting approval to move on to Aircrew Medical (ACS Pt 2). I talked to a file manager earlier this week and they indicated that it might be 8-10 weeks before they receive my medical file back from Ottawa. They also indicated there might be further delays as Ottawa staff are in the process of moving to a new office (it's detailed in the news if you want more info). 

I would follow up with your file manager at your CFRC to see if they received approval yet or for a status update. My experience has been that File Managers are very helpful - and will give you a straight up answer with realistic timelines.

I have a quick question regarding Aircrew Selection. I'm heading to Trenton from Western Canada for the July 10th-11th course. I have seen people referring to ASC Phase I (testing) and Phase II (medical evaluation) as being separate and thus requiring two trips. I was under the impression that those who pass the ASC testing go directly to the DRDC for a final day of anthropometrics, etc. Could someone who has been clear this up for me? My apologies if this has been covered before, I searched and didn't find anything.

Thanks.  :salute:
RaineSpencer said:
I have a quick question regarding Aircrew Selection. I'm heading to Trenton from Western Canada for the July 10th-11th course. I have seen people referring to ASC Phase I (testing) and Phase II (medical evaluation) as being separate and thus requiring two trips. I was under the impression that those who pass the ASC testing go directly to the DRDC for a final day of anthropometrics, etc. Could someone who has been clear this up for me? My apologies if this has been covered before, I searched and didn't find anything.

Thanks.  :salute:

From my experience, they are two separate trips. My file manager will contacted me to book my Phase II a few weeks after passing Phase I.

From experience, you'll have the opportunity to be measured (anthropometric) in Trenton (for PLT as I understand). After Trenton, if you are successful, they will book you in for interview and medical. At the CFRC in my region they are not able to assign you an air factor so I had to book my own medical part 2 to be sent to Ottawa.

This information is just for reference to give you an idea. Your best bet would be to contact your CFRC for how your application will move along.

jollibee said:
. After Trenton, if you are successful, they will book you in for interview and medical. At the CFRC in my region they are not able to assign you an air factor so I had to book my own medical part 2 to be sent to Ottawa.

What do you mean you had to book your own medical? I was under the impression that as your file progresses  along, your file manager/ CFRC will give you dates for ACS pt 2 medical and you pick a date. The results are then forwarded to Ottawa from Toronto and an air factor is assigned.
Note: Waiting to be booked for ACSpt2 so clarification would be appreciated.
Roger123 said:
What do you mean you had to book your own medical? I was under the impression that as your file progresses  along, your file manager/ CFRC will give you dates for ACS pt 2 medical and you pick a date. The results are then forwarded to Ottawa from Toronto and an air factor is assigned.
Note: Waiting to be booked for ACSpt2 so clarification would be appreciated.
Your file manager will give you dates to choose and you choose a date you can attend, then they will book you a flight to Toronto for medical (ACS Pt 2).
I'm going to Toronto next week for ACS pt 2.
I am just relaying my experience. I had my interview and medical at my nearest CFRC. I never got booked a flight to Toronto and had to talk to my family doctor and find my own eye doctor. I had them fill out separate forms, which I forwarded to the med tech who did my medical.

Good luck on your appointments!

jollibee said:
I had my interview and medical at my nearest CFRC. I never got booked a flight to Toronto and had to talk to my family doctor and find my own eye doctor. I had them fill out separate forms, which I forwarded to the med tech who did my medical.

Hey Jollibee, I think you are talking about the 'regular' medical that is part of the application process for all prospective CF members. I believe the ACS medical is for pilot applicants that are successful at ACS and want to pursue a pilot application. Are you applying for pilot btw?

andychun1216 said:
Your file manager will give you dates to choose and you choose a date you can attend, then they will book you a flight to Toronto for medical (ACS Pt 2).
I'm going to Toronto next week for ACS pt 2.

Sounds great Andy and good luck. When did you complete your assessment in Trenton?
AEC. This thread is difficult to keep track of - combining PLT, AEC, and ACSO. But yes, I did book my own doctors to do my medical screening and visual acuity for my AEC application.

Good luck!
Roger123 said:
Sounds great Andy and good luck. When did you complete your assessment in Trenton?
Thanks! I completed my ACS in Trenton in early February, then I completed my interview and medical mid May! :)
jollibee said:
AEC. This thread is difficult to keep track of - combining PLT, AEC, and ACSO. But yes, I did book my own doctors to do my medical screening and visual acuity for my AEC application.

Good luck!

AF 1 is only for Pilots, you wouldn't have had to go through the Toronto medical.
When attending ACS2, is business-casual dress wear with a change of gym wear the expected dress standard?
AF 1 is only for Pilots, you wouldn't have had to go through the Toronto medical.

Yup;  ACSO is AF2, AEC is AF4.  For future ref/follow-on readers...Para 10 of the ref below.


Roger123 said:
When attending ACS2, is business-casual dress wear with a change of gym wear the expected dress standard?

Yes. Change of gym wear is probably unnecessary, but a good idea.

I'm heading to Trenton on September 24th! Anyone else?

I passed the CAPSS back in January 2012 while I was applying for a ROTP position. I need to redo the test because it expires after five years.

I've somewhat already did the new computerized test because even if I've done the old test, we also did the new one(probably to compare both results). I do not know if I did good at it.

I'm a DEO applicant, I will graduate with a degree in Computer Science in December!
